6.He snaps

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(Y/n) woke up getting her day started like she normally did. But this time it was different, she could not smile, she could not act happy, she could not be friends with Katakuri anymore. Leaving her house heading towards the cafe her mind would not stop wandering. She didn't know wether she should act normal or act completely formal with the giant man now. She was afraid, afraid how he would treat her now, would he actually treat her coldly after all the kindness he had shown her. As she reached her cafe she was shocked to see that same woman Katakuri was with yesterday waiting at her door. (Y/n) had a sinking feeling in her chest, she put on her best smile that she could muster up.

Why, why did it hurt so much to see her

"Hi I'm Pudding i met you yesterday, I need you to do something for me"

(Y/n) should have seen this coming she was a beautiful woman, standing up straight looking at her with so much confidence. And all (y/n) could do was cower back on the inside, she was here to tell you to stay away from Katakuri, well that wont be much of a problem anymore.

"I need you to make a basket of sweets  and deliver them to the willow tree in the park for me and Katakuri"

Well that's not what you expected to hear at all, but it didn't mean that you weren't sad to know you had to deliver food for there date. It didn't matter though you would just send Jun, that way you wont have to stand there awkwardly or have any small talk with Katakuri.

"Oh and it has to be you to deliver them, because if not then ill have your place shut down, don't think i cant do it goodbye."

The young woman gave (y/n) a sinister wink and then left on her way. (Y/n) looked at her in horror, was she  bluffing could the woman really do such a thing? Well (y/n) was not going to wait to find out, she quickly hurried inside getting the picnic basket ready.

"Did you do it?" "Of course i did onii-chan, have some faith in me will you, now I'm leaving so don't mess this up" and with that she was gone. Katakuri just gave his sister a nod. He did not want to trick (y/n) like this, but if it was the only way he could confess to finally get her to understand, then he would do it. He felt as though it was like she didn't want to acknowledge his feelings. Well not anymore, he was going to say what was on his mind, and you were going to listen. It was a little over thirty minutes, Katakuri believed (y/n) would be done by now so he tried preparing his words in his head. He didn't even know were he would begin, but he had to say something he just couldn't have Pudding do all of this for nothing. Right now she was distracting Jun, just in case (Y/n) tried to bring him along, if Jun didn't show up Pudding would be the reason and for that he was grateful. He suddenly got a feeling that he was being watched, he turned his head to see (y/n) walking towards him. She looked frigid like she was afraid to approach him, but he couldn't dwell on that right now.

This is it

"(y/n) i-"

"Here is your basket i will leave you to your date"

Before she could even make another step Katakuri grabbed her by the hand bringing her down forcefully into his lap "Katakuri-sama what are you doing?" Katakuri still couldn't bring the words out of his mouth he was afraid of the outcome. He used his haki seeing the possible outcomes for everything he could have said to her. He shook his head defeated, it didn't matter what he said.

"(y/n) i want you to be with me I want you to be my girlfriend"

"Why.... Katakuri why are you so cruel... I've done this all before I've been through the pain of feeling like I'm cherished but to realized that I'm absolutely worthless why are you doing this to me."

Katakuri let her go, defeated, shocked, he let his hands run down his face feeling the bitterness and sadness boil inside him.

You did not understand, you never would no matter how much he tried, no matter what he said he would always be rejected.

Finding his happiness (Charlotte Katakuri x reader)Where stories live. Discover now