13. Lesson Learned

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You had really gotten used to more Charlotte's around, with Brûlée by your side you honestly didn't feel afraid anymore. You were used to seeing them every other day if not everyday, but you really had to get out more. Yes you had your cafe, your boyfriend, and his sisters, but you were still new to the town and you had no other friends but Jun. So today you were going to make a friend, you had the day off and everyone was busy so you were on your own. You start to think about your past, you didn't have the best experience with friendships people just used you to walk all over you. But you wouldn't make that mistake again, you had to put your past behind you and try to do better.

You put on your outfit and made your way out onto the streets, you had more of a skip in your step today, it was the first time that you were on your own going on your own little adventure. Its not that you didn't love having Katakuri around, but he never really let you experience stuff on your own, he was so overprotective. You were used to having him by your side always, but it was all about you today and making a new friend, what Katakuri didn't know wouldn't hurt him. Yes you would feel guilty about it later but you couldn't help it, you had always been overly nice and felt as though a lot of things were your fault most of the time. You made your way towards the library, it was a small cafe in the front, it was just your scene. You loved to read, finding your own little spot to yourself reading a good book with your own snacks was heaven to you. Walking in you saw a few people so you prepped yourself to go over to one and speak. You were not going to chicken out like all the other times in the past you would do better.

I can do this, I can do this.

You found yourself in the back of the empty part of the library hidden by a bookshelf, you were by yourself. You looked down in shame because you couldn't bring yourself to speak to anyone, your anxiety was going to be the death of you. Never being able to approach strangers without being to speak without choking on your own words. Scared of the rejection and the whispers around you fearing that others were judging you, talking about you. You were in your own world when you felt eyes on you, looking over you saw a man staring at you. He had cold dead eyes with stubble on his face and was dressed like he had no care in the world this wasn't someone you wanted to acquaint yourself with. You knew his type the shifty man who could cause nothing but trouble everywhere he went, he walked towards you and you felt conflicted. You wanted to make a friend yes but you also wanted to run away, you didn't know this man what could he want from someone like you. "Excuse me beautiful, you alone" "I am sitting alone" you didn't know were the confidence came from but the man seemed to find it amusing. He gave you a smirk giving you an uneasy feeling that made your body go stiff, your mind was screaming at you to leave, but your body wouldn't move an inch. "Wanna get out of here and have some fun in town, this shits boring" you looked away thinking this was your chance to meet friends or get out on your own for once in a long time, but you were not an idiot.
"I don't know, I mean why not spend more time here"
He raised a brow but said nothing takin a seat next to you he just laid his head down on the table watching you.  You grew rigid under his watch, this did not feel like making a new friend it felt more like you were under strict supervision. "So wanna meet me again tonight we can get to know each other better"

A boy was watching the scene unfold, he wanted to intervene but this was none of his business besides he had a job to do and saving a naive girl was not on his list. He would have to remember to ban the strange man later though.

You didn't know what to say, you wanted to get out of there and fast but you just couldn't get yourself to move to conflicted thinking of scenarios in your head.
This man screamed danger everything your parents had told you to stay away from, when you thought of Katakuri you thought of the same thing. Your parents probably wouldn't approve of your relationship with Katakuri considering he is a pirate, but it was different with Katakuri you had always felt safe with him but this man made you feel fear. You knew that if you even attempted to spend the day out with him that not only would Katakuri be highly upset, but you felt as though something would go terribly wrong if you did. "No thanks" not even giving him a chance to respond you jumped up moving quickly out of the library and down the street.

Finding his happiness (Charlotte Katakuri x reader)Where stories live. Discover now