Mezo Shoji x Reader: You should take care of yourself more ☁️

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Requested by:  Ezi_Ezi
     School it's something I dread
going to. No friends, No family, Nothing. I guess I just... prefer it that way. Even now. My name is (Y/N) (L/N) 2nd year in jr high school.

"Leave me alone!"

"And why should we?"

"Because I haven't done anything!"

"You owe me $20 for not doing my homework"
       Such stereo typic bullying
it really is retarded.

(Y/N):" Ey morons do your own homework. Go to study hall."

"Wanna go?"
        I rolled my head and sighed.

(Y/N):" why not I could use the exercise."
        I put my fists up and then
gave the guy a good uppercut. Unfortunately for me he got a good scratch on my cheek and twisted my wrist a bit. I bit his hand and knocked him out. I wiped my my nose and headed to class.

"Thank you."
          I didn't respond and just
walked away. When I got to class I sat down and took notes and waited for the lunch bell to ring. I decided to go to my usual place at lunch and little did I know that there is where I would meet the first person to ever actually care about me.
           As I walked to the cherry
blossom tree it wad in season for bloom so as I walked up it's petals were scattered everywhere and when I got to the top something tugged at my ankle and I was pulled up. At that moment I was so glad that I chose to buy the male uniform.

"We finally gotcha"

(Y/N):" Congrats airheads."

"Grr.. You guys have your rocks ready? Aim! FIRE!"
      And so a bomb barde of rocks
came toward me scratching me and bruising me. I guess at that moment I felt dead... almost numb. Then he came along.

"You know I've heard you guys wanna get into U. A."

"And , what's it to you."

"A hero is the definition of courage and chivalry. And yet I see none of that in you."
         They all didn't say a word
and walked away. The boy cut me down and I landed on my bum.

"Are you alright?"

(Y/N):" Never better."

"Need a hand?"
          He leant me a hand and I
smacked it away and got up quickly.

(Y/N):" I've never needed a hand or someone to lean on.... So Im definitely not gonna start today."
         And with that I walked away.
Unfortunately for me I didn't get the chance to even eat lunch and I was already feeling limp. And soon I lost consciousness. Life it isn't fair... you do the right thing all the time and the minute you do the wrong thing your punished... I don't understand why they don't take the time to notice all the good things you did. I hate adults.

"A fight? Again!?"

          And with a scare I woke up.
I looked around and realized I was in the nurses office.

(Y/N):" What the..."
"I saw you lying in the hallway while other people passed you."
         It was the boy from before. I
hadn't reallygot a chance to look at him but now that I did he was tall had more than two arms and wore a blue mask around his mouth.

(Y/N):" Like I said before. I don't need help."

"Yes you do. Now sit down so I can take care of your wounds."

(Y/N):" Tch... fine."
        I got up and sat on a chair. I
saw him grab a cotton ball tweezers and proxide.

(Y/N):" W-Woah buddy let's talk."
        I tried slipping away but he
sat me back down on the chair and started tending to my wounds dabbing the cotton ball with proxide on it.


"Hold still."

(Y/N):" I can't! IT HURTS!"

"look if you don't stay still it'll only hurt more."
           I huffed and sat still I
grit my teeth as the proxide did it's magic.


(Y/N):" Thanks... What's your name?"

Shoji:" Mezo Shoji."

(Y/N):" Right thank Shoji."
         And with that I walked off
to class. After school I was walking home when Shoji caught up to me.

Shoji:" You head this way too?"

(Y/N):" Uh... yeah."
   The walk was silent and awkward.
I wanted to try to Strike up conversation but it didn't feel right.
But I did it anyways.

(Y/N):" So which high school are you going to?"

Shoji:" I'm going to U. A..."

(Y/N):" R-REALLY!?"

Shoji:" Your going too?"

(Y/N):" Uh... uhm..... yeah."
           I sheepishly rubbed the
back of my neck and I looked away from him. I saw my house up ahead and said my goodbyes to him and ran towards my apartment.

"What a weird guy."
           The next day I got up
got ready and headed out. But when I walked outside there he was. And even the day after that and the day after that and the day after that. And so I began to feel something for Shoji. It scared me...

Shoji:" (Y/N)! Wait up!"
       When I saw him my heart
started racing. I couldn't handle it so I ran down the hall. I could hear his footsteps chasing after me.

Shoji:" Why are you running (Y/N)!?"

(Y/N):" B-Because..."
          I started to slow down till
I came to a complete stop my face burning red and my heart in my throat I felt breathless. What is this feeling I don't understand it!

Shoji:" (Y/N)? What's wrong?"

(Y/N):" You scare me with this feeling I have toward you."

Shoji:" What do you mean?"

(Y/N):" Whenever Im around you... my heart races! I can't think straight! My face gets all red! I hate and Like it at the same time! Why do you make me feel this way!?"

Shoji:" You love me."

(Y/N):" So what if I do!"

Shoji:" What if I told... I love you too."
    My face turned 60 more shades
of red than before.

(Y/N):" Wh-What would you do if I accepted your feelings."

Shoji:" I'd kiss you. And hug you."

(Y/N):" Dah!.... I..... accept.... your feelings."
        Before I could comprehend
what was happening Shoji's mask was down and his lips were against my own. His lips so warm his embrace so comforting Like I could just lay down in an asylum and never expect to be hurt.

Shoji:" (Y/N).... I'm glad that I met you."
Doo doo it's rainy and my head hurts but then again a little rain never hurt nobody.

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