46. Evil Genius

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Two times that's right I hit you two times and it seems that the chapter has basically three more chapters and maybe a bonus one till were done here are you guys ready for that mwahahahahaha.  Anyway, I hope you like this please comment and vote I love to hear what you guys think especially since we are about to come to an end soon..... or are we lol. You guys see the picture up top that's how my evil genius face looks when I create drama and cliff hangers 🤣

You looked Katakuri straight in the eyes, your gaze filled with anger, if this is what he had come for then he can get it.

"If you wanted to fight Charlotte all you had to do is ask, I've been training with the best you know that right?"

"Then show me what you've learned"

Katakuri pulled out his trident while you gathered wind to flow around your body like invisible blades. If this is what he came for he was about to get the fight of his life, you weren' that weak little girl that you used to be. And maybe he knows that but this challenge for your life was going to be very difficult and you knew that. But what shocked you the most is Katakuri putting his trident in the sand and getting onto his knees. You didn't know if this was a trick or not, after what he said earlier you really didn't want to let your guard down.

" I never wanted this, the type of life I live now. The only reason I stay is because of my siblings, growing up we only had each other. I know what Big mom is capable of and I don't want her doing anything to my siblings that I can prevent. Because of what happened to Brûlée all those years ago I have never let my guard down. I would do any and everything I could to protect my siblings, I couldn't just turn my back on them and run away from my life like I really wanted to. As I grew older that dream stood in the back depts of my mind. But when I found you its like I had a chance again. You showed me what it felt like to be free, so when you left I shattered. But I could only blame myself I treated you like one of my priorities instead of my queen and I can't blame you for leaving me. But I will ask if you would give me one last chance if you still have any love for me, let me prove myself to you. If not I promise I will leave you at peace. After all I've done I will not take the joy you have gained away from you. Anything you need me to do I will be by your side no questions asked whether it's taking on my mother or the whole world government but I want you to know I could never turn my back on my family my siblings depend on me."

You could only stare in bewilderment of the man in front of you, the old Katakuri you knew would never say something like this. Yes, you knew he would always be there for his family and you had no problem with that at all. But the fact that he would go against his mother for you that's something you never heard him say in your whole relationship. Yes, he spoke about not caring what she thought about your relationship but going up against her, never. Could you really do this again? That was the only question holding you back could you really try and give him your heart again. Your mind was telling you no, no you couldn't, don't be stupid and go back to someone who broke your heart. But your heart itself was telling you to run in his arms and give him another chance.

But you thought back to what others had told you

"If you want it fight for it (y/n)"

"You're miserable without each other"

"Never let anyone take away your love sweetheart"

All those things spoke to you, but just because you love someone doesn't mean you're meant to be together. But when you looked into those deep magenta eyes and how they somehow pleaded with you all you could do was melt.

"Katakuri I do still love you ill be honest, but until I feel like you can prove yourself to me I can't give you a solid yes to getting back together."

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