9.Bringing in Business

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You had gotten used to your daily routine of having Katakuri around and hiding the relationship. He would come to the cafe in the day time, you both acted normal serving him as if he was a normal customer. And at night he came over to spend the night or just have alone time with you. Jun was suspicious he didn't know what happened the day you delivered the food to Katakuri, but you couldn't let him know you were in a relationship. Katakuri always gives Jun dirty looks though, even though it had been settled you know the two would probably never like each other. Hearing a knock on the door, you look at it unsure if you want to open it or not, no one knew where you stayed except for Katakuri, and he wasn't going to come to your house in broad daylight for one of the gossiping villagers to see. You look out the window, when you saw who it was you ran to the door with such speed you almost slipped. "Pudding! how do you know where I stay" "Katakuri told me duh now let me in before someone sees" You open the door wider before completely shutting it, Pudding was right word travels fast around Totto land and you didn't want anyone seeing the very popular Charlotte over here. "So I need a favor, to get more business going I want to hold a cafe dessert festival yours and mine will be brought together for a day what do you say?" You looked at Pudding with a puzzled look, you didn't know how you would bring your cafe's together but it could be worth a try, and besides who can say no to getting good business. "Alright I'm in" "Great here is your uniform, and if my brother asks I didn't give it to you"

You had to admit the outfit was cute, with your luck Katakuri wouldn't be done with his duties soon

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You had to admit the outfit was cute, with your luck Katakuri wouldn't be done with his duties soon. Another thing you had to get used to was Katakuri's possessive ways, he would always tell you that you were his. Giving you glares when you wore certain cute and short clothes, holding you close to him when you both went out on secluded dates. Sometimes you both would be out in the open but people had no need to gossip. It was no secret he loved the food you served seeing as he was there almost every day. So people assumed you would be talking about business, giving you the title of Katakuri's new baker. What made you most worried is the last warning he had given you when you had wore a really short dress with some of your chest showing.

"(Y/n) the next time you wear something very revealing out in public i will be forced to punish you, your mine, I don't want any man looking at you the way I do, your curves are for me and me only and I can guarantee that this is not only a threat but a promise as well."

You shivered thinking about the threat Katakuri made, but it shouldn't be that bad you were covered up in the chest and the skirt wasn't that bad because of the thigh high socks. "Alright Pudding deal"
For the rest of the day you and Pudding had set up a whole event featuring both your cafes, it was easy to put it all together so soon Pudding was a Charlotte she had everything put together with just a snap of her fingers. As the day went on everyone got word of the special cafe event, and you were front and center leading everyone your way hence the outfit you were given. "COME ON EVERYONE NEW MADE DESSERTS ONE TIME ONLY FOR THIS MAJOR EVENT!"

Everyone rushed around to try all the new desserts that you and pudding had come up with, the whole street way was taken up so booths full of different sweets could be looked at and eaten at. Things were going smoothly, that was until you saw some of the Charlotte siblings come your way. It looks like the towns folk weren't the only ones coming to see what the mini sweets festival was about. "You, girl, where is my sister" It was three people looking at you with glaring eyes, you didn't know who they were at first but when you saw they're strange appearances and heard sister you knew it could only mean one thing.
'So these are more of Katakuri's siblings'
You pointed towards Pudding not bothering to speak, you didn't know them well but they seem like the type of people who would tell you off for anything you could have said wrong. Besides, Katakuri and Pudding told you to watch what you say around they're siblings if you ever made contact, so it was better if you said nothing just Incase they were the type who did not like to be spoken to without giving you permission to speak to them. You had worked for a lot of high up rich people who had that type of attitude before so you wouldn't put it past them or take the risk.
"Speak when your spoken to, what are you a child."
"Know your place we are the Charlotte's you always answer to us"
"Don't make us have to remind you again little girl"
After they went on they're way you let out a huge sigh, for adults they sure do act like uptight jerks, it's kind of sad how stuck up they seemed to be. You had told yourself that you never wanted to meet the Charlotte siblings that Katakuri spoke of and you would have liked to keep it that way but it looks like today you weren't so lucky. You heard yelling looking behind you, you see the three siblings yelling at people to get out of there way.
You rolled your eyes at the scene,
"Yup stuck up brats indeed looks like they are the children not me"

