33.The Tricks of Flambe

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Heyyy guys back again lol vote comment and I hope you enjoy this little sweet fest but as I said drama awaits. Flambé for all of you that read the manga she's a little shit isn't she

You woke up on top of Katakuri, you traced his chest while he slept. He looked so cute and peaceful, you just wanted to cuddle into him and lay in bed all day.

"To bad his peace has to end so soon"

You slowly moved up from Katakuri's chest before taking one large jump back you bounced on the bed twice before moving your body forward to land hard on Katakuri's chest. You heard a deep grunt before falling back on the bed. Katakuri looked around before looking down staring at you. He took deep breaths while glaring at you, if you hadn't been with him as long as you had you would be completely scared. To others, he was intimidating but to you, he looked incredibly sexy, his short messy hair sharp teeth and defined six pack. It was quite a sight to see early in the morning you couldn't stop staring. While you were distracted Katakuri took the chance too grab you and hug you tightly squeezing you a little. You couldn't breathe that easily but you would never complain about Katakuri holding you. He let you go setting you into his lap petting your head.

"I'm not a cat"

"No, you're more like a kitten, small and cute"

"Awww is that going to be my new nick-name"

"Hell no, it's highly overused in every dominant or bad boy story you find"

"And how would you know Kata-kun"

"Your cuddle time is up"

Katakuri lightly pushed you off his lap and headed towards the kitchen, you rolled your eyes. Katakuri was so goofy sometimes, it's hard to believe he is the same man who is pokerfaced basically 95% of the time. You walked out and followed Katakuri into the kitchen, of course, he was getting doughnuts. Katauri didn't know it but sometimes you felt sad that the chefs always cooked your meals. Both of you love food so it could be something for you guys to bond over. You wanted to cook for him like you did when he first came over. Or when you still had your cafe, thinking about it still hurt you but you remained positive thinking of the good memories as well.

"So Kata-kun what do you want to do today"

"So Kata-kun what do you want to do today"

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"No!, you pervy giant"

"And you say I'm boring"

"I will bite you"


You walked away to go back into the room to get dressed, you were going to go out and have fun today even if you had to leave your pervy boyfriend behind. Katakuri walked in grabbing you by your arms and pulling you out of the closet. He pulled you into his chest and lifted your chin up to stare into your eyes. He leaned down pulling you into a kiss, his lips moved against yours roughly. He brought his tongue out to lick your lips, you opened mouth letting his large tongue caress your own. Katakuri leaned down pinning you beneath him as you began to suck on his tongue causing him to let out a low moan. He moved his lips to your neck leaving small quick kisses before slowly biting your neck. You moved your head to the side giving him more access he knew this was your weakness, Katakuri leaned up to check out his work. A deep red mark was left on the side of your neck. Katakuri smirked at your flustered face, he picked you up to lay you down on the bed.

"Please let's stay inside for the day again, we have the most fun when we're alone in the room"

"You mean you have the most fun"

"Do you not want to stay inside with me? We really can go out if you wish I'm not going to be upset about it."

That surprised you, in all honesty, you didn't even have anything in mind to do for the day. You then realized that Katakuri was right, you both did have the most fun together in the house. Maybe you didn't mind not going anywhere at all as long as Katakuri was with you.

"Nah let's stay inside, your right, it's much more fun when it's just us"

Katakuri smirked once again before picking you up kissing your forehead.

"I'll be right back, wait for me ok"

You nodded and watched Katakuri leave the room, you sighed.

You really did love that man

Somewhere in the cake chateau

Flambé, the 36th daughter of big mom. Also the president of Katakuri's fan club, she has a list of her siblings from best big sister list to best big brother. She loves her brother Katakuri always praising him, believing he is the absolute best. But one thing was pissing her off lately and that was (y/n). She didn't know where the little rat had come from but she was going to get rid of her. It's already bad enough Katakuri wasn't around that much but to have his attention taken away completely by that harlot. Flambé had the perfect plan, she had heard about the older siblings making up with (y/n) and that just wouldn't do. She had found an object on the beach she knew she could use to her advantage so she just had to set things up and everything would fall into place. Flambé floated towards the kitchen, she saw a large trash can filled with old fruit peelings and garbage. She picked it up and carried it into the meeting room where most of her older siblings go. She moved the door into place and swiftly set the garbage can on top, she heard talking from down the hall so she quickly hid. And as luck would have it Mont-d-Or opened the door with Daifuku rite behind him. All of the garbage including the can fell on top of the older man's head. All you could hear was screaming and banging of the trash can, Flambé couldn't contain her laughter enough.


Back in Katakuri's room

To say you were surprised was an understatement. Katakuri has come back with a mountain of blankets and pillows and suggested the both of you make a fort. Of course, it had to be giant to fit his size so it was like a house to you. But you enjoyed hiding in the small spaces he couldn't see, it had become like a game. He finds you, tickles you, and you hide again. Right now you were being tickled trying desperately to get out of Katakuris grip.

"Kata please let me go hahahaha"

"Say Katakuri-kun I love you so much"

"Noooooo lemmie gooooo"

Katakuri continued to tickle you, your sides were starting to hurt and you couldn't take much more of it.

"Katakuri-kun I love you very very much"

Katakuri held you close snuggling into your hair, this was his first time making a blanket fort and he loved it. He thought about doing this more often, his mind also went to if him and (y/n) had kids. Would they make blanket forts a tradition just for their kids? His thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door, Katakuris fist instinct was to ignore it but the knocking continued.

"Katakuri open up we got a problem"

Katakuri moved out of the fort to open the door and there stood Mont-d-Or and Daifuku.

"Katakuri has your woman been with you all day?"

"Yes, why?"

"Because I got pranked today, and this was there as well does it look familiar brother"

And there in his hand was the doughnut necklace Katakuri had given you a long time ago

Katakuri realized that he had left you for a while to go get the blankets, but he couldn't just suspect you without proof. But your necklace was in his brother's hands, but could you have really pranked Mont-d-Or in the time he was gone. Katkauri was confused and didn't know what to think at this moment.

"(Y/n) come out here right now"

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