Hero license Exam[56]

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I sat on the travel bus silently, my arms crossed whilst my head rested on the window. My face was void of emotion as I stared stoically out of the window. Although, I had decided to dial down my attitude toward the bunch, I was still in no mood to be chipper with anyone. Not after my visit home...

For the entirety of the trip, I ignored everyone else around me. It was safe to say I had officially put some sort of distance between me and the class. A few concerned looks were passed my way but all of it was met with coldness. Over the past few days I had worked more on my special move, altering it to my liking. I decided to take recovery girls advice along with the clone guy that trained us and dial down the sheer power of the attack. In fact, it won't even hurt the target at all.

I bet you're probably wondering what happened after I visited home. Rest assured I now had a new outlook. My eyes lidded shut at the memory of my return to the dorms this morning.

I walked silently toward the campus. The rising shine of the sun danced off my expressionless orbs as the small figure of an animal appeared In the distance. It wasn't long before I came to a stop in front of the small mammal. His stern beady eyes were filled with concern and waiting as my bangs shadowed my orbs. "You knew..." I had mumbled as he nodded silently. "A week ago we discovered your former homes location and a squadron was sent in to apprehend and interrogate the reaper...but by the time they arrived..."

"He was already gone." I finished. A tense silence passed between us as Nezu sighed. "Gomen, despite what he did to you,  he was still your father. A team of heroes are searching for him as we s-"

"Don't bother." Nezu gasped as the girl dropped to her knees, her head her head bowed.