Villain attack [12]

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"For today's basic training, myself, All Might, And one another will join us." Aizawa sensei said. Sero raised his hand up.

"What exactly are we doing?"

"Disasters, shipwrecks, And everything in between. It's rescue training."

"Rescue huh, sounds like another rough day." Kaminari commented.

"No one can beat me in water, ribbit." Tsuyu added.

"Hey, I'm not done yet." The teacher glared and he pressed the button on the remote to the costumes. "It's up to each of you if you want to wear your costume or not, as some of them are ill suited for this activity." Rows of suitcase came from beside the black haired man,
"The training site is a bit remote, so we'll be taking the bus. Start getting ready."

Everyone gets up from their seats to get ready whilst I snatch my costume up to go change. I hope they made the fabric fire proof as I asked.

Once I was changed, I headed out front as Iida was trying to boss everyone around and give them seating spots. Ignoring Iida, I get on the bus last searching for a spot to sit. Iida's plan of sitting us turned to shit and everyone just sat wherever.

I squint my eyes as there were only three spots available. Kami give me a damn break. I sigh as my eyes switched between the three boys. My eyes connect with red ones that automatically turn sour at the sight of me. Tch not him. Drifting my eyes to the second person, I think about sitting next to the dual haired male for a second but I don't want a certain hedgehog getting jealous cause I'm sitting next to his boyfriend. 

Shrugging I plop next to Izuku, startling the boy as his face turns red. I could feel daggers being glared into the side of my head as I glanced at a fuming Bakugou. His eyes shifted from me to Izuku in disgust causing me to quirk a brow as I glanced at the silently flustered boy whom wouldn't dare to look at me. A small frown played on my lips as I glanced at Bakugou who angrily jammed his earphones in.

"I say whatever comes to mind, Midorya..." Tsuyu starts causing me to glance curiously at the frog girl on the other side of the boy.

"U-Um, yes Asui-san?" Izuku answers.

"Call me Tsu." She corrects as Izuku nods with a blush.

"Your quirk is like All Mights." She states bluntly causing me to tense, glancing at the frog like girl. She was to damn observant for her own good that was for sure. I wonder how little Izuku will respond.

"Huh? Y-you think so?" Izuku asks surprised.

Nailed it. I thought sarcastically as I switched my gaze away from the two boredly leaning my head back. Deciding to throw a bone to the poor boy before he reveals his own secret, I rest my eyes.

"That's an insult to All Might considering Izuku gets crippled each time he uses his own quirk."

"Ahhh that is true." Tsuyu concluded as Izuku sent me a small look of gratitude and I nodded in return.

"Well if you're talking about flashy and strong, it's gotta be Todoroki and Bakugou though huh?" Kirishima says. Can't disagree with that one.

"Bakugou's always mad, so he doesn't seem like he'll be popular." Tsuyu admits bluntly causing me to puff my cheeks to muffle my amusement. Bakugou sprang up and clenched onto the bars in front of him in rage. How he was able to hear her comment with his earphones in? I had no clue, but his reaction was sure as hell funny.

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