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Attention: because I don't like filler chapters and don't think anyone does I will not be making them about the readers training or journeys for the time she and Katakuri have been separated but I will put flashback memories in the chapter. And also I'm back in college and taking important classes to get into the nursing program I'm also taking the ACT soon and I also work so if I don't update for some time then forgive me but school work comes first and even though it sucks its true. On to the story.

Nine months, it had been an intense half year of non-stop training. You had stayed up days on end training till you passed out or until you couldn't even move your body. Then one day Monkey D Garp can to visit your father and when he heard you were training all he'll broke loose. Dragon had even brought Rayleigh to help with your observation haki. That old man was something else, and you hadn't seen crazy old people till you seen him and Monkey D Garp together. Speaking of that crazy old geezer he was one hell of a trainer, literally. You had run around your whole island for five hours straight just to get away from him and his fist of love. It sounds crazy on how you met all these amazingly strong people. If it hadn't been for their tough love and motivation you probably would have given up on the first week of training, but you had stuck it out. Some days you had blisters on your hands and feet bleeding and still tried to train your hardest. It got to the point were you worried your family, and they even wanted you to stop at some point. But you couldn't give up, you had set a goal and now you were on a mission. You had to become strong not only to prove to yourself that you could be but to put Big Mom in her place one way or another. And you couldn't do that by being weak, so people had encouraged your wild and crazy goal, one of them being red haired shanks. You had met him while Mihawk was taking you to his island for weapons training. Shanks had called for him and he took you with him and the rest was history. The only bad thing about it was that a reporter had seen you with Mihawk and followed him thinking he could get a good story. But after you had gotten to know the red haired pirates and went on some raid with them he had taken the picture making the World government thinking you were one of them. That's the day you had gotten a bounty, and surprisingly gotten added to the worlds worst generation list. Your bounty was at 200.000.000 but you figured it was only because you were associated with Mihawk and Shanks. On your journey Sabo and you have had your moments opening up to one another and even almost came close to kissing.


"Hey (y/n) you ever wonder if the words soul mates truly exists?"

You looked up at the late night stars sadly. Not even bother to turn to Sabo you gave out a whisper.

"I thought they did once before"

You felt Sabo's hands gently grip your chin, turning your head towards him.

"Is it weird that I think.... that I've found mine in you"

You gasped, yet you didn't respond, you couldn't. Sabo was kind, strong, intelligent. He had never made you sad a day in your life. As time had gone by he had only made your days more cheerful and encouraged you on  during your training. But could you kiss him? Could you forget your past and finally move on to something new. Sabo began leaning his head towards yours. You moved your hand to cover Sabos mouth.

"I'm not ready yet Sabo-Kun"

"It's ok I'll be ready when you are"

And sense that day it hasn't been awkward but you have given the night much thought. You could open up to Sabo about anything and everything. But could you fully move on with him?

You walked towards Sabo's room in your family's mansion and knocked  on the door.

"Eh wussup (y/n)-Chan?"

"Hey Sabo lets go on a date"

In Totto Land

Katakuri could say that his life hadn't changed that much. Yes he was bitter and hurt on the inside but he pushed that all away in the back of his mind. He had done what he felt he should have in the beginning, becoming closed off and cold. He hasn't said many words since (y/n) left him because he felt there was nothing more to be said. The only people he would even let be around him anymore is Brûlée and Pudding. They don't talk about his past anymore and he appreciates it. The sooner he can forget (y/n) the easier his life will be. Honestly he didn't even know why he chose to fall in love in the first place. It was pointless, just like his mother had told him. All falling in love got him was nothing but stress, pain, and heart ache. He wouldn't do it again he swore that to himself. But it was hard, could he really forget (y/n) could he truly let her go like that. He got up from his desk and decided to go check on his island progress. But right their waiting outside of his front door was a woman he still couldn't get out his life even if he wanted to.

"Hi Katakuri can I come in"

"And why would you need to do that Rebecca"

"What reason what I need to visit my future husband?"

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"What reason what I need to visit my future husband?"

Finding his happiness (Charlotte Katakuri x reader)Where stories live. Discover now