Deku Villian! x Reader: Aren't you quite the seductress 🍋☁️

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Requested by: kawii101


     The clouds cried as you sat in
Your studio apartment painting the April shower outside your window, or more so that you were painting a simple flower covered in rain droplets.
    You looked at your paint supplies
and saw you were low on paint.

(Y/N):" Guess I gotta make a quick trip to the Black Market."
    To be frank you never went
to normal markets since the brands were cheap and the ones that were expensive broke all too easily
    The only bad factor of the back market is that there are many villians. But you were nuteral about the whole Hero or Villian thing.
     You turned a corner into an
Alleyway and into the Black Market.
     You made your way to a stand
with an old woman.

"Welcome back (Y/N)!"

(Y/N):" Hello Muuri. Its good to be back."
        The small old woman smacked
your stomach with her stick.

Muuri:" Seems you've got more of a strong build since I last saw your heheeee!"
(Y/N):" Please! Not even Ive been hunching a whole bunch, So my back's been hurting like hell."

Muuri:" I bet! You've probably already lost your virginity for all I know!"

(Y/N):" I still have my virginity, sadly."
      Muuri cackled. And went around the shop resupplying shelves and paints.
       You grabbed some brushes and
and paints then paying for the items.

Muuri:" When ya lose your Virginity give me a call, and Ill give ya free supplies."

(Y/N):" DEAL!"
      You turned around and saw
Man with green hair in a cloak. He.... was so handsome, It was like looking at a painting... and eerie one at that.
      A blush dusted your cheeks and
you tried to exit the stand but the man grabbed your hips, you looked for Muuri but she was nowhere to be found.

"Its rude to stare miss....."

(Y/N):" I-Im sorry I-I didn't n-notice....."

"I think.... I'm gonna have to.... punish you."
         Your eyes widened and you
had a blush running across her cheeks to your ears.
         And the next thing you see
Is black.

~~Widdle Time Skip~~
Your P. O. V
         My eyes opened and I felt
a cold breeze blow along my body.
       I tried getting up but was
bound to sonething, I took in my surroundings and realized I was chained to the head-board of a queen sized bed. Not only that but I was in a silk green dress, the v-neck went all the way down to my stomach, reveling much of my breast, the bottom part of the dress was short, and I was dying to pull it down so my panties wouldn't show, But that when I quickly realized I wasn't even Wearing panties or a bra.
       I moved my right leg.... big mistake, As I moved my legs something inside me started to vibrate, making me shake and bite my lip.

"You like that.... don't you.... Ms.
(Y/N) ?"
       I continued to bite my lips as
my face grew red and I grew wet on my lower lips.
       He licked his lips getting closer
to me and crawling towards me, seductively.
       He placed his index finger in
The middle of my collarbone and slowly traced it down to my stomach. Then traveling back to the outline of my breasts and holding them in his palms.
         He gave me an experimental
grope. Making me shudder. He placed his lips on the side of my neck, Then biting down.

(Y/N):" SH-SHIT~"
         My stomach tightened and
then released.

"I barely started and you already came.... How enticing... Your quite the seductress Aren't you Ms. (Y/N) ~"
    He continued to knead my breasts
roughly as he came closer and sat me on his lap.

(Y/N):" N-Nyah~ s-so good."
     I couldn't help but mewl praises
As erotic noises spurted from my mouth.
     I felt a lump form underneath
me, and the man before my stopped all his motions, and an intense blush took over his face.

"Is this... love?.... Am I really in love?"
           I softly panted from all
     the heat that coated my body.

"Ms. (Y/N)... I've been watching you... I fell in love with your paintings, paintings were hero's and villians didn't matter.... where... I didn't have a label.... for so long I desired to touch you... or to even have a glimps of your beautiful frame.... and now that I have you... I... want to do so many naughty things to you~"
       I gulped thickly hearing his
confession. I didn't even know this man yet I was submitting myself to him.... why?
       He gazed into my eyes with a
soft look, he removed his back leather gloves, not taking his eyes off me.
      Slowly, he laid me on my back,
my hands still chained.
     He put a finger inside my lower
lips, his cold touch had me shuddering.

Izuku:" I want you to scream, Izuku... if you dare to say any other name I'll mark every inch of your body, claiming you as mine."
        He removed the vibrator from
within me. Throwing it over his shoulder. He grabbed my legs and set them in his shoulders, kissing the inside of my thigh, looking at me as licked the mark he'd left on my thigh.
      His tongue danced its way inside
me. He curled his tongue and lapped his tongue everywhere eating me like a meal.
(Y/N):" NNH! F-FUCK~ I-I-I-IZUKU! ~"
         My hips bucked and the bed
shook, as I violently shook my lower half of my body and moaned Izuku's named at the top of my lungs.
        His slow pace of licks drove
me crazy, As my legs turned it jelly I came into his mouth.
    He drank it and let go of me and
quickly began unbuckling his black jeans and throwing aside his boxers.
     He unchained me making my hands travel to his erotically hard shaft.
Izuku:" (Y/N).... Your hands are so soft..."
       He laid his head on my shoulder
As I began to pump his shaft and press my finger along the tip.
       He squirmed underneath my

Izuku:" (Y/N)! SO ROUGH! ~"
       (Who am I) The room was
filled with lust, desire, and passion.
       I continued to pump his shaft
Harder and Harder until the came all over my hand, I lifted my hand to my mouth and put one finger after another in my mouth, licking them clean.
       Izuku suddenly pinned me
down with his hands and slid his cock into me.

(Y/N):" ST-STOP! D-DON'T MOVE.... please..."
       Izuku widened his eyes and froze up and when I gave him the okay, the started slow and steady looking at my erotic faces I made every time he  thrusted in.

(Y/N):" Mmm~"
        Every thrust was more loving
Than the last.
        Until his warm seed spilled into
me. My virginity..... gone and it felt amazing.

      Izuku had stopped any villian
work he had and you two were Sitting on the couch when your phone started ringing.

(Y/N):" Hello?"

    I personally thought this was
fluffy and lemony. And I feel I didn't an amazing job, hope Ya enjoyed!


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