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Brûlée had told her siblings that she found out nothing about the girl they basically wanted her to stalk. After meeting (y/n) she couldn't let her siblings find out anything, she made Katakuri happy and she was a sweet woman that's all that mattered. That didn't stop them for trying to come by to her mirror world to take a look for themselves. Brûlée had hid the mirror to (y/n's) house making sure that they wouldn't see anything, all hell would break loose if they saw her with Katakuri like she had did a few nights ago. She felt a presence once again in her world that shouldn't be here. "I told you I'm not gonna stalk that girl anymore" "Good because we would like to know what's going on before we do it for you" Brûlée let out a small shriek, she turned around see Oven, Diafuku, Cracker, Perospero, and Smoothie. If they were about to be involved in this she had to let Katakuri know and fast, who knew what would happen if they had found out about who (y/n) really was to Katakuri, she was over protective yes but she had to admit her siblings including herself could be a little hostile at times.

"The girl is not a threat she is just a baker" "Then you mind us taking a look at her" "I have no mirror here for her" Oven spoke up quickly

"Then something must be wrong, every citizen is to have a mirror in there house and business we will go to the cafe at once." As her siblings made they're way out Brûlée was panicking on the inside, she had to find Katakuri or save you she didn't know which one she should do first. What was even more dangerous is that they knew were you worked, Mont-d-Or must have let them know everything. As she got her thoughts together she realized she should save (y/n) first it would be her fault if something happen to her if she couldn't let Katakuri know in time. Brûlée brought out both of the mirrors from your house and cafe and saw you in the cafe by yourself, Brûlée made her way on the inside running toward you, grabbing you away from whatever you were doing making her way back to the mirror. "Brûlée what's going on I was closing up" " You are in trouble more of my siblings are after you."

Now that was a hard pill for you to swallow, you obviously didn't think dating Katakuri would be that big of a deal, especially to his siblings, but it was. When it came to Katakuri you knew that he cared deeply for his siblings, but how were you going to make him happy if all his siblings seemed to be coming against you. You didn't want to show it to Brûlée but you were worried the last thing you wanted was for all the attention to be on you then big mom would eventually find out about you and that is something you defiantly did not want. Brûlée moved you both into another mirror, it was to your house, sitting you down she looked cautiously out of the blinds making sure no one was outside, they couldn't have know were you lived could they? "Oven, Diafuku, Perospero, Cracker and Smoothie, those are the ones that are after you know. Instantly your blood ran cold Katakuri's triplet brothers, his older brother, and two sweet commanders were after you. To say you just wanted to give up on life now is an understatement,

"Brûlée please make my casket white and gold"

"What are you-?"

"And please don't let my grandpa make a huge scene at my funeral, the last time someone died he faked passed out after saying "take me with them lord", then my dad hit him with a scarf telling him to get his unproductive ass up, my family is strange like that"

"I don't think-"

"Then my grandmother started throwing holy water on everyone saying we all need Jesus because our family is a hot mess"

"Excuse me?"

"And if you would please invite all of your siblings to the funeral and give all the names of the ones responsible for my death that would be great, I want them to know what they have done my grandparents might hit them with my funeral decorations so make funeral fragments for them too just in case."

"Don't you think your over reacting"

"I will haunt your family for all eternity"

"I had nothing to do with this, why do you hate me"

You sighed sitting down, this was not what you had signed up for, yes you cared about Katakuri very much but did it really have to come with all of this, worried that his own family wanted to off you. You laid down closing your eyes hoping all the problems would go away, but you knew they wouldn't, you would wake up still fearing that Katakuri's siblings were coming for you. In reality they were and you didn't know what you would do when they had came for you, you could fight but not as good as what they're used too. You defended yourself weak posers not giant fighters and commanders. "(Y/n) I'm going to go find Katakuri don't open the door for anyone you hear me, I would bring you with me but i don't know if any of my siblings will pop up, and they don't know were you stay so it's safer here." You nodded, you wanted to avoid them at all cost, if that meant staying home alone so be it. You made your way to your room and turned on your self- propelled visual den den mushi, not even Katakuri knew that your family was rich, you believed it to be good Karma. Your parents had abandoned you only for you to land in the hands of a rich couple who couldn't have kids of they're own but loved you none the less. Your den den mushi connected to places all around like music festivals, fights, Davy back games, it was a lot of entertainment that people couldn't get unless they bought multiple of the den den mushi's. You didn't see a lot of people having multiple of them to put around the globe unless they were marines, rich, or celestial dragons. You were watching a music festival happen letting the smooth soul melodies calm you, soul king always had the best music, you wondered what it was like to be a pirate like he was, must of been exciting. You suddenly heard a knock on your door, you made no move to open it though, you had to listen to Brûlée no matter who it was you weren't moving from your bed. If it was Pudding or Katakuri surly they would have come back with Brûlée. The knocking grew louder, you turned off the den den mushi and rushing into your closet which had a small hidden door on the inside, you could easily fit in and cover it making yourself unknown. Whoever it was you knew it couldn't be a friend of yours, you waited for the knocking to stop and eventually it did, yet you made no move to remove yourself from your hiding spot. After a few minutes you still made no sudden movements, then you heard a thump and a creak of the door that's when your heart stopped beating for a second. Someone was in your house, a stranger, who you couldn't see, was in your home, broke into your home actually. You couldn't breath, you refuse to make any type of sound to give yourself away, rustling of multiple feet could be heard in your room until no more was heard. You thought you were in the clear until you heard your closet door open. No movement, no breathing, you don't even think you blinked, tears threaten to leave your eyes until you heard the closet door close. You almost let out a sigh of relief, but realize that they might not have left whoever they were. You close your eyes letting your mind wander with happy thoughts calming you, nobody had found you and you were safe that's all that matter. But when you open your eyes you wanted to let out a blood curdling scream but you had lost your voice all together. Someone had found you, and his crazed eyes stared at you as his head was sticking right through your small hiding place.

"And who are you, little prey"

"And who are you, little prey"

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