Mezo Shoji x Reader: I'll be gentle 🍋

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Requested by:Izumi_Midoriya01
Uraraka:" Such an exciting day!"

(Y/N):" Yeah! But it's also sorta of nerve-racking."

Uraraka:" Agreed hehe but don't worry you look beautiful."

(Y/N):" Thank you."
       I scratched my head and then
adjusted my veil.

Uraraka:" Ready?"

(Y/N):" I think so?"

Uraraka:" Alright! go knock em' dead!"
       I smiled and hurried out the
changing room and rushed to the hall and took Jirou's arm. My dad couldn't make it unfortunately so I chose the maid of honor to walk me down the aisle. (Just so you guys know this gonna go based off my idea of a perfect weddin,  this gonna get tasty) after a minute we made it the arch way and I stood there i  front of Shoji my heart absolutely racing. I couldn't help but let out a small giggle of excitement.

Priest:" The Bride us obviously anxious so without further a do. Do you miss (L/N) take Shoji Mezo to be your lawfully wedded husband."
     I swayed my head in excitement
as I said yes.

Priest:" And do you Mister Mezo take (Y/N) (L/N) to be your lawfully wedded wife and uh by the bub your gonna have her last name dat Cool?"

Shoji:" Hehe yes. And I do."

Priest:" Good choice. Anywayyyys You may now kiss-"
       And before the Priest could
finish I threw my arms around Shoji, pulled his mask down and kissed him. He blushed and grinned.

(Y/N):" Now... FOR THE RICE PIÑATA!!!!!!!!!"
        I shouted in excitement and
with the little kids I ran toward the piñata that was shaped like a heart.

        Tsuyu handed me the metal
bat and Momo backed the kids up and the minute the piñata went my way. I hit it! And I hit it!

Momo:" Okay (Y/N) it's someone elses turn."
(Y/N):" Awe man."

"Aunty (Y/N)... I don't know how to use a bat... so c-can You help me?"
        I smiled and carried her and
the bat and showed her how to hit it.

Shoji's P. O. V
          As I looked at how energetic
she was I couldn't help but smile. I looked at my ring finger that now wore a ring, clenched my fist and smiled. I love her more than anything... And Im already eager to start a family with her. After helping her sisters daughter hit the piñata she walked over to me and kissed me he lips soft and sweet just like her. I wrapped my arms around her waist and spun her around.

(Y/N):" Now we have to open the gifts from our families nyehehehe~"
Shoji:" I think I already know what your family got you."

(Y/N):" I already know what they have in mind but between you and me I don't know."
       She winked at me and then
announced that we would know be opening presents. Her mom told her sit on the ground and then it began. Rice was poured onto her as she began to make a rice angel.
        While my family gave us
necessities and furniture to put into the house we were going to go home to tonight.
        Then we cut the cake, said our
goodbyes and (Y/N) and me caught a taxi to our house. After getting out of the taxi she hoped on my back like a koloa and I carried her inside. I was a bit drunk so instead of laying her in the couch I layed her on out bed and removed my mask. I could feel myself Begin to harden as she started to remove the top part of dress. To be frank We were both a bit drunk and were probably feeling horny. She pulled my tie and began to kiss swirling her tongue around my own and panting heavily. I could feel her tits against my chest. I closed my eyes and started to grope her ever so gently.
     She began to squeak and moan
under my gentle touch. My other arms couldn't help but feel her hips, her thighs, her everything.

(Y/N):" Nyah! Mmm~ nn~ more Shoji!"
       I couldn't help but Begin to
mark her from head to stomach. And as I got to her stomach I pulled her white panties down and began to lick her wet pussy and I dipped my tongue into her and her back arched and her legs began to quiver as she came in my mouth. I swallowed it and began to unbuckle my pants and pull down my boxers and prode the tip at her entrance.

(Y/N):" Sh-Shoji... can you please be... g-gentle."

Shoji:" heh... of course."
      I then thrusted into her waiting
for her signal to begin rocking my hips back and forth.
       She wrapped her legs around
my waist as I gently thrusted into her.

(Y/N):" I-Im gonna cum~!"

Shoji:" Not y-yet!"
         Her face was red and she
was clinging to me as I heard her juices made noises and I came inside her.

Shoji:" I love you ~"

(Y/N):" I love you too ~"
         She hugged me as I cradled
her to sleep.
I've Never thought of doing a Shoji x Reader to be honest. So actually Im glad I got the chance to.

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