Hosu city [25]

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Days later, Ryuko hadn't taken me back to that canyon and gave me patrolling missions instead. However, today she had given me the day off as she was requested by the hero association to handle a villain problem. News had spread around about some hero killer and she was going to Hosu to handle it.

"Forgive me, but why are you so insistent on going with me to Hosu?" Ryuka's voice rumbled from underneath me as I sat quietly on top of her head whilst we flew the Hosu.

"I have some business to take care of too in Hosu." I muttered.

Ryuka frowned at the vague answer but didn't pry any further as they soon landed on Hosu.
Transforming back into her human form, "Be careful Izanami, the hero killer could still probably be o-" The dragon woman deadpanned as the spot where the silver haired teen stood was vacant with blinking bee lines. "That girl." She grumbled with pursed lips as she shook her head with a sigh. Be safe...

I stood in front of the oak door silently. Instead of the more populated area of Hosu, I was in the less populated area with small nice townhouses overlooking the city. The erratic thumps of my heart beating in my chest echoed in my ears as I raised my knuckles slightly.

"You're afraid, Izanami. Don't hide it, face it."

I paused rigidly, hand an inch away from the wood till I dropped my hand in defeat. What would I say...after all these years...

Suddenly, a bright light could be seen from the corner of my eye as I swiveled around in shock. Explosions and fire bursted from the city whilst I watched from afar. Jumping off the doorsteps I raced to the city, an image of the Dragonesses face emerging.

"I've been requested to go to Hosu to deal with a villain problem."

Anxiousness and fear clouded my mind as I finally reached the city. Mayhem happened all around me as citizens ran amuck.

My breath hitched as the wind was knocked right out of me. I inhaled sharply as I opened my eyes in shock. A creature similar to the one of the USJ incident loomed above me, it's clawed hand raised. As its hand came down to pierce me, I prepared to activate Susanoo but I gasped as the Nomu was shoved right off me.

"R-Ryuko?!" I whispered in shock as she was in her dragon form, crushing the struggling Nomu under Her talons. "Get out of here!" She ordered as more Nomu's began to appear surrounding her form. Before I could protest my phone vibrated as I slipped it out hastily. "What the hell does Izuku want at this time!" I hissed shoving my phone back in my pocket ignoring the weird coordinates he had sent me.

I took a step forward summoning my katanas but Ryuka's loud growl stopped me. "Izanami! Go help the others!"

I froze in step as she glared at me harshly. Gritting my teeth, I clenched my fists as I spun around.

Ryuko's orbs softened as she spun back around delivering a fierce roar as she knocked a few Nomu back with her tail. Whilst slashing at the multiple Nomu's she was unaware of the flying one hovering above her. Time slowed as the Nomu aimed for the exposed vulnerable flesh of her scaled neck.

The sound of a blade cutting through air followed by blood splatter rung through the air. Taken aback, the dragoness stared in shock at another Nomu pinned to the side of the building in front of her. A katana was imbedded in its head straight through the revealing brain.

"You better not fucking die Dragon lady!" 
Ryuko's eyes faltered, a soft smile etching onto her face as her eyes zoomed in onto the retreating form of the silver haired girl.

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