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Bakugou walked out of the school, a permanent glare etched into his face as he walked forward. The past few days had been nothing but a roller coaster from the half assed sports festival win, the shitty internship, and now Deku copying his moves. A scene of the training they did recently came to mind as he remembered the boy's moves. Not only did he remember the males moves but an image of the boy's pathetic fall resulting in Izanami coming to his aid spikes his temper even more. The fact that it apparently wasn't the first time the two ended up in such provocative positions...and she didn't even fucking care?!

He could feel the sweat on his hands explode lightly as he tried his hardest to keep his temper under control. It pissed him off. Everything was pissing him off. Sure it may have seemed like the silver haired teen was cause of his rage but it wasn't even the half of it. Bakugou was all about winning and taking the lead. He was used to others trailing behind him. But...stopping under the front gate, he looked at his hands clenching his teeth. All three of their backs he was watching as they got further and further..."Even if I'm not able to get ahead...I still...God damn-"

"Idiot." His eyes widened at the rough touch of his hair being ruffled. Dropping her hand from his head, she clasped her hands behind her, waiting for him to take the lead.

"How about you just take your shit out on me?"

Bakugou brows knitted together as he scowled harshly bumping shoulders with her. "Fuck off hag, I'm not in the mood." Once again he's taken aback as she catches up with him.
"How many times do I have to fucking say leave me a-"

"It's not about what you want, it's about what you need." He stopped in his tracks with parted lips as the girl kept walking ahead but stopped looking over her shoulder boredly.

"And what you need is to blow off some steam. I'm the only one who can handle it after all, Katsu." Katsuki's eye twitched not expecting such persistence from the girl considering they weren't friends anymore.

"Unless you're to chicken."

It took the boy a few moments to process the girls words before the whites of his eyes took over from anger

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It took the boy a few moments to process the girls words before the whites of his eyes took over from anger. "The hell you say?!" The male was this close from snapping as she got into a weird stance placing her hands on her hips. "Ba-bockugo."

And just like that, he snapped as he burst forward, an explosive hand reaching for the teens face. A small but semi loud explosion went off. As the smoke cloud died down, his angered expression faltered at the blinking bee lines highlighting the vacant spot. "Gotta be quicker then that, Ba-bockugo!?" His saucer orbs snapped to the retreating form of the silver haired teen whom ran away.
"Get back here Bimbo?!"


I snickered in amusement as we spent a good thirty minutes of him trying to explode me to bits and me dodging him. Soon we ended up in a small forest area that I had led us to. Skidding to a stop, I turn around facing the raging blonde. Activating my quirk, Susanoo's lone hand shoots out grabbing his explosive fist and flinging him into a tree. He slides down the bark of the tree, pushing himself up wiping the corner of his lip.

"I see you're done running away huh?" He growled as I advanced to the second stage knowing If I didn't it would just make the situation worse

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"I see you're done running away huh?" He growled as I advanced to the second stage knowing If I didn't it would just make the situation worse. Scanning our surroundings, I nod my head in approval. "Yep, Ba-bockugou."
I raise Susanoo's fist in defense. He shoots forward and Susanoo's fist launches out but he explodes inches from the fist and scaling up Susanoo's arm. I look above me using Susanoo's other hand to knock the boy off but he avoids it exploding my skeletal Susanoo's face. Thinking the attack didn't do much damage, I gasp as the face shatters and he drops in above me. Shit just how mad is he? I thought bringing up one of my forearms to block the attack. Awaiting the explosion, my breath hitched as my spine is slammed into ground.

Bakugou panted heavily, his sweaty hand inches from my face. A scowl etched into his face as he hovered above me. "You're fucking underestimating me again." He growled, irritated at how the girl had let him take her down so she easily. "You sure about that." His breath hitches at the cold metal pressed against the back of his neck.

I smirk slightly as he releases a defeated huff, letting his hand press against the ground next to my head. I cock my head under him with an amused expression. Least he's back to normal now. Reaching up, I ruffle his hair lightly causing him to stiffen. "I know it seems like nothing's changing and that it feels as if you're staying in place."

Bakugou inhales sharply at the sight of a soft yet stern expression gracing her features. "But it's not. You're strong and have always been, but it's not your strength that's holding you back." Trailing my hand down, I poke the center of his forehead with my finger. His mouth parts in disbelief that I was able to read him so easily.

"Im always watching, Katsu."  I blink in confusion as the boy stumbles off averting his eyes whilst rubbing the spot where I poked him with an embarrassed look jutting his teeth. "You shouldn't say shit like that so carelessly."

Not only was he able to read the silver haired teen easily but the bond ran both ways as she once again read him like an open book. She understood his hidden frustration and although she couldn't relate, his confusion and anger had subsided.

"But only if I don't mean it, Idiot." I sigh shutting my eyes briefly to open them. My breath gets caught in my throat as the boy's face was inches from mine. Bakugou's piercing red eyes searched mine, "Do you really mean that?" He muttered as my heart thumped in my chest.

"Why is that so hard to believe?" I murmur cocking my head as his eyes cast down. "After what happened with us and Deku ruining our-"

"Excuse me." I state, the soft look wiped right off my face as I leaned back. The old feelings that had emerged, burrowed themselves back in the darkest corners of my mind. "Unbelievable." I mutter, his crimson orbs snapping up to mine with furrowed brows. "Do you seriously think that Izuku is the reason why we're not friends anymore Bakugou?"

"If you're just gonna get in my fucking way then fuck off and be the extra you always were."

Bakugou's eye twitched in annoyance. "If you hadn't stood up for him we'd s- Oi where are you going hag!?"

"Of course it's our fault. It's everyone else's fault but you're own isn't it?"

"The hell is that supposed t-Nami!?" He barked out grabbing my wrist stopping me in my tracks. Wrenching my wrist from his harsh grip, I keep my back to him. "For as long as we've known each is it that you're always so close yet so far at the same time."

No matter how much we clashed, I always had a soft spot for Katsuki. Something I'd never admit. time flew by, It was like nothing I said ever reached him. This inferiority he had toward Izuku was beginning to consume him, and I feared that not even I could bring him back from it because I myself didn't understand it. With a sigh, my eyes falter, "If you can't recognize your own weakness then nothing will ever change."

"You're afraid, Izanami. Don't hide it, face it."

I knew that better then anyone.

Why do you think Izanami's so salty toward Bakugou? Is she right about Bakugou needing to change?

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