40. Rival

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hey, guys I just wanna say I'm extremely sorry about how long I have been gone not only are finals starting in my college but I've started a new job and I basically work eight hours every time I go to work. So please forgive my rudeness, not only when I finish school will I be publishing more but I also will start a one-piece Katakuri one-shot book and also others I am familiar with. enjoy this chapter welllllll at least I hope you do lol. Do you guys want me to is the question?

It had been three weeks after the beautiful night you and Katakuri shared. And for the whole three weeks, he stayed by your side. No, you weren't over the death of your child, that is to be expected. You don't think any parent would ever get over the death of their child no matter how much they try to get through it. But sadly Katakuri had to return to his duties and no matter how much you wanted to beg him not to, you couldn't bring yourself to do it. It would be selfish of you to stop him from working, you knew as well that he was still hesitant to leave you so you told him he had nothing to worry about. You decided to spend time with others to get back situated with everyone. Katakuri true to his word didn't let anyone bother the both of you while grieving. It was quite a relief that everyone had stayed away even though you really did miss them. It wasn't until Big mom invited you to have tea and sweets with her did you sightly regret your decision to get out. In the throne room, you sat on a small couch with hot chocolate in your hand and a cupcake by your side. Big mom herself was stuffing mountains of talking sweets into her mouth. It wasn't an awkward silence more like you'd didn't want to find out what happened if you interrupted her gorging. But that stopped when Big mom tried to strike up a conversation, but you hated the topic she picked.

"So have you met Chin? She's a really nice girl I think the two of you would get along well, maybe she can train you to fight. We wouldn't want you getting so easily taken again now would we."

"No mam I have not and yes maybe you are right, I need to learn to defend myself"

"That's right you do! not only should women learn to fight to defend themselves, but being a weak woman isn't attractive to men"

You know big mom could never really keep her mouth shut but that had actually stung a little. You didn't want to feel like a burden to Katakuri or his work and his own mother insinuating that you were weak was kind of pissing you off. No, you weren't as strong as any of her children but to be underestimated as a woman fit to be by Katakuris side was insulting.

"Well I'll be sure to have a chat with Chin"

"You can have a chat with me right now"

You turned around so quickly that you thought your neck will snap. When the hell did she get here and how much had she heard?

"Ah! Chin, what news do you have for me? good I hope"

"Yes, the shipments have been delivered safely and no wandering ships made it towards your waters"

"Good Good I'm glad you didn't fail me, I'm going to go to my room have the chefs send me some creme puffs"

"Yes Big Mom"

"Goodbye (y/n) and take care"

"Goodbye LinLin-sama"

As big mom left the room you caught Chin staring at you, she was a very large woman. She is almost as tall as smoothie actually.

"So I finally get to meet you Chin nice to meet you"

"Nice to meet you as well, although I am very disappointed"


"You are not the type of woman I though Katakuri would end up with"

Finding his happiness (Charlotte Katakuri x reader)Where stories live. Discover now