11.A rift between siblings

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The night that Amande Mont-d-Or and Galette got kicked out of the cafe they were all shocked. They had never seen or heard their brother so upset before, at least not at them and especially not over some random village girl. "Can you believe it he banned us can he even do that"
Mont-d-Or shook his head not even knowing how to answer Galette. Katakuri's words still echoed in his head. "You are banned from here you will not harm or torment my baker" Katakuri was being odd, the fact that he was upset about a regular baker had troubled him. Was the girl that important, just who was she? First Pudding and now Katakuri, Mont-d-Or didn't know what was going on but he was going to get to the bottom of it. He had to relay this information to Brûlée it was time for them to stop just watching the girl close up and take some real action instead. They made they're way towards the seducing woods to Brûlée's little cottage, they made they're way inside seeing Brûlée's mirror open but not her. They walked into the mirror knowing Brûlée must be close by, they jumped through the mirror to see her keeping an eye on everything. "Brûlée that girl we need you to watch her while she is with Katakuri from now on something is going on, he banned us from her place." Brûlée turned around looking at them with a raised brow, that didn't sound like her brother at all, he always did what he could for his brother and sisters. "Alright, I will watch them and see what the problem is."

The whole day Brûlée tried to figure out what was going on with Katakuri, her brother did spend a lot of time in the cafe but maybe he just liked the woman's food. He was always staring at her as well, the girl didn't seem like much of a threat or looked as if she could do any damage to any one. But Katakuri always said to never underestimate anyone so she continued to watch them for the day. When they left the cafe though was a different story, Brûlée had lost them, she didn't know were they had went or how she would find out more about them now. It was strange that Katakuri had left with the woman but she couldn't get anything from that, though one of her mirrors she saw that Katakuri had made it home she quickly made her way through his mirror shocking the man. "Brûlée why are you here" Brûlée rose a brow at her brother maybe her and the others were just overreacting, if something was going on her brother would tell her right? She decided to see if she could get a reaction out of him "You spend a lot of time at that cafe is the food really good" Katakuri didn't give away any type of reaction though. "Yes, you should try it sometime, now please I am tired and I would like to sleep", Brûlée just nodded not saying a word heading back in the mirror. She couldn't figure it out but her brother was hiding something, she knows him more than he thinks she does, she watches him through the mirror she knew all about Katakuri not being the person he put up a front as. Being the perfect man just for the sake of his family, that's just who he was trying to be, but Brûlée can see right through it.

The next day Brûlée had decided to give up on watching Katakuri and that woman, if there was something going on she wouldn't know. Her brother is very careful about his business, the only reason she knows about him and his secret snack times is because he is in her area where mirrors are. But whenever he is with that woman he always seems to disappear with no trace, looking through some of her mirrors Brûlée noticed something off. That woman's mirror the one she was supposed to be watching, the mirror in the bathroom was  covered by something. She couldn't make it out but noticed it to be dark and, fluffy. The blur started to move and become more clear, what she saw in the mirror shocked her it was her brothers scarf. He was in that woman's home in the bathroom the scarf was lifted back up and Brûlée saw Katakuri's large figure walk out the door.

So this is why he was acting so strange, was he seeing this woman, was she just being used as pleasure. Brûlée didn't want to think about the last one but she was going to find out what was going on, even if it meant getting in her older brothers business. Brûlée stepped out side of the bathroom mirror and made her way into a hallway, she saw lights and heard faint laughter so she walked towards the source. When she moved towards the corner and peaked to see what was going on, saying she was surprised was an understatement. Her older brother who is only seen with glaring eyes, barley says anything unless needed, the man who is known for his cold personality to others was not the man she was seeing now. The man she was seeing now was a version of her brother she doesn't think she has seen sense they're childhood before he started to wear a scarf.

