Shoto x (Male)Reader: Will you Marry me?☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁

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        It was Fourth of July and you woke up. You stretched your arms out and got out of bed to realize you were naked and covered in hickeys.

(Y/N): "Shit."
          You got dressed in a red and blue T-shirt and black jeans. Long story short you came home to America for the holiday and you decided to bring your sexy boyfriend with you  (emphasis on the sexy) so he could see your family again. Your father still wasn't comfortable with the whole gay thing. But your mother was approving and so were you Fujo sisters.
            You went to the kitchen to find Shoto discussing something with your dad.

(Y/N): "What are you guys talking about?"
              You said as you Sat down.

Shoto: "Nothing, and Good morning, and Happy fourth of July "
             He said as he pulled your (h/c) bangs back and kissed your forehead. You blushed.

Mr. (L/N): "If you'll excuse me I need to go buy some fireworks. Oh! And Shoto could you and (Y/N) get started on the barbecuing?"

(Y/N): "We're on it dad!"
               You grabbed shoto's hand and ran to the front yard. You got the grill and put it by the fence.

(Y/N): "The coal?"

Shoto: "Check"

(Y/N): "Oil?"

Shoto: "Check"

(Y/N): "Meat?"

Shoto: "Check"
(Y/N): "So... Let's begin!"
              You put the coal in lit the fire and put the meat on the grill.

              Shoto let out a pleased chuckle and got some Rc for the both of you.  

(Y/N): "Thanks Sweetheart~"

Kids: "ew! a gay couple"
                Said a little boy that was on his bike.
Shoto: "Excuse me little kid but as long as you love a person it doesn't matter what gender they are."
              Shouto said with an eerie smile that sent the kid running in tears.

(Y/N): "Sho? You okay?"

Shoto: "Yeah."
-Magical time skip brought to you by My scrumptious MEAT!--------------------------------------------------

       After an hour of cooking ALL! The meat.
You sat down and ate with Shoto and your family. Laughter and Joy was spreading through out the table. And once again Shoto and you dad were talking about something.

Ranka: "Dada when are we gonna start the fireworks?"

Mr. (L/N): "At 7:00"

Ranka: "But, But, But That's TWO HOURS AWAY! UGH!!!!"

Shoto: " If you wait Ranka the fireworks will definitely be better than expected. "

Ranka: "Oh FINE!"
             The family started to get ready for the fireworks show presented by Shouto this year.
Shoto: "Okay so before we begin I'd like to start with some word like fireworks dedicated to my beautiful boyfriend (Y/N). I love you so much."
          Shoto clicked a button and the first firework said ' will' he clicked the button again the second firework read 'you' he clicked the button once again and it said '(Y/N) '

(Y/N)'s mind: "Is it?"

            And yes he clicked the button again and it read ' Marry'. Before he could finish the rest of the fireworks O stood up and rushed over to him.

(Y/N): "Yes Yes Yes YES!"
             I jumped into his arms and he spun me around .

Shoto: "I'm glad."

(Y/N): "I love you so much Shoto you 
Due to the fact the Wi-Fi at my house shut down as well as my entire neighborhood. I couldn't update. I would have taken pictures of the fireworks but my phone died. Anyway hope you had a happy fourth of July. Also just put your face of instead Izuku's if ya like. If you'd like but by all means enjoy this BEAUTIFUL GAY SHIP!

 If you'd like but by all means enjoy this BEAUTIFUL GAY SHIP!

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