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Beautiful poem up top with creator. 3486 words aka Thirty one pages wow guys that's the most I've written for a chapter I really wanted to give you something great sense you all liked the last chapter and I got a lot of comments about how you enjoyed so it I hope this is just as good, vote and comment 😄

You couldn't open your eyes no matter how much you wanted too, you couldn't remember going to sleep, so focused on the pain you honestly didn't care about your sleep at that point. But now you are trying to open your eyes, the pain in your body making ever single inch of movement agony. But you couldn't just stay like that you had to open your eyes, you had to do something. You finally opened them slowly, seeing nothing but darkness fading in and out you didn't want to panic so you waited for your eyes to adjust. Light, you knew then it was morning and you felt worse than when you did before. Your body aches, your stomach growled and you couldn't help the light making your eyes sting slightly. You felt absolutely horrible and you knew if you took a look at yourself you would look the same as you felt. Using all the strength you could muster you pushed yourself of the bed wincing in the process and getting off the bed to head to the bathroom. Your mirror maybe Brûlée would be there. But you knew you couldn't leave, what if her siblings were their or what if they came back this morning. You wouldn't take that risk, those animals had already hurt you badly enough to break a bone, and they had already warned you they would do worse and you believed them. Making your way into the kitchen you got yourself a glass of juice, you couldn't bring yourself to eat, hell it was painful just to stand let alone breathe, all you could do was wait for what was to come next. This brought back old memories, some you didn't even speak of to Katakuri but these were much worse. Why did you never find true happiness in relationships, yes your past experiences were bad, but not as bad as this would this how you and Katakuri's relationship be. You didn't want to think that way, you knew Katakuri cared and when he came he would stop this.

He is not like the others

He would not let you down

He promised

And you believed every word he spoke to you the night you got together, every feeling he gave you, every longing look from across the room, all the sweet caresses. They were real to you and you believed that this was just a minor set back to your happiness, you had always been positive. And if it meant getting your happy ending then you would remain positive. You laid on your bed for a few hours, you didn't know when anyone was coming but the silence was killing you. The opening of your door and a faint heard of footsteps did make you regret wishing for no more silence.

Cracker and Perospero were looking down at you, they were smirking that's when you knew they were sick, how could people like this even be related to Katakuri or Brûlée or even Pudding. You knew it would be difficult but whenever or even if you got to see Katakuri again you would tell him that you could never deal with the rest of his family, and you both would have to remain a secret. "Your coming with us, don't say a word." Cracker picked you up and slung you over his shoulder, you couched up a bit of blood, the idiot may have did it on purpose, your rib wasn't even close to being healed in any shape or form. They carried you all the way to the seducing woods, nobody made a move to stop them or even attempted to say anything. But you would expect nothing less from the people in Totto Land you learned that all they did was live in fear, and you were becoming just like them. Shaking your head in denile you tried to get it together, you refused to become like that even if you were in pain and in danger you would not let them see anymore fear from you. They didn't deserve to see your weakness, you would put on a brave face no matter how long it took. You arrived to a small cottage with a giant mirror on it stepping in you knew what that meant, Brûlée was near by finally somebody could help you and get you away from these monsters. You came too the large opening filled with mirrors were you spotted Brûlée surrounded by the other Charlotte's who were at you house last night, and the ones who had made a ruckus in your shop. Cracker leaned you down a bit and the three Charlotte's who had started trouble in your cafe gave you a swift kick each, you wanted to scream until your voice gave out but you couldn't, you wouldn't give them the satisfaction.

Finding his happiness (Charlotte Katakuri x reader)Where stories live. Discover now