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STOP! Can we just take a moment to appreciate how much of a snack Katakuri is idc what people say about his mouth it's adorable 😂 anyway on with the chapter

It's been three weeks sense you and Katakuri had seen each other, you had come to terms that it was over, didn't mean you still weren't sad about it. You honestly felt a little guilty faintly thinking you could have changed Katakuri's mind. Maybe if you just fought harder, maybe if you didn't say those harsh words, maybe if you told him you loved him too. Now you had nothing but regrets always looking back on the night that Katakuri left. Mixed with the hurt was also anger, how could he be so selfish not even asking you if that's what you wanted. He chose to leave on his own and it upset you that he claimed to be thinking about you when he was only doing it one sided. You tried to throw yourself into your work so you could forget about the heartbreak, but no matter how many hours you worked you still had to come home to the late night silence and alone time. Your mind was your worst enemy and so was silence, your mind was allowed to wander to all the things you tried to forget and suppress. All the moments of your regrets and shames coming back to haunt you like a bad dream. A nightmare, that's all you wish this was, it seemed as though you were always living a nightmare when ever you found at least one spec of happiness. Living like this was stressful to you, it's like you wish for so many things and work hard to achieve your dreams but the one thing you truly want is always out of reach, love. You wanted nothing more than for Katakuri to hold you in his large arms running his fingers through your hair easily putting you to sleep. Those were the things you truly missed the little things that made you fall for him in the first place. But you couldn't dwell on that now, you had to focus on your career, that's all you had left now and it seems that it's all that mattered.

"Katakuri you cant just stay in my house eating chocolate all day to take away your sadness, be a man and go see (y/n) already and tell her you were wrong!"

"He won't because he's being an idiot"

"Not helping Brûlée "

Katakuri tuned his sisters out just as he has been doing for the past two weeks, for the first week he went on a mission and no he didn't fail but he wasn't focused the whole time. He had asked for time off, honestly it irritated him how living with his family was a full time job. When he asked for time off in the cake chateau his siblings tried confronting him to apologize and ask what was going on with him, but he just ignored them like they didn't even exists. He didn't even spare them a glare, they had ruined the only happiness he had gotten in years he couldn't even look at them without wanting to hit them again. So he stayed with Pudding for him time off, at first she had tried comforting him about his decision while Brûlée scolded him for it. Now Pudding was on Brûlée's side telling him to fix with he had done. Honestly he wanted to make things right with (y/n) but he couldn't bring himself to do it, he had acted like a coward leaving her to protect her. But he couldn't look her in the eye knowing she was hurt because of him, he had failed her as a boyfriend, what kind of man was he if he couldn't protect her.

"Katakuri you need to put an end to this you miss her don't you"

"It doesn't matter I wasn't man enough to protect her"

Brûlée stood up getting in her brothers face, she had enough of his wining, this man was not her brother and she refused to let him continue to say he couldn't protect (y/n) or anyone else for that matter.

"Listen Katakuri! you fought for her and that's all that matters right, running away wont do you any good and besides you just up and left her did you even ask if that's what she wanted"

Katakuri just sat there not saying a word, he didn't think of it that way he didn't ask if that's what she wanted not just him. He didn't even want to leave (y/n) he just believed it was the right thing to do for her.

Finding his happiness (Charlotte Katakuri x reader)Where stories live. Discover now