23.Whats done in the dark

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The minute you had woken up Katakuri told you that you had to meet with his mother again. You didn't know what she could possibly want, in your mind you thought you and her would have the least bit of contact possible. You just wanted to leave this place and go see Jun, Katakuri told you that they moved him to Brûlées place for safe keeping, you were grateful for that, at least Katakuri was taking this more seriously now. "What do you think she wants" "No clue at all"

When you reached the throne room big mom was there in all her giant...glory?

Damn, she's going in on that cake like it's her last meal

It took her a while for her to notice you two, Katakuri didn't make any move to stop the woman from eating and thinking about it you knew it was a good idea. The woman looked like she would kill you just for interrupting her eating a piece of candy. "Ahhh you two have made it good, I have some bad news for your little friend here."

Your heart was about to drop to your stomach, what could possibly be wrong now, hasn't enough bullshit happen already.

"What is it mama"

Big mom gave a smirk "Your little cafe got destroyed from the inside"

You knew you heard her correctly, and you knew she thought it was funny, and that was all the leverage you needed. Without saying a word to either big mom or Katakuri you walked out the door and not looking back. You didn't hear Katakuri follow you and for that you were grateful, you wanted to be alone completely, you just knew the way big mom looked at you either she or her kids had something to do with this. You couldn't have known they would have done that, Katakuri couldn't have known either. But there was one thing you did know and that was you were done. You had told Katakuri you would end all this madness if something else happened again and this was the last straw. You were to engulfed in your thoughts to see Smoothie right in front of you. It wasn't until she spoke that you really paid any attention to her, "it's funny how someone destroyed your cafe, I was really surprised." You clenched your fist tightly, you knew you couldn't fight her head on and win, but her presence was really pissing you off. But you quickly calmed down, you were going to get away from these people, this whole family. Karma will come back to bite them in the ass one day, you didn't know how or when but you would be waiting to see that day happen. "Get out of my way, if you think doing that will get a reaction out of me your wrong, but now you get your wish I'm leaving, know that destroying my cafe doesn't make you a better person, it just shows how weak you are not coming at me personally if you really wanted me out that bad." Smoothie snarled reaching down ready to grab you in her overly large man hands, you prepared yourself to do what you had to do, if it meant fighting back so be it. "Smoothie! what do you think your doing" It was Katakuri, you weren't happy to see him but you weren't upset that he had came to your rescue either. "Stay away from her or i will make you"

Katakuri picked you up with one hand by your waist, and the only reason you didn't protest is because you liked seeing the long legged woman angry. "We didn't destroy your little cafe it was already messed up before we could burn it to the ground." You didn't listen to a word she said, if she honestly thought you were that stupid to believe her after everything her and her family had done then she was more of an idiot than her mother. "Katakuri put me down, I'm going to call my parents and pack up my things and go get Jun so he can leave with me too."

Katakuri stopped dead in his tracks, his fingers squeezing your waist ever so slightly and quickly relaxed, you thought he was going to drop you but he put you down on the ground safely. "You would leave me, leave me and be with him is that what this is." "What! no I just don't want him to be a victim again"

"He won't have to be he's hiding out with Brûlée he is safe, can you just understand that I meant what I said I won't let anything bad happen to you anymore."

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