18. Privacy

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True to his word Katakuri did not touch you as requested, it was honestly worse for you than for him. He didn't seem to be bothered about the situation at all, you on the other hand missed his arms wrapped around you and how he always played in your hair or tickled you. While the days flew by you felt more and more like an idiot, but you couldn't give up. Not only were you not about to give Katakuri the satisfaction of knowing you couldn't reap what you sew, but it was too embarrassing to admit it to him that you want him to hold you. Even after being with him for a while you still get so shy around him, Katakuri doesn't know it but when he looks at you with those cold yet captivating eyes you always look away to blush, not because you don't like the attention. The whole day at your cafe you thought the universe was playing a cruel game with you, because it seemed like ever person who stepped into your cafe today was a couple. From young teen, to adult, to old only couples sat at your tables. Seeing all the love surrounded around you in the room made you sad all over again. You didn't want to but you had to admit this made you miss Katakuri even more. As well as made you think if what if he and you were like this, going out on dates being affectionate in public. But that would never happen, not with his family at least, and you still stand by what you said never wanting to meet another sibling of his again, you didn't even want to ever meet his mother. It never left your mind, but you also ponder the idea on how you and Katakuri would grow as a couple if you never even seen the mans face. You never asked him what was under his scarf because you didn't want to pry. People hide things for many reason and you wanted Katakuri to tell you or better yet show you what he was hiding when he was ready. As a good girlfriend you would wait and not pressure him or overly ask him to show you his face. All the couples had left and now you were more lonely than you were before. At the end of the night walking home you noticed how Katakuri hasn't showed up lately and when he did its not like how it usually was, he really was taking your words to heart not even giving you a caress on the cheek. You got home and got ready for bed not even expecting any show of your giant boyfriend tonight. You were conflicted with yourself, could you really keep up this act, you weren't upset with Katakuri anymore but was it really time to end this. You got your answer when you woke up In the dead of night unable to sleep properly, you were used to Katakuri being there at night before you went to sleep letting you end your night at ease but now that he wasn't allowed to touch you he barley showed himself in your home. You were going to end this stupid agreement tomorrow even if you had to suck up your pride to do it. The next day you wanted to confront Katakuri and tell him the deal is off that he could touch you again, and yet he didn't show up again. So you waited, and waited, and waited, after the two days went by you were fed up and decided to take matters into your own hands. The next morning you left your house on a mission, you had told Jun it was up to him to run the cafe today. You didn't know what was going on but your were going to find out what was happening and you knew just the person to ask.

Getting on a small ferry you make your way towards Cocoa island, if anyone knew what was going on it was Pudding, you thought of Brûlée as well but you really didn't know how you would get a hold of her. You weren't allowed in the seducing woods and you were not about to take the risk of finding out what would happen if you were to be caught. After your last experience you were alert and always aware of your surroundings, you would not set yourself up for failure to be the once naive girl you were to think that this place was safe. Nowhere is safe in reality, and it sunk in deep for you the day you got taken by the Charlotte's, you don't fear them anymore you wouldn't give them that satisfaction of thinking you fear them, but that doesn't mean you can't be cautious. You made your way towards Pudding's house, you felt kind of odd walking to her house showing up unannounced and uninvited. But you had to know what was going on you were starting to worry about Katakuri, getting closer and closer you finally reach Puddings door giving it a couple of knocks. You waited a while before you were starting to get nervous, maybe she wasn't at home and you had made this trip all for nothing, turning around ready to walk away from your embarrassing scene the door opens and you hear puddings voice. "(Y/n) is that you what a surprise come in come in." You turn around quickly making your way into the door keeping your head down, its a good thing you didn't do anything stupid like run away or trip while trying to get away. It would be so embarrassing for Pudding to see you like that. "So what brings you here, I'm surprised Katakuri isn't with you sense you came all the way out here." "Well that's the thing he hasn't been around much so I was worried so I was hoping you could tell me if something is going on" Pudding put her hand up covering her mouth trying to contain her laughter. You didn't know what was so funny but maybe she does know what was going on, "Well after you told Katakuri he couldn't touch you he kinda got upset and started saying he wasn't going show up unless you wanted him to touch you again because he missed you all the time you were broken up, so him not being able to hug you and stuff anymore kinda got on his nerves when he did come and see you" You facepalmed shaking your head, that man was something else although you couldn't help but point out it was your fault, you wanted him to hold you again and yet he was only doing what you had asked and even if he was upset about it he wasn't going to crack until you did first. "Well can you please tell him to come meet me so I can call off the stupid rule" "I'll do you one better why not take you to him"

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