37.Worse case

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Hey guys sorry about the late post but I am in school and I just got a new job well I won't bore you with a long paragraph I hope this chapter was long enough to make up for being away for so long with the story P.S Mina=everyone and the woman up top in the picture is as TALL AS SMOOTHIE OK. Now let us begin.

Katakuri was furious they had found nothing, they had so much security so why was it so hard to find one girl. He had been restless searching for the love of his life. He couldn't return home without her or face her family that had been counting on him. All his siblings were trying to tell him empty promises about how everything would be alright. But that only pissed Katakuri off even more, they didn't know if everything will be alright.

(Y/N) could be anywhere, hurt and alone or even dead. His worst fear is that what if you were in bad trouble, what if he didn't make it in time. This is why he did his best to grow stronger, to always be alert and never make mistakes, so things like this wouldn't happen. While the others were trying to calm Katakuri down Brûlée decided to take matters in her own hands. Brûlée walked around aimlessly looking at every possible mirror she could, and she was about to give up. But what she saw next she was glad that she didn't.

That man who had tried to attack you the first time, the creep in the back of the library part of the cafe. You couldn't tell how long you had been traped by this lunatic but you were beginning to lose your patience. Not only did the jackass burn your cafe down, but he wanted to get revenge on you for the bullshit that was his fault in the first place. He tried to attack you even kill you and he didn't think it would have consequences. Honestly, your surprised to see him after all this time you thought that he had died, looks like he survived. He had beaten you repeatedly you knew you had bruises and cuts all over. The feeling of your swollen eye closed shut let you know he had given you a bad black eye. The pain ran all over your face you couldn't tell if you had a broken nose or not but it was extremely hard to breathe. Extreme pain ran through your sides, you knew he had broken some ribs. This was bad you weren't a medical expert but if you didn't get help soon you could die from internal bleeding if one of those ribs nicked something important. The stinging all over your arms didn't help. The sick bastard lightly cut your skin repeatedly not making deep cuts to keep you alive. It was happening slowly but you were losing blood and your vision was becoming hazy. You couldn't afford to pass out right now. Fighting and escape was the only thing on your mind right now. This man was stronger than you, yes, but that didn't mean shit. You would fight for your life no matter how long it took. You weren't raised to be a quitter and you'd be dammed if you quit on your own life. The man had left outside it had only been a few minutes but you weren't going to wait any longer. The idiot tied you with ropes, you twisted slightly moving down to free yourself. It hurt so much the pain wouldn't stop running through your whole body. You bit your lip hard drawing blood trying hard not to scream out in agony. You finally got loose and fell to the floor with a light smack, you didn't even wait to see if anyone had heard you. You began to crawl towards another abandoned room dragging your body across the floor praying that it was damaged enough for you to escape through a random hole in the wall.

Brûlée had run back to her siblings as fast as she could. You would think to be as long and lanky as she was that she could run fast as the wind. She had seen two figures outside of the abandoned side of the city. She didn't know where they were but she recognized one of the men, he had attacked (Y/N) before. He had to be behind this again, he had made it out alive somehow from Mama's rabbit homie's attack. But Brûlée could guarantee that he wouldn't make it out alive from her big brother's wrath. When it came down to his siblings and (Y/N) she knew how he could get. Brûlée made it just in time before everyone could go out searching again.

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