All Might [4]

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I stare out the window once again in boredom not listening to a word of what the teacher said. I had to resist giving the blonde beside me the casual bird as I could feel his glare on the side of my face. He'd been glaring at me like I pissed in his raisin brand all day ever since I helped Midoriya. Quite frankly, it was starting to get on my last nerve.

"Midoriya! I know you had a run in with a villain but pull yourself together kid. If you want to get into UA you might actually have to know something." The teachers extended hand hits the muttering boy on the head to snap him out of whatever daze he was in. The class snickered at his embarrassment and I returned my gaze back to the window.

Time flew by and I walked out of the entrance of the school.

"Oi Izanami!" A voice barked making me sigh in exasperation before turning around to face the hedgehog haired boy.
"Bakugou." I greet indifferently as the boy scowled. 

Suddenly I'm lifted up slightly by the front of my collar roughly, his red eyes glaring into my calm ones.

"What the fuck do you exactly think you're pulling?!" 

I raised a brow in question wondering why he was so angry making him click his teeth more in rage.

"So you and Deku are best a fucking buddies now huh? You barely say shit for a year and the first thing you do is stand up for that quirkless loser!"

"Why do you care so much about who I stand up for Bakugou."

"Because you got in my fucking way that's why Izanami!" He snarled making me narrow my eyes in disdain. However after a moment I hum in slight interest. With quick speed i shove his hand off my collar and take a step forward invading his personal space like he did mine.  My face devoid of emotion was nearly an inch from his as he held his ground with furrowed brows. "Ya know Bakugou-kun if you wanted my attention you could've just asked~" I purr with a teasing wink this time snatching his own collar down to eye level.

 "Ya know Bakugou-kun if you wanted my attention you could've just asked~" I purr with a teasing wink this time snatching his own collar down to eye level

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It took a couple seconds for the ash blond to register to girls words before his face turned red, lurching away from the teen with saucer eyes.

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