24. Last resort

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You were laying in Katakuri's arms cuddling up to the large man. The both of you were grateful for the peaceful silence, you both were not able to have quality time like this in a while. After everything that was going on you wondered if you or Katakuri would ever get a break, if it wasn't one thing it was another. You knew that your life with Katakuri wasn't going to be that easy, mainly because hes a pirate with a high bounty, but you didn't know that his family would be this difficult. But after thinking it over you can't help who you love, and as long as Katakuri was doing his best to protect you then everything was fine. It meant he was listening, you never thought that Katakuri would go against his family for you, but true to his word he was doing whatever he could to keep you with him. You had called your parents, unknown to Katakuri, you didn't want to upset him no, but it seemed like you needed them more than ever now and if shit hit the fan like last time you wanted a quick way out. You knew your parents were incredibly smart, they are great scientist after all and make many new discoveries and inventions even plant life, so you knew if anyone could help you out of anyone else it would be them. They said it would be two days until the arrive into big moms territory, and your anxiety kicked in awaiting the day they arrived. You were conflicted on bringing them here at first, but when they heard of the predicament you were in they rushed to pack with no further explanations. You thought it was odd that they were already headed your direction anyway considering that they didn't know about your crisis till now but you let it go. That's what you loved most about your parents no matter what they always chose you, they never let work or anything else take there attention away from you when you needed them. But you didn't know how this first meeting was going to go, Katakuri would think you were leaving him again but you just needed backup support, not only that when you parents found out you were dating the large man they demanded meeting him anyway. It was wrong of you to hide this from Katakuri but you didn't know how he would react. You knew how he could get, he was a calm and patient man and yet you didn't want him to think ill of your intentions. "Umm Kata-Kun"

"What's wrong pound cake?" you giggled at the nick name, he was always calling you different types of food and it was cute. You could just never figure out what made him call you the names in that moment. "I was wondering would you like to meet my parents soon." Katakuri looked at you raising a brow, you knew he would be suspicious about your sudden statement but he didn't question you off the back, which you were glad that he didn't. "I would like to meet them yes, but on better terms, things are bad right now and the last thing I want is for your parents to think I can't protect you or I'm not a good man for you."

You started to fidget, it was now or never and you couldn't keep this from Katakuri even if you wanted too. Your parents were going to be here in a few days and it was best to let him know now that figure it out later. "Katakuri I need to tell you something, please don't be upset because it's not what you think" Katakuri shot up making you fall from his chest and into his lap, you could already tell he didn't like were this was going. "My parents are coming in two days, and I told them about our situation, I'm not leaving I just think they could help us Kata"

Katakuri moved off of the bed and started to walk back and forth pacing, you couldn't tell if he was angry or disappointed, either way you couldn't handle the look he was giving you.

"So you called your parents without telling me, and now there on the way here when I'm at my worst, great now they can see what type of man that can't do anything for there daughter."

You walked over to Katakuri and touched his leg, you being smaller than him it was the only thing you could reach right now. "Katakuri they know the whole situation, I told them everything that happened, no they are not happy but they know YOU make me happy and you protect me every way you can, so please don't think like that." Katakuri sighed rubbing his hand through his hair, this still didn't sit right with him, the last thing he wanted to put you AND your parents in danger but he would trust your word and hoped for the best.

There was a knock on the door, Katakuri didn't want to let whoever it was in, him and (y/n) just got the first ounce of alone time in a while and he did not want to deal with anyone else at the moment.

"Katakuri! Open up! Mama has got something really bad planned"

Katakuri opened the door and Oven rushed in out of breath, he looked like he was rushing the whole way, his poor brother looked like he was about to pass out.

"Brother.....Mama, she's gonna.....make you marry some girl from....this family for trade"

"Excuse me?"

"Yea they make Lotus Honey Blossoms and they can be used in a lot of desserts, and she chose you to get married off this time"

His mother had never offered to marry him off, he was her strongest child, she needed him to always be there with no distractions, so he never thought he would have an arranged marriage. But this was just another one of his mothers cheap attempts to keep him on a tight leash. He is a grown ass man who should make his own choices, why did he have to deal with this kind of bullshit on a daily.

He turned around to see if (y/n) had heard, Katakuri didn't want to worry her, she had already had to put up with a lot from his family, but this was to much and even he knew that. She didn't have to put up with this though he wouldn't allow her to. He wouldn't marry anyone but the love of his life, and even if it upset his mother he wouldn't go through with this she would just have to marry someone else off.

"Brother, I will take your place if you need me too, you shouldn't have to marry a random woman when the woman you love is right here."

"There is no need for that Oven"

Oven and Katakuri looked over and seen (y/n) staring with no emotion once so ever in her eyes. To say they were both shocked was an understatement, also confused, what did she mean there was no need for it. Yes Katakuri was not going to sacrifice his brother just for his own happiness, he would have gotten out of the marriage somehow. But now he was wondering why you had said such a thing.

"It's ok if Katakuri marries that woman, wouldn't want him to get in trouble let alone killed by his mother"

And with that she walked back into the room, Katakuri was not only speechless but a little hurt as well. How could you just sit back and watch him marry another woman, he need an explanation, this didn't sit well with him. He looked at Oven and the man just walked into the kitchen, he knew they needed a moment. Katakuri walked into his room seeing you laying in the bed, if it hadn't been for the current situation he would have left you to your peaceful slumber. But he knew you weren't sleep, so he pulled the covers off of you and waited for you to get up.

"Katakuri if your upset I didn't invite you to nap then don't be, just join me."

Katakuri didn't know if he could keep his cool any longer, his patience was wearing thin and he knew it. He really felt more hurt and angry by the second at your choice of words you had said earlier. How could you just give up on him like that, letting another woman marry him, was he not important to you like he had thought, did you not want him anymore?

"Why did you say it was ok for me to get married to someone else, are you done with me is that it?"

"No I just know everything is gonna be ok, as long as you are married to the woman then your mother will stop all of this right ?"

Katakuri clenched his fist, he wanted answered and now here you were just being this emotionless woman he didn't even know anymore, he didn't need to deal with this right now. He wanted you to take this seriously, show some type of emotion but you just wouldn't budge, and it hurt him more than he would like to admit.

"If you can not tell me why you want me to marry this woman then please leave, it seems as though we have nothing left to talk about."

You left out of the room saying goodbye to Oven on your way out. Katakuri would be fine, if he married this woman then he would be safe, his mother wouldn't hurt him. And the last thing you needed was the one you loved to get hurt all because of you. You just hoped one day he would understand why you did what you didn't s hope he wasn't upset when he saw you again one of these days.

Katakuri sat in his room heartbroken, confused, and angry, not only because the one he loved had left him after fully making him fall for her. But because his siblings were right, she couldn't handle being with him, and it broke him to pieces.

Finding his happiness (Charlotte Katakuri x reader)Where stories live. Discover now