Shoto Todoroki x Reader: Meh marshomallows ☁️ Pt. 1 of 2

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It was winter break and everyone in Class 1-A was going to a lodge mansion in the mountains that was in rent for five days.
Tsuyu, Uraraka, Mina, Jirou,
Momo, Mina, and Me had planned it all. Thankfully it wasn't for nothing. Plus we were also partly helping Kirishima confess to Tsu-chan.
I was currently packing my
stuff, my little brother Subaru, crying for me not to go.

Subaru:" DON'T GO!!!!"

(Y/N):" Its only gonna be for the weekend."

Subaru:" But! But! But!"

(Y/N):" No buts! If you say one more But I won't come back."
Subaru gasped, clamped a hand over his mouth, and ran out of my room.
I giggled and finished my
I wrapped an (f/c) scarf
around my neck, (f/c) mittens on my hands, and a (f/c) sweater.
And under all of that I wore a burgendy turtle neck, dark denim jeans, and black army boots.
I waited for the travel bus, my
parents and Mina's parents had paid for.
I looked at my phone to check the
time, it was 11:57, Uraraka said it would probably be here around 12 o'clock. I tapped my foot look into left, Then right. Getting colder with each minute.
When I checked the time again
It was 12:06. I rubbed my shoulders and heaved a heavy sigh.
Finally I heard Mina's yelling.

She said as the bus game to a stop
and she got off to hug me.

(Y/N):" I-I-I-I-I-Itt's f-f-f-ffine. I just wanna go i-i-inside."

Mina:" Oh right."
When I stepped on I saw Jirou's
dad driving.
Once I took my seat I felt the heater. But it wasn't enough, I kept shivering.

Shoto:" Are you okay (Y/N)?"

(Y/N):" Y-Y-Y-Y-Yep!"
I gave him a thumbs up.
He didn't seem convinced, in the slightest.

Shoto:" (Y/N)... You have this habit where you don't allow people to help you because you don't want to be a bother."
Shoto and I had grown close
after the sports festival, We even became friends, But I had no romantic interest in him, only friendly interest.
He took a seat next to me
and hugged me.


Shoto:" I'm warming you up... what else."

(Y/N):" Nothing..."
I relaxed into his hug as his quirk
heated me up, the hotter it got the more I was dozing off because of the comforting heat. Until Finally...

(Y/N):" zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..."

Shoto's P. O. V
I felt something press against my
shoulder. It was (Y/N), She had fallen into a deep sleep, and her nose srunched up, and then relaxed again.
I chuckled at her cute expression.
Truth be told, after getting to know her for two months, I had fallen for the (H/C) haired girl, before me, She was so independent, and considerate. But maybe a little too considerate. She always thinks, she's always dragging All of Class 1-A down because she used to be in general studies.

Mina:" So~ When do you plan on telling her Shoto?"

Shoto:" What are you talking about?"

Mina:" When are you gonna tell (Y/N) you love her!?"

Shoto:" Its that obvious? Wait.... DOES SHE KNOW!"

Mina:" No, (Y/N's) Really oblivious to that kind of stuff. She's been like that since the last year of grade school. In the last year of grade school is when puberty hit her the hardest. She became the Takane no Hana, for two seconds, But when we got to middle school she didn't really care about her outward appearance. She was always tired, and cranky. That or she was really hungry, it was because her family had gone broke, She worked her tail off, working graveyard shifts at my parents restaurant. But I'm glad she's better now."

Shoto:" I see..."
I looked at (Y/N) Who seemed
to be perfectly normal. Miss independent...

We finally arrived at the lodge
and I shook (Y/N).

(Y/N):" ZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzz"

Shoto:" (Y/N), time to wake up."

(Y/N):" I don't wanna!"

Shoto:" But you have to... or I'll get lonely."
She was still asleep, So I decided
to get her bags and my own as well, and then carried her bridal style.


(Y/N):" ACHOO! Someone was talking about ME!"

Shoto:" Do you want me to let you down."

(Y/N):" What but I..."
Everyone was looking at Shoto
and I as if we were newly-weds.

(Y/N):" Let me down please."

Shoto:" Okay."
He let my legs go and I stood up.
I grabbed my bags from Shouto and headed inside before everyone else.
When I went in, I gasped.

(Y/N):" This... is... So... BEAUTIFUL! The stairs are like The one in the movies were there's two pairs of stairs on each side that leads straight to the middle! And Oh oh! Theres a chandiler! I NEED TO SEE THE KITCHEN!!!"
(Y/N) ran off and into the kitchen.

Mina:" Go follow her prince charming."

Shoto:" Fine."
Although my expression was
blank, My heart jumped at the thought of us being alone.
I followed (Y/N) to the kitchen.

Your P. O. V


Shoto:" Wanna slice?"

(Y/N):" Only if you join me with this fine dinery my good sir."
I said bowing to him, I heard

Shoto:" Of course... m'lady"
I smiled, Shoto usually doesn't
joke around like that with our fellow peers so it makes me feel... somewhat..... special to him.
I cut us both a slice, and gave it to him on a plastic plate.
(Y/N):" OM!.... ew..."

Shoto:" How old do you think it was?"
I spit out the piece of cake I had bitten and felt like barfing.

(Y/N):" I'm gonna go to my room."

Shoto:" We share a room.."

(Y/N):" Oh-Kay.. I'll be busy throwing up."
I walked up the stairs leaning
onto the railing for support.
Finally I made it to our room
and hurried to the restroom, where I vomited. Afterwards I washed my mouth and brushed my teeth. That's when I noticed there was one bed. I'll have to enjoy this bed while I can. I flopped ontl the bed, relaxing and heaving a sigh. Man... Shoto makes me feel weird.
Night time arrived and I changed into my long-sleeve black t-shirt and turquoise blue sweatpants for pjs. Before going outside to the back I put on mittens, and snow boots.
When I made it outside Shoto
had his right side lit up as fire for roasting marshmallows.
I sat down and Shoto handed
me a marshmallow on a stick. I started to roast the sugary sweet, waiting for it to be gooy, thankfully I had brought chocolate and gram crackers, So I set those out for everyone to use. I put the melted chocolate and gooy marshmallow between the gram crackers, and but it, Once that was done it seemed everyone was gonna hit the hay.

(Y/N):" I'll sleep on the floor."

Shoto:" No I'll sleep on the floor."
I had already set up my stuff and
knocked out on the floor.

Shoto's P. O. V
The minute I heard (Y/N) snoring
I stood up and put her on the bed. And I took a moment to appreciate her sleeping face. I moved her bangs from her forehead and kissed her forehead, whispering good night to her.
ZE HOLY WATER! I sprinkled it upon me, The vampire.

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