42. Strength

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Here We Go

"(Y/n) are you sure about this?"

"I've never been more sure Jun, they are not going to walk all over me anymore, and Katakuri will regret not respecting me even if I have to move on from him to do it. I love him but I deserve better than that."

"Well you are right about that, but I know that idiot loves you, do u think he did that just because he was in front of his mother?"

"That's the damn problem Jun, he always acts like he's not his own man, it's always about his mother. If we are meant for each other then I guess that day will come but it damn sure won't be anytime soon. I'm not going to be a little girl running back to him, missing him. This time he's going to fight for me and mean it."

"Sweetheart whatever you want to do we will support you one hundred percent and we have a way to help"

"How so?"

"We're giving you a devil fruit we found?"

"Whoa whoa whoa you guys are scientist but I've never seen you interested in devil fruits"

"Of course we are sweetie what scientist wouldn't be interested in a fruit that can give you abilities that define the laws of physics and nature"

"Well which one is it?"

"The Kaze Kaze no mi"

"Wind fruit?"

"Yes you'll be able to turn in to wind and use the aspects of the element. Think of using wind to make tornados hurricanes cyclones or even using voids of air to suffocate your enemies also using wind in a heightened attack that can cut skin."

"You could also use wind to create pressure, or bubbles to help walk on or under water and you could also turn invisible seeing as no one can see air and use it to carry out far hearing things from miles away"

"But what if someone with heightened senses knows I'm near and try's to inhale me or something?"

"You could just destroy their lungs by using air pressure to overly enlarge the lungs and escape, besides I don't think anyone could physically inhale you."

"Wow thanks mom and dad, but I'm still going to be weak if I don't know how to fight"

"We have that covered too, we got an old friend of ours to train you"

"We're meeting him on our island"

"Alright I trust you guys judgment"

Walking away from your parents you couldn't help but be in excited yet nervous. You were about to do a whole life change. If someone would have told you that you'd given up being a baker to become a fighter you would have told them they were crazy. But you had to get stronger, and you would do anything you could to reach your goal.

And that was taking down the Big mom pirates.

"Honestly Katakuri your an idiot"

"I agree with Brûlée"

"I mean I knew you were a little dumb to this dating thing but not a complete idiot"

"I'm going to stab Chin and maybe even Diafuku"

Katakuri didn't respond, not only was he pissed, but he missed (y/n) even though he'd never say it out loud. After their argument he had gone into their room only to find her and her belongings gone with nothing but a note left.

Katakuri I'm tired of the disrespect I really am, you proved to me how little you think of me when you basically belittled me in front of your whole family when I was not in the wrong and it showed me you will do any and everything to keep your mother happy even hurting the one you so called love. I'm leaving and I can't guarantee you'll ever see me again but I want you to know that I need to get stronger even if it's without you. I loved you the best that I could, when I was at my lowest I still wanted you to be uplifted and when I was sadden by you I still hoped you were at your most happiest. I've done all I could when you did not. But our love was not for nothing because it meant everything to me, goodbye Katakuri.

Katakuri couldn't let those words sink in quick enough. It took (y/n) truly leaving him to make him realize that he wasn't as strong as he thought he was. He was still weak to his family's pressure. He was a failure, he had failed (y/n).

"And I'm not talking to my siblings at all, I mean what is wrong with those people but mostly Katakuri what's wrong with you! How dare you do that to a great woman like (y/n)."

Just then the siblings Katakuri did not want to see the most walked in.

The silence was so uncomfortable for all of them but mostly Katakuri he couldn't stand the sight of the people who made his love feel at her lowest. But he also felt dread knowing he was also the cause of it as well.

"Brother we heard that (y/n) left I know you might be sad now but maybe it's a good thing she's gone."

"Yea maybe you and her just weren't meant to work out"

"Yea Chin seems more better suited for you"

"That's it Brûlée I'm erasing important memories!"

"Pudding no clam down........ we will do it later in their sleep"


"Katakuri tell your horrible siblings to leave"


"What are you serious!?"

"As death, now go"

They all left without a word it was dead silence until Brûlée spoke up

"Well look at that you did something right"

"Brûlée, Pudding I don't need you to make me feel more like shit than I already do just leave"

"Gladly rude ass"

" Good luck moping in the dark by yourself"

With a slam of the door Katakuri was now truly alone. He had no one he could be his true self around anymore. And he really didn't like the feeling.

You had arrived to your home island and honestly you felt at peace. Being away from all the dangers and finally back at your home was the best feeling you could have right now.

"Alright you guys unpack I'm taking (y/n) to meet her new sensei."

Your heart started to beat heavily you wondered who would be training you.

"Ready to meet your two new teachers (y/n)"

"Wait two teachers???"

You stopped dead in your tracks seeing three strange men in front of you.

"(Y/n) meet Monkey D. Dragon and Dracule Mihawk."

Then the younger boy waved at you

"I'm tagging along with Dragon-san, hi I'm Sabo"

Finding his happiness (Charlotte Katakuri x reader)Where stories live. Discover now