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Please read:Hey guys just wanna thank all the people who are giving my story a chance by continuing to read it please vote and please comment I love getting the feedback and hearing from you guys, it makes me feel so much more excited to write for you guys. Thanks and i hope you enjoy

You had woken up from what you wanted to believe was just a nightmare, but that wasn't the case the nightmare was very real still continuing before your very eyes. All of Katakuri's siblings Brûlée had warned you about are sitting rite in front of you, looking at you with dead eyes, like they were analyzing your every move. You were even afraid to speak, but you wanted to know, no you had too, why were they here and what were they gonna do with you. You brought your knees up to your chest and laid your chin on them. You felt so small compared to all of them, it was much worst than standing next to Katakuri. With him you felt safe and honestly a little shy, you couldn't help you had a thing for tall men Katakuri was reaching past that limit but you didn't care you liked him just the way he was. But with his siblings you felt like a prisoner, surrounded by a group of ruthless people who could kill you so easily at any given moment felt like you were trapped and there was nothing you could do about it. "Who are you, and why is our brother always around you" It was Smoothie who had spoken to you, you decided it would be best not to speak, especially sense you promised Katakuri it would be between you both of you until he was ready to tell them. "I know you can speak, you had much to say when you saved my life" Smoothie moved to grab you, she brought your small body up to her face slightly squeezing you. You let out a blood curdling scream one of your ribs had cracked, you felt it, heard it even. The pain you felt was extreme you didn't want to move you just wanted to cry and beg them to leave. "Now I won't ask you again tell me and I'll spare you." You looked at her with little hope in your eyes, maybe she would spare you because of how you saved her life.

"Did you really think Smoothie needed saving little prey, especially from the likes of you."
Quick as he said it Cracker had smacked you in the face, a small out of blood had ran down your lip. Pain all you could feel is pain.

And Cracker just ruined any ounce of hope you had in your body.

You didn't know what to say, on one hand you could just tell them everything hoping they would understand and respect their brothers wishes. But who's to say they would even believe in you, Katakuri is the favorite among all the Charlotte siblings, how could they ever believe they're precious brother would even hide anything from them. Especially his triple brothers and fellow sweet commanders. Plus telling them was not an option for one main reason, you would not betray Katakuri's trust, so you wouldn't let these terrifying people make you break. Even if not talking seemed like the dumbest option for you right now sense you were unprotected.  "If you wont speak trust me we can make you perorin" You looked over to the slender man with his tongue out, Perospero, he can turn you into a candy statue if he wanted to.

You didn't want to be candy, to be honest you really never want to eat candy again after meeting him.

"Look we just want information just tell us why our brother spends so much time around you and get it over with, don't tell me your just some baker."

He held your neck in his large hands squeezing lightly before letting go, you couldn't see it but you knew a bruise would form later.

Oven, Katakuri's younger triplet brother, he could burn you into literally nothing, so no, you defiantly weren't going to talk to him especially if you could end up saying something wrong upsetting him.

"Let's just get rid of her isnt she just a baker, if she's even an ounce of a threat then lets just end it"

Diafuku, you were just glad he hadn't touched you.To be honest you really didn't want to speak to any one of them they all could no doubtly hurt you, but those words brought your voice back stronger than ever. Sadly before you could speak something stoped you dead in your tracks.

"Smoothie break her some more"

You started to shake you wanted to scream, do anything in your power to run away but we couldn't.

"I would never do anything to harm Katakuri I'm not even a threat, don't you think if I was I would have done something to him or Pudding by now" They all looked at you raising they're brows, it looks as if they were honestly taking what you were saying into consideration. You didn't want to say anymore than that, you had to let them know you meant no harm without giving the secret away. It was a long shot, but you hoped they believed you, thinking you were nothing more than a mere baker and then leave you alone. They all looked at each other then back to you, they nodded making they're way to get up until Cracker spoke up.

"Wait something is not right if she is just a baker then what about how Katakuri banned Mont-d-Or and the others if she was just a baker wouldnt he have just told them to leave her alone or in fact just let it go, not only that why didn't he just move her to his island if he loved her food so much, he is allowed to, so there must be a reason he doesn't take action into his own hands it seems like he's just following her around from what the towns people say which is weird for nii-san, I say we stay here just in case to see if Katakuri knows were she lives, if she misses work and she is his favorite isn't he bound to come looking for her sense they're always together." All the sibling looked at him in surprised not only taking in what he said but realizing he made a very good point "I say we come back again tomorrow and see if he visits, if he does we know somthing is up." Everyone nodded looking back at you "Don't leave this house or its your life" and with those words the siblings made they're way out and before Perospero walked out the door he hit you in your injured rib with his candy staff making you wince and let out a small scream. "And we mean it too we can do more than damage a rib and a cut lip with a few bruises" Diafuku followed behind him slapping you towards the floor with his hand all of the siblings finally leaving.

It's official not only were you trapped and injured, but upset. You told Brulee to make your casket and here she was not taking you seriously.

You were an idiot trying to make a joke while in severe pain. You wanted to cry your eyes about the whole time, and now you finally could. You cried until your tears ran out, half of the night stuck on the floor unable to move. But you had to get up you just couldn't stay on the floor but you couldn't leave either. You really did fear for your life thanks to those monsters. You pushed yourself up slowly getting on your feet, every move was agonizing pain. You went towards the bathroom grabbing supplies to bandage up your torso and clean your lip until you could get professional help. You went to your room to lay down on your bed, you cried yourself to sleep but none of your tears took away the pain, your body aches with every single movement, even breathing out you in pure agony.

You wanted Katakuri to save you, you wanted Brûlée to come back , you wanted Pudding to tell you everything was gonna be ok. But right now you had nobody and it was killing you.

Finding his happiness (Charlotte Katakuri x reader)Where stories live. Discover now