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Don't hate me for this chapter guys lol I'm sorry it's short but the next will be wayyyy long I promise.
Also happy late Halloween look at Katakuri-sama in his costume 🥰

Katakuri sat inside the room with you never leaving your side. Others came to visit but they didn't dare tell him that he should get some rest or leave. Unknown to everyone else Chin visited you as well. Yet she was only there when Katakuri was the only one left, she tried comforting him at first much to his annoyance but Katkuri started tolerating her. Katakuri didn't want to think of what the doctor had told him earlier on, something that he wouldn't dare want to repeat to you when you woke up. Hearing the news made him feel nothing but regret and sorrow throughout his heart.

"Mr. Charlotte there is something I must tell you, I wanted to wait to tell you in private because it concerns you and ms (y/n)"

"What is it then"

" Sir....sir ms (y/n) was four weeks pregnant the fetus was already forming so it did not survive her massive blood loss.... I am sorry sir"

Katauri locked the room that night not opening it for even the nurses to check up on you. He shed tears silently shaking and hold your hand. A failure, that's what he felt like, that's what he was. He couldn't protect you and he couldn't protect his unborn child. What type of man was he, it seemed as though he was always failing you. The sadness and emptiness Katakuri felt would be nothing compared to how you would feel when learning you lost a child. Katkuri knew that and he really didn't want to bring more sadness into your life but you where the child's mother you had a right to know. He wouldn't dare keep this form you like some of his siblings had suggested. Your family cried that day as well, they had told Katakuri how much you wanted to have children in the future. That had made him feel even more like a failure,  everyone tried to consult him but it didn't work and Chin still tried to comfort him and no matter how much he brushed her off she just wouldn't leave him alone. Honesty he wasn't surprised to keep seeing her around anymore.

"Why do you keep popping up, leave me alone to grieve nothing you can say or do will help so stop wasting both of our time."

"People shouldn't give up on friends  no matter how much they want to be alone"

"Who said we were friends"

"I like to think we are since we see each other every day"

"That's not how being friends work please leave I would like to be alone with my love"

"Alright but I'm still checking up on you tomorrow"

Katakuri let out a loud sigh as the door shut, he didn't need Chin to be his friend yes it was a nice gesture but he didn't need friends right now. He needs you to wake up, he needed to hold you in his arms and hear your sweet melodic voice again. It had been 2 months sense you had been in your coma. Each and every day Katakuri became more sad and depressed. He missed you and he knew that if you never woke up he would never make it.

"Please wake up cinnamon bun I miss you. I miss your laugh, your smile, watching you cook, how your eyes sparkle when you play with the doughnut lions, the cute way you always blush at me when you think I don't notice.... please wake up"

Katakuri had stayed up for three weeks straight he had no idea how he was able to keep this up but he couldn't anymore. Katakuri closed his eyes pulling him in a deep sleep.


"Katakuri wake up man!"

"Common Katakuri wake up!"


Katakuri arose from his sleep breathing heavy. He looked around to see his family and (y/n)'s family surround him.

"What-what is it"

"(Y/n) she's becoming stable again the doctors said she might wake up"

"They also found you sleep sitting up which they thought was odd so they called us"

"How long have you been not sleeping bro"

" I haven't slept in three weeks I just didn't want to sleep anymore when I could watch over (y/n)"

"Three weeks! Katakuri that's not healthy!"

"Katakuri my daughter wouldn't want you doing this. You know she loves you she wouldn't want you losing sleep for her, honestly she might even try taking care of you as soon as she wakes up if she finds out. That's just the type of person she is.

Katakuri shook his head because he knew your mother was right.

Everyone stayed in the hospital that night hoping that you would wake up but as the morning came they all went home. After everyone left Chin and was smiling at Katakuri.

"Heard she's going to wake up soon that's good"


Katakuri didn't bother replying he didn't even acknowledge her by looking in her direction, his eyes were glued on you.

Katakuri felt Chin place a hand on his shoulder he tried his hardest not to flinch or shrug it off. It would be rude and the girl didn't seem to want to cause any harm.

"Don't worry she will wake up soon , and if not then I'll be by your side waiting to cheer you up"

And with those words Chin quickly wrapped her arms around Katakuri.


Beep Beep Beep Beep

Katakuri turned towards your bed seeing your eyes wide open.

The doctor and nurses rushed in the room trying to check on you but your eyes never left his. Katakuri could faintly make out the words you whispered as he was being pushed out of the room.

"Why Kata"

After making a call to everyone to let them know you were awake Katakuri glared in the direction of Chin.

"What the hell was that"

"If you mean the hug I was just trying to be nice your always sad"

"My emotions are non of your concern do not do that again"

"As you wish"

Chin made her way out of the hospital just as everyone else had arrived.

(Y/n)'s parents rushed up to Katakuri bombarding him with question that he couldn't even answer all he could tell them was that you had awoken.

Katakuri finally relaxed after two long months. He finally felt his he'll was over, you were awake now. But bitterness filled him once more as he realized he had to tell you the horrible news about your unborn child.

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