Quirk assessment[7]

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I stood in front of the large door with a bored look. Class 1-A. Joy. I thought sarcastically crossing my arms with a sigh.

Suddenly a small peep draws my attention, and my eye land on a freckles faced boy with wide green eyes muttering nonsense as usual. He seemed nervous we to go in class causing me to tilt my head at his strangeness.

Pushing into the room, I hold the door open slightly. After a few moments, I gain irk marks and look back to see him still muttering.
"Oi, Midoriya." I snap impatiently as he jumps out of his trance and scrambled through the open door apologizing over and over but I simply wave him off. I scan over the available seats and see a seat next to the window in the back. Unfortunately, that seat was beside another human being but lucky for me it was the same guy from the train. He doesnt seem like the talking type anyway so I'll be good.

"Take your feet off of that desk now! It's the first day and you're already disrespecting this academy my scuffing school property you creatine!"

"You kidding me right? Your old school put a stick up your ass or were you born with it?" Recognizing the two voices my nose scrunches up in disdain. Iida was scolding Bakugou. I felt a depressing aura beside me and I glanced at Midoriya to see dread plastered all over his face. I didn't know why he was scared. He had a quirk now so he wasn't defenseless anymore. If Bakugou did start bullying him again, Midoriya better smash his face in like he did the robot.

"A private school." Iida coughed. "I'm from Soumei provate academy. The names Iida Tenya." Iida said, placing a hand on his chest and the other in front of him with the palm facing up. "Soumei huh? So you must think you're better than me? All the more reason to tear you a new one." Bakugou barked. Iida's expression was priceless as he gasped dramatically. "You would threaten me? Are you sure you're in the right place?" He reeled back in shock.

Iida then spotted us, drawing all attention our way, well Midoriya's way. "Good morning, my name is Ten-" I immediately tune the robotic male out as he marched toward us and I took that as my cue to trot over to my seat unaware of the dual haired boy beside me.

I certainly didn't wanna be in Midoriya's shoes right now. You could tell the boy wasn't used to this much attention but with that flashy move he did in front of everyone at the exams he stuck out like a sore thumb.

Sighing lazily, I scan the room taking in my new classmates faces. The only ones familiar were the same pink skinned girl from the exams, Bakugou, and Izuku. Suddenly a hand was placed on my shoulder, causing me tense on alert.

"Hiya there, gomen if I scared you." She raised her hands in surrender with a small grin. I blink owlishly at the alien like girl as she laughed awkwardly before poking her hand out. " My names Mina Ashido but you can call me Mina! I just wanted to say thanks for saving me in the exams, real heroic thing of ya to do!"

Ohhh so that's where I got the rescue points from...To bad I wasn't trying to save her...I just wanted the points.

Why would I even save her in the first place let alone anyone in the exam for that matter. How do you expect to protect other people if you can't even protect yourself?

"I'm not a hero. I just did the right thing." I explain unsurely leaving out the part where me saving her wasn't intentional. She shakes her head and drops her hand with a friendly smile. "Even so I really owe you one!"

"Don't mention it." I mutter bringing out my iphone to act like I was texting someone thinking she would go away but she didn't. "We should exchange numbers!" She squeals swiping my phone from my hands. Within a few seconds the phone is back in my palm, a new message notification from alien queen. My eye twitched in annoyance as I go to speak but she's immediately called away by an invisible girl.

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