Pudding looked around happy at the little festival her and you had thrown together. She could have asked for one of her siblings to help out but they would just tell her they had better things to do. Honestly she shouldn't have been thinking of them anyway, she wasn't a fighter like most of them she knew how to use a gun and her devil fruit to her advantage but that's all. But she could bake her ass off and she refused to let any one of her siblings mock her for that instead of learning how to fight. That was the Perks of being on her mothers kiss up to list. She was spoiled always getting anything she wanted, she asked for her own bakery so that's what she got. "Pudding what is all this" Speak of the devil and he shall appear.
She turned around seeing some of her siblings Mont-d'Or, Galette, and Amande giving her strange looks of exactly what she thought it was belittlement, they would either get food and be on there way or talk down on the event and be on there way. No matter what the out come would be Pudding still wouldn't let them ruin her happiness regardless. "What is going on here and who is that girl in the front she has no manners" "This is me and (y/n's) mini dessert festival she is a friend I made because we are in the same business, is there a problem." All he siblings looked at her with glaring eyes, she didn't know were this was going but she didn't like those looks. "That girl didn't speak when we asked where you werewhw just pointed, and she may just be using you for your status Pudding." "You did not need her to do this with you, what were you thinking." Pudding shook her head, of course that's what this was about, her family was always on there guard it was trust no one but family.Pudding looked at the with sickening sweet smile "I know who to trust, and how to run my business so thank you for the advice my sweet siblings but I have this covered" They looked at Pudding for a moment but turned around to leave not saying a word. As the trio went on they're way they looked at (y/n) trying to figure her out. When they were fully away from the festival Galette spoke up, "So what do we do?" "We watch that girl from  now on when she is with Pudding, you know people always have motives when it comes to our family, she could just be using Pudding for more business if she owns a cafe." Galette and Amande nodded at Mont-d'Or, all of them making a silent pack that they would keep a watch on the girl from now on. When they returned home they went to find a sibling that they knew that could be a big help with this task. When they finally found her they set the plan in motion, "We have a favor to ask of you Brûlée, we need you to watch a girl who we think might be using Pudding."

Brûlée turned away from her mirrors give a wide smirk, she was always ready for a new task, especially if it meant entertainment. "Sure just show me who she is and I will keep a close eye on her and Pudding, even keep a close eye on the girl separately."

The festival was over and you were tiered, you and Pudding had split the money and went your separate ways, she apologized for her siblings and you told her it was no problem at all, she shouldn't have to apologize for their behavior she was they're younger sister after all. Promising to celebrate with each other another day, you started your walk home. It had been a huge success it seemed as though everyone had heard about the one time festival, so the citizens took it upon themselves to start calling it an once and a lifetime anual festival. It looks like you and Pudding would have more ways to bond, now you had to do this every year together. As you made you way home a tall dark figure was standing next to your door, you stumbled to back away until you realized it was Katakuri. "Katakuri hi I didn't know you would be over tonight ive been busy." Katakuri just nodded his eyes were closed he didn't bother opening them to look at you. "Yes I heard about the festival you and Pudding did, I'm glad you both did something together, oh and nice outfit." You looked down at the outfit you had not changed out of from earlier, you were so tiered you didn't feel like changing, you just wanted to come straight home and go take a bath and sleep. "Oh yea well it was cute and festive so you know had to show the festival spirit right" Katakuri finally opened his eyes, raising a brow at you he leaned down to bring his face towards your ear. " You should be happy that your chest is covered and that jacket covers the back of your skirt, and you are lucky that you have those socks on that cover up you thighs, I was ready to punish you tonight" Katakuri grabed the hem of your thigh high sock pulling it away before releasing it letting it snap back on your thigh, he gave you a look you couldn't figure out before pulling out the extra key to your house he has asked for just incase he needed it and made his way inside.

You had never been so grateful for socks in all your life

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