Kirimisha x Depressed! Reader: You needs snuggle therapy ☁️

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Requested by: Audrey1304

         I work my ass off... But get nothing In return.... All I want is a little moral dessert. . Is that so wrong to ask for?

Kirishima:" Hey Babe!"
         Kirishima Ejirou, The only
light in my life and my boyfriend.

(Y/N):" Heh, Hey hard head."
           I caught him by surprise
and flicked his forehead walking a bit faster afterwards. I could see his adorable toothy grin In the corner of my eye, and giggled.
       Now this... or these  momments
didn't last forever.
     Parents always gone. No siblings.
Its always so..... lonely. I'm in a huge house by myself, most kids think I live
in a paradise of no rules but after a while it gets old, like doing the same routine over...... and over...... and over again.
      I opened the door to 1-A and
took my seat. Someone tapped my shoulder and I leaned back in my chair and snapped my head back, looking at a grinning Kirishima, Who leaned forward and licked my lips. My face instantly heated and I wore a smile on my face.

Aizawa:" Settle down class."
         Everyone quieted down and
listened in.

Aizawa:" Today we're going to do the second physical exam of the year, This one is sure to be tougher than the last. So go to the locker rooms and get dressed."
       Everyone simply nodded and
headed to the locker rooms.
       When I got there I got dressed
and went to the field Rolling my head and standing next to Jirou.

Jirou:" You ready? You might go against your hard-headed boyfriend."

(Y/N):" I doubt Aizawa~sensei will make is fight, Well since....... last time when Bakugou went Berserk."

Jirou:" Oh... thats right"
          Aizawa walked towards us
in his Sleeping bag. He looked at us and then digged in his bag for a juice, and drank it, then speaking to us.

Aizawa:" Today, I'll have you doing different tests."
       Aizawa assigned our tests and
told us to start. My quirk is machine morphing. Its sorta like Momo-chan's quirk but to create weapons, I have to eat 2 by 2 bolts, if I eat any other type of bolt I wont be able to produce shit. The flaw in my quirk is when I over use it I get cuts along my body, starting from my cheek to my shoulders then down.
         Aizawa assigned me a target
and told me to shoot to my limit. I breathed in... Then out. And began my shooting.











          I slowly began to cross the line
that is my limit. And the next shot gave me a cut on my forehead.

Kirimisha's P. O. V
          As I attempted to harden
only my head and not my body, I took a glance at (Y/N) to see blood dripping down the side of her neck, and she was still shooting.
         And As she took another shot
........... She fell to the floor.

Kirishima:" (Y/N)!!!!"

~TIME SKIP/ Your P. O. V)
            You awoke in the nurses
office still dressed in your p. e uniform, your saw that most of your cute had been healed apart from the one atop your forehead that was covered by a band-aid.

Kirishima:" What the hell were you thinking..."
       I turned my head towards Kirishima who seemed angry.

(Y/N):" What do you mean?"

Kirishima:" Almost killing yourself..."

(Y/N):"......... Im...... so...... alone. Not that I don't appreciate how you've been there for me... but it's not like a romance that I desire... but family love.... Ya know, I need my parents. There the people that are supposed to be there when I can turn to no one else.... but there never home. Im... in a huge cage."
       Kirishima hummed in thought
And tapped his chin.

Kirishima:".... snuggle therapy"

(Y/N):" What?"

Kirishima:" You needs snuggle therapy."

(Y/N):" Snuggle therapy???"

Kirishima:" Come over to my house after school and I'll show you what I mean Hehe"

(Y/N):" Alright..."
        I was kind of concerned by what
In the fuck He meant, but at this point I had to trust him.
       After school  I went home and
Got dressed In a loose red shiry, and black leggings, with black socks and red shoes that were like Midoriya's.
      As I made my way to Kirishima's
I decided to stop by a Circle J to buy some snacks.
      When I walked into the store there
was a little boy who was throwing a tantrum, and the mom wasn't angry, but worried.... had she done something wrong. And by the looks of it she was a widow.

"Please stop crying... are you sick? Are you hungry?"

(Y/N):" Hey... little kid."
        He sniffed and looked at me with
his eyebrows still furrowed angrily.

(Y/N):" Stop giving your mom shit, She's got enough on her shoulders, so stop being a brat.... at least you have something more valuable than a god Damn toy."
      He still looked pissed, but seemed
More empathetic, and willing to listen.

(Y/N):" Sorry mam' I meant no ill will, Just seemed he needed a little discipline."

"Thank you, your very kind."
          She picked up her son and
and got some beef jerky, paid for it and left.
       I smiled to myself. And got
a couple snacks, Then headed to Kirimisha's house.
       When I rung the door bell the
door flew open and I heard Kirishima Coming down the stairs.

Kirishima:" (Y/N)!"
          His hair was down and fluffy
not the hard (hehe... hard) way it usually was.
           He dragged me up to his
crimson riot covered bedroom and sat me down on a chair, sitting down on another chair across from me.

Kirishima:" Welcome to snuggle therapy 1... 0... 1 Im your host Kirishima and we have a very beautiful lady on the show tonight."

(Y/N):" Pffft! You dork hahaha!"
         He smiled and flicked the
band aid on my forehead, since the cut was still tender I yelped In pain.

Kirishima:" Now... lay on the bed."


Kirishima:" You dirty mind. I'm not gonna do that."
        I was very suspicious of him
as I layed down lifting an eye-brow In curiosity.
       He walked towards me and layed on top of me, laying nisi head between the valley of my beeasts, taking in my scent.

Kirishima:" Please... don't hurt yourself. If you hurt yourself.... You'll hurt me."
       My shirt began to get wet from
his tears. I caressed his hair softly.
(Y/N):" I'm sorry.... I'm so sorry.... I love you Kirishima."

Kirishima:" I love you too."
         He kissed me so softly, it felt as
if I was on cloud nine.
Tis complete! I really enjoyed writing this. And IVE REACHED M GOAL OF 60 FOLLOWERS! When I first joined wattpad I said.. "Imma get 60 followers." And then I think it was a friend, I don't remember, who said... "Good luck." Buy thank you for the follows you all have made me feel very accomplished. I did something... YAY!


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