There Katakuri was with the small baker woman in his lap, looking at her with eyes that she had never seen her brother look with. The woman was trying to remove Katakuri's hand from tickling her, while her brother evaded her every time tickling her even more, he leaned down tapping his cheek making the small woman kiss it. Brûlée moved back as quick as she came, her eyes wide and her mind making sense of what she had just saw. Her brother has a girlfriend, there was no way he would show that type of affection other wise, she didn't know what to do with this new information. Should she tell the others, or should she just keep this to herself, Brûlée made her way back to the mirror on the inside. She would wait for Katakuri to come back home and talk to him, then she would make her decision.

That morning the Charlotte siblings were gathered for breakfast. Brûlée had decided  not only was she not going to say anything, but she also was going to choose to be upset. She didn't go to talk to Katakuri that night she let her anger stop her from doing so. Her brother was someone important to her, even when they were younger she always looked out for him telling him he is perfect as he is. And Katakuri had always looked out for her, so why would he keep something like this from her. They never kept secrets and it hurts to know that he was in a relationship and didn't even think to tell his sister, she was always the one to never judge him always by his side, so why couldn't at least share with her. Brûlée had left without saying a word to anyone, not many noticed but the older siblings looked at the woman in confusion, she had not even touched her food. It got even more strange when the siblings noticed something else off by Brûlée she was ignoring Katakuri, he had asked Brûlée was anything wrong and she just walked away not even sparing him a glance. A lot of siblings were shocked by her cold gesture, anyone could see that she had the most love for Katakuri so to see her just flat out ignore him was a first. Katakuri was shocked at this is as well, he wouldn't admit it out loud but it had kind of hurt to see his younger sister ignoring him, especially when she continued to do it all throughout the day when he tried getting her attention.

Katakuri was tiered of it though he had jumped into one of Brûlée's mirrors going into the mirror world walking up behind her as she watched the territory. "Brûlée If I did something to upset you just say so we are siblings, we don't keep secrets from each other, especially us." Brûlée turned around giving him a bored look and turned back to her mirrors not even giving him a second glance. "You have a whole girlfriend you have no room to talk" Katakuri froze, he didn't know how she could have found out he was careful, he had made sure to never be in front of a mirror when he was with (y/n) so how did she find out, did she already tell someone? "I haven't told anyone, and I saw you in a mirror in that woman's bathroom, I also saw your little tickling fest going on." Katakuri had looked confused if she knew about him having a girlfriend she should be more happy than angry, so what was the problem. "Why were you ignoring me are you angry about it?" "No I'm angry you decided to keep it a secret, out of all the people you had to hide it from it just had to be me, we always told each other everything, wait a minute does Pudding know, is that why she goes to the cafe a lot too?" Katakuri looked away in shame, he didn't realize how this would make Brûlée feel, he had always try to protect her after those bullies had marked her face because of him, and always tried to save her from everything. He didn't even give Brûlée a chance like he did to Pudding, he just assumed she would tell him it was wrong to be with (y/n). "Brûlée I'm sorry I really am I just didn't know how you would take it, I didn't know if you would judge me for being with someone mama didn't pick" Brûlée looked up at Katakuri with dead eyes, not even an ounce of emotion on her face just giving a small scoff. "I thought you knew me of all people would not judge you for anything, but now I see that you just look at me as someone you can't trust." Katakuri looked at Brûlée with hurt eyes, that's not what he meant, he didn't mean to make it seem that way. "I will take you to meet her tomorrow so you both can meet each other, so please Brûlée don't say things like that I do trust you, please don't be mad at me I really am sorry" Brûlée just walked towards the mirror to her cottage, "I will meet her, but just know sorry doesn't fix everything, and I'm more disappointed in you and hurt than mad." With those last words Brûlée disappeared in her mirror.

Katakuri looked down in shame he can't believe he had been so stupid to not let Brûlée know, she had always looked out for him, he should have known a girlfriend wouldn't change that. He had to fix this, he couldn't let Brûlée down again, he had done it in the past and that's why he became the man he was just so he wouldn't screw up again.

But yet again he had failed.

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