Hero team [8]

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New Hero outfit ^


"Oi! Hag! "

I halted midstep and looked over my shoulder in disinterest.

"Bakugou." I greet blandly.

His eyes were filled with immense hatred as they practically burned into my soul.

'Jesus what the hell am I Midoriya now?' I thought in irritation wondering why he was all of a sudden pestering me so much. He sauntered towards me as I held my ground.

This lack of motion seemed to just tick him off even more.
"Earlier today when you and that pipsqueak Deku beat me. That won't happen again ya hear me. I will be better then you and become number one!"

"...that's nice."

I blinked in disinterest going to turn away but I go still as my backs slammed into the wall. My breathing quickens at the action as he towered over my short form, one hand slamming beside my head.

Automatically, my fathers voice began to infiltrate my mind. I begin to pick at the bandages that covered my hand in slight paranoia. "Don't fucking mock me. I'll kill you."

"How becoming of an aspiring hero." I respond sarcastically trying to hide my unease but I tense as he snatches my collar up roughly.

For a moment, I didn't know why...but his face was replaced with another. I began to have the same feeling as I had before on that night.

It wasn't the first time that Bakugou would pick a fight like this but it was on rare occasion and in the open. I wasn't barricaded against any walls or pinned. But now...now I felt trapped. Cornered.


My usual bandages hands shoot up grasping on to his. A small uncontrollable tremor took over my hands as I tried to steady my breath.

"...let me go..."

To say Bakugou was shocked to say the least. Not once had he ever seen such an expression on her face. Her eyes were faltered and cast down, almost as if she were afraid to meet his own like she usually had no problem doing. This time was different. They were laced with Anxiousness...Fear. Why would she be scared of him? He was the last person she'd ever be scared of.

He tilted his head in curiosity as he glanced down at her shaking bandaged hand that grasped onto his. "Please...Katsuki..." And that was all it took for him to step back, his grip released. "T-the hell is wrong with you..." He muttered scratching the side of his cheek in confusion. A condescending feeling brewed in the pit of his stomach and it slightly irritated him. "Well, are you gonna ans-"

He blinked in shock at the blinking bee lines of the vacant spot. She was gone.

The train once again abruptly stopped breaking me out of thought as it almost caused me to crash into another person. I grumble curses. Once again there was no seats and I was to short to reach the train handles. This time instead of letting me use his sleeve as a handle, Shoto had the nerve to use one hand to grip the handle which was purposely not on the side that I stood on. Each time the train would stop, he'd glance at me with unbothered eyes as if secretly taunting me.

Unfortunately, after we got off the train, the rest of the walk was filled with a tense silence as lightning sparked between us. He may have had the others fooled with his 'I'm to cool' act but he was simply another Bakugou in disguise except without anger issues. Least Bakugou didn't hide his jackassness.

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