44.One Two Kata's...

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HEYYY READ THIS FIRST Question? Do you guys what multiple chapter but they're shorter or longer wait chapters but they're longer. Also to the people confused about Reader Chan's bounty it will be removed soon so don't worry. So let me know what you think and comment tons I want to know your thoughts on how we're reaching up to the climax it's almost over believe it or not lol ok let's get it let's go!

Katakuri furrowed his brows, he would have closed the door in her face but then that would just get more complicated and annoying for him. The woman didn't know how to take a hint and leave him alone. She will literally stand outside of his door and annoy him in anyway possible just to get his attention. She may seem sweet and proper on the outside but her inside it's shit.

"How about you stop this pointless persistence over me, I will never be your husband"

"That's not what your mother says"

"Well what she says isn't what I agree with, I don't want to marry you or anyone else for that matter, I will never love you or treat you as a wife so your consistent wining and pouting will do nothing but make you more of an annoyance to me now leave"

"It's already been decided Katakuri we will be getting married weather you like it or not"

She paused her leave and turned around slowly and started to frown deeply.

"Are you still hung up on that useless little girl that was before me"

"If I was it's none of your business and let's be clear she will always be before you and will continue to stay in my heart, I can't say she will remain there after you though because there will never be a you and me goodbye now."

And with that she took her leave stomping the whole way to the door like a child, slamming it as she made her exit.

Katakuri would be more worried about what she said if he wasn't so glad she was gone. And honestly he couldn't give a damn anymore about his mother's decisions those went straight out the window a few months ago.

"Katakuri that little lost bird of yours is making a name for herself and she's getting out of hand. Not only did she basically get a name for herself by so call escaping us but she's tarnishing my name as a Yonko the more higher her bounty gets. I already got shit from Kaido. She was your responsibility and your mess so you clean it up. Now I'm being generous because she used to be your little doll or whatever so I'm giving you a chance to end her or I will personally do it myself."

He had to find you before it was to late and he decided to make a call to the one person he knew would answer. He waited silently for the snail to pick up praying that the emergency number still worked. And when he heard the click his heart skipped a beat.

"Hello Ms.(L/N), I wanted to relay a message to (y/n)"

Sabo looked at you conflicted as if he couldn't tell if you were joking or not. But you gave the best smile you could muster up. You had the courage to come this far you might as well sell it the best that you could.

"(Y/n) let's talk, come in"

You stepped inside his room and it was actually cleaner than you expected.

"Ok (y/n) let's be honest your conflicted about your own choice to ask me out on a date aren't you? Seems like your still hung up on Mochi-man more than you thought you were "

That comment came smacking you in the face like a ton of bricks, how could someone read people this well and be goofy and nonchalant at the same time. But then you frowned, was he right? Was the man who hurt you still on your mind. Of course Katakuri will always be a special love for you but you could never go back to that type of life again, you just couldn't. You refuse to be walked all over again no matter how much you loved that insufferable stubborn adorable kind man.

"I'll admit Sabo-kun I am trying to see if I can get over Katakuri I'm trying, I truly am, but there is not a day that goes by that I don't think about him and what could have been. I've never met someone who makes me want to do any thing and everything to be by their side, that makes me feel like no matter where we are it is our home because we're together. I can't say I've ever wanted something so bad but maybe I'm right to try and give up ."

"You really want it that bad"

You turned to look at Sabo that seemed like a statement more than a question.

"Then fight for it"

Sabo grabbed your hands and looked you straight in the eye giving you that determined smile you will always appreciate.

"The next time you get it don't run from it fight for it"

Just then your mother burst in the door without even a knock or an acknowledgement of your predicament.

"Honey I don't know how you will take this news but, Katakuri called on the emergency snail phone."

Your heart started beating rapidly, it felt like it could pop out of your chest any minute. You turned towards your mother, swallowing hard and rubbing your now sweaty palms together.

"And what did he want, is he still on the phone, does he want to speak"

"No he just said one thing and then hung up"

Sabo seemed like he was just as curious as me.

" Well what did Mochi-Kun want?"

"He said don't move."

You raised your eyebrow in confusion

"Because I'm coming for her"

Finding his happiness (Charlotte Katakuri x reader)Where stories live. Discover now