41. Dissapear

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Let's get to it hope you guys enjoy this chapter I know it's been kinda not as good lately but I put my all into this one i also deleted the last filler chapter because it really wasn't needed

The rest of your week was an interesting one to say the least. You had gotten out of the house but you couldn't pick weather it was a good thing or a bad one. Katakuri spent most of his time training Chin now so you hadn't spoke much or done much together. Today a tea party was being thrown in your parents honor. This should be a sad but also happy day for you. A party celebrating your parents, any child would be happy about that. But you couldn't even muster a smile. The whole time getting dressed and heading to the event you were quiet, Katakuri didn't even ask what's wrong. He always focused on nobody but his mother when it came to keeping her happy. But this time he was focused on Chin, because he was sitting by her at the table. While you were across from them sitting by Brûlée and your family.

You didn't know what was worse, the fact that you had to face everyone at a tea party today, or the fact the Chin was sat right across from you at the giant table by your man. Honestly this whole thing seemed like a joke you. Big mom never goes out of here way to do something for others, she's not that kind of person. So in the back of your mind you knew it was bullshit, she probably threw it for them so she could get more stuff out of them in the future. All the sweets in front of you and everything still tasted bitter. Looking at all of these people laughing and full of joy, the same people who wronged you, the same people who didn't even check on you after your miscarriage, the same people who treated you like dirt and welcomed some other outsider with open arms. You had your family and Katakuri for support but being surround by a family that's so ..... fake, you didn't have the energy to waist on these kind of people. Being the size that you are has it's perks, because nobody ever knows where you could be lurking or if your near to hear something.

"Oven, Katakuri is our triplet brother so I only want what's best for him, don't you think Chin would be better suited for him, she fights, is near our height, doesn't get into shit all the time."

"But he doesn't want Chin I know she is a very good match for him, even I have thought about it but please leave it alone brother"


"Mama mama! Good work Chin you complete every task I give you perfectly honestly I wish you had met my son Katakuri first, I think you two would get along great"

Looking down at the cake you had just made big mom you threw it out of a window.

"Bittersweet "

"Sisters I think we should get Katakuri and Chin together he and (y/n) have been through to much lately he needs a new start"

"Smoothie how could you say that Onii-Chan loves (y/n), and frankly she's become like a sister to me and pudding"

Pudding nodded with her arms crossed

"Well I still think he should try someone else, you know someone that's not always so helpless"


"He didn't (y/n) have a miscarriage perorin? Has anyone checked on her"

"No but if she wants to be sad and depressed then let her be it's her own fault for being so weak she shouldn't drag brother Katakuri down with her with her sadness"



It was laughable, this entire family was laughable. In front of their brother they care, but on the inside their just nothing but snakes. Willing to do any and everything to gain Katakuri's favoritism. So quick to play worried in front of their precious Onii-Chan. Honestly ninety eight percent of this family is truly pathetic. But you congratulated them because they had done it. They had finally done it.

You were broken.

Shattered beyond repair and your anger no your rage couldn't be contained any longer. Just once more...... someone had to just push you over the edge with one last poke. That's all it would take.

And you were excited for it.

" Everyone shut up! I wanna give a toast to the (l/n's) and they're last stay here. Visit again anytime you guys like"

Everyone raised they're glasses and said goodbye. But that poke that you mentioned earlier seemed to happen quicker than you expected.

"Are you leaving with your parents (y/n)?"

You turned towards Chin and put a sinister smirk on your face it made her flinch a little.


" No I am not but I might as well so I don't have to see your face anymore, honestly your here to train but your such a failure you'll be here forever and that's depressing for me to think about, maybe you should try being a two faced whore. Your great at that sense you talk down on me when's were alone and you try to seduce my boyfriend. "

A lot of people gasped, some people glared, but mom just stared with her mouth open and Katakuri narrowed his eyes at you. You cared about none of these reactions the only reaction you cared about was Chin's surprised and embarrassed face.

"(Y/n) that was uncalled for to talk to Chin like that she try's very hard with her training"

Her other siblings nodding agreeing with her.

"Oh shut the fuck up Smoothie! All of you Charlotte siblings are fake as fuck! You beat and belittle a person smaller than you that is defenseless and for what! Because I date your brother? Or because I'm an outsider right?! But you treat this bitch like fucking family and you even want her to be with Katakuri but she is an outsider just like I was! I've heard all of you talk about it and me behind my back I HEARD ALL OF YOU! You want to be fake as fuck in front of Katakuri so you can all be his precious favorites but just admit it! STOP BEING SO FUCKING FAKE AND TELL TOUR BROTHER YOU ALL STILL HATE ME! TELL HIM HOW YOU WANT HIM TO BE WITH HER RIGHT, OVEN DIAFUKU SMOOTHIE! TELL HIM HOW YOU SAID THE MISCARRIAGE WAS MY FAULT, CRACKER PEROSPERO. You are all still selfish and wouldn't even set aside your pettiness for your own brothers happiness. Fucking patheitc all of you.


You turned slowly towards Katakuri and gave him the iciest glare you could muster. You knew this would happen and even if it hurt your heart you would stand up for yourself. Even if it made your heart shatter into a million pieces.

"Enough with this childish tantrum (y/n)! You will not talk to my family this way and you will not ruin my mother's happiness today now apologize to my family and Chin right now!"

You looked Katakuri dead in the eyes and had the blankest look on your eyes and face. You stated your sentence as slow and malicious as possible so everyone could hear you.

"It will be a cold day in hell before that happens Charlotte"

You walked away not even looking back. Walking into you and Katakuri's room you started packing your things. You had no regrets and you knew after your little scene there was no reason to stay anymore. Hell your surprised Big mom didn't kill you on the spot.

The sound of the door opening almost made you freeze, the last thing you wanted to do was acknowledge Katakuri right now but you were relieved to hear your mothers sweet voice.

"Honey what are you doing what's going on with you"

So you told your mom a summary of everything that happened how everyone had been talking down on you and how every time you told Katakuri about it nothing was basically done about it how you felt inferior to Chin.

"I can't take it anymore mom I really can't."

"So your choice?"

"Is to go home with you guys..... if that's alright."

"You know you are always welcomed home sweetheart"

"Then I'm ready"

You had looked out towards Totto Land one last time before going into your room on the boat. You had made sure to bomb rush Jun and bring him with you. Like hell you would leave him with those horrible ass people. You had left good bye notes to Pudding Brûlée and Katakuri. It was time for you to find yourself again and never look back.

Finding his happiness (Charlotte Katakuri x reader)Where stories live. Discover now