45.Reunited Once more

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Ok so I have literally been struggling with trying to study and trying to write sooooo with the votes I got I will be uploading longer plot chapters so that means you get a lot more action in this chapter but we will end this story in about hmmmm Five more chapters depends on how much I get done. Let's get it lets go.

You were nervous, absolutely nervous. You don't know what bothered you more the fact he claimed to be coming for you but the fact that he actually was capable of finding you. Though you honestly doubted that Katakuri even knew where you were. This is your families remote island hidden extremely discreet for no one to find or disturb. But you couldn't underestimate him, that's one thing you learned from Katakuri never underestimate your opponent. You couldn't wrap your head around this, could he actually possibly know where you are. Deciding to figure this out once and for all you made your way to your parent's lab. You knew it was silly to actually believe someone could find your parent's top secret island, but dealing with the Charlottes you never knew what to expect. You made your way to the lab and saw all your family gathered in the room surrounding Jun.

"Family what's going on"

"Well sweetheart Jun here has something he wants to tell you"

Katakuri made his way to his single ship in the middle of the night, nobody could know not even his mother knew about the journey he was going to make. He had decided that enough was enough, he was about to do any and everything in his power to get the love of his life back. He didn't even know where to start looking but he can get an idea, he knew your parents help islands all over and one of them had to know something about the hidden island of the two scientists. Katakuri knew there would be a slim chance of him finding your parents island, but that was a risk he was willing to take. He finally got close to the sea looking up at the full moon in the sky. He could only hope that the sacrifice he was about to make would be worth it.

"And where do you think you're going"

Being so in his head he didn't even feel the three people behind him, he sighed slowly turning his head towards them.

"Why are you here"

Brûlée scoffed, "Did you honestly think that you could find (y/n) all on your own, you don't have a clue where she could even be."

"And you do?"

"Duh why else would I be here chewing your head off about going"

"But how?"

" Is that really important right now I'm pretty sure leaving the island before anyone see's us is more important"

"Yea big bro get your priorities together"

"Fine but I know why Pudding came but why is Praline here too?"

"Well isn't it obvious all of you are devil fruit users going out to sea for how long? I don't think any of you can help one another if you fall into the ocean. Plus I got Jimbe to cover for all of us so don't even argue that I shouldn't be here. And besides, I loved your little girlfriend she was so sweet everyone deserves happiness big bro."

"Fine let's all go before things get more complicated"

Making their way on the boat Katakuri still pondered on how Brûlée could know where (y/n) is, but she was right that was not important right now, getting to you was.

"Hold on let me get this straight...... You told Brûlée where we were, and you two have been talking?"

"Yea pretty much"

Finding his happiness (Charlotte Katakuri x reader)Where stories live. Discover now