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After Katakuri left to go to his meeting you had walked in, Jun already being there to help set up was giving you a weird look but you just ignored it, even though Katakuri has been around long enough maybe he still wasn't fond of him. "Your walking funny (y/n) Is there something you wanna tell me." You stopped, becoming stiff you almost choked on your own air, you thought you could hide it well but apparently not. Your thighs ached terribly but you could walk it off without it being noticed, but after having to act normal around Katakuri your legs probably couldn't take much movement anymore. You knew this would happen, it didn't hurt badly just ached you didn't want Katakuri to feel bad but it is inevitable he is literally a sixteen feet tall giant compared to you. "I had a rough night and I really don't want to talk about it ok" you laughed a little at your statement Jun was your friend but the last thing you wanted to do was to talk with him about your sex life. "Fine he is hurting you but not in a bad way so I guess I could drop the topic." Your face grew more red than a fire truck, you had to make sure to never come to work after having sex, if you did you wouldn't doubt that even the customers would notice you walking like Pinocchio. The day was going out smoothly for the most part you were finally happy and safe.

But like all good things they come to an end don't they

"(Y/n) those idiots are back!" you looked outside to see those three siblings Katakuri banned from your cafe outside once again. "Leave out the back, hurry!" you didn't want to leave, you wanted to stand by your cafe and be brave, but you and Jun both knew that wasn't an option dealing with these people. You ran towards the back, you gave Jun once last glance you hoped he would be ok, before you dashed through the door and left as quietly as you could. You ran as fast as your legs could take you, your chest tightened as you were struggling to breath. Fear, you knew the feeling all to well, but this time the fear wast for you it was for someone else. The feeling of regret seemed in deep when you realized you had left Jun, worthless you felt absolutely worthless. What did those monsters want this time, was they're life really that boring that they have to pick on an innocent cafe owner. Even if you were dating there brother, it's quite pathetic how all three of them had to come for one girl. You had made it to your house but when you saw more Charlotte siblings surrounding your house you quickly hid behind a fence. This was the last place you had, your home and yet they were surrounding it, ready to take you at any turn they could. You wondered if Katakuri knew about this, were was he, more importantly was he trying to stop this. That didn't matter now, you had to worry about saving yourself, no matter what Katakuri was doing he wasn't hear at this moment to prevent them from hurting you again. You weren't an idiot you knew those people would kill you if they got a glimpse of you and nobody would stop them. But you had nowhere to go, the citizens would surely tell them your whereabouts if asked.  And you couldn't go to Pudding or Brûlée not only did you believe that they would be around other Charlotte's but you knew you couldn't drag them in to this. The last thing you wanted if for them to be treated horribly by there own siblings. You had no choice but to find somewhere isolated and safe, you didn't know the island well but you knew that they're was a big meadow far away from the castle. You ran, you ran until your body wanted to give out, but you had to keep moving, whatever was going on you refused to be caught up in the middle of it this time.

Katakuri was in the whole cake chateau, his mother had told him that he was not to leave and of course he wondered why but then his mind went back to the small woman he claimed as his. This couldn't be about (y/n), he wasn't there to protect her, she wouldn't be safe, he would fail her again. He had tried many times to leave the room, but not only were the damn doors locked but many of his siblings were in the room with him as well. Every time he moved an inch they were watching, he knew that they had been told to make sure he didn't go anywhere. But his mother also knew they couldn't stop them, but Katakuri knew her tactic she knew he would never harm one of his siblings, especially if not given a reason too. The only time he had ever hit one of his brothers or sisters was for (y/n). But this was different he couldn't just hit or knock out all of his siblings especially his younger ones, for no valid reason at all. He was stuck, until whatever this stupid plan was ended, he would have to wait it out till it was over. Katakuri let his mind wander as he continued to wait, but his mind was his worst enemy. You could be hurt, or worse dead and he was just sitting here. His hands tightened around his arms. His gloved covered fingers digging into the flesh of his arms leaving red marks. What would he do, no, it was what would he have to do, Katakuri didnt want to hurt his siblings, but if it meant saving you he didn't know if he could hold off on that option. He pondered what was most important to him, he had his family the people who had always given him a reason to grow stronger for, so he could protect them. Yet there was someone else who gave him a reason to grow stronger. A small sweet woman who put a smile on his face, who finally gave him love and affection that he had craved for so long. The woman who changed life so much for him, everyday he changed little by little but only for her. He promised he would never let her be hurt again and he wouldn't. He had remembered what Brûlée and Pudding had told him, that he had to be selfish for himself sometimes, and that he had to put himself first. And no matter what he wasn't going to let his siblings stand in the way of finally having love. Katakuri rose up from his seat ignoring all the glances his siblings gave him, he was getting out of here, he knew none of them would stop him. And even if they tried they would fail, he already saw it with his observation haki and he knew that what they were going to do next was pointless. "Big brother Katakuri you cant go mama told you to stay" Katakuri still ignored them all walking towards the large door and when his siblings made they're way in front of him to block him from moving any further he simply turned towards the other wall and punched it. None of them were expecting him to break a wall just to escape but that's exactly what he had done. He ignored the calling of his name, he ignored the voices of the guards, he ignored the thoughts in his head telling him he had just made everything worse. The only thing that mattered to Katakuri right now was you. In the back ground he could hear all the commotion that was no doubt being made because of his escape, but he continued on not even looking back once.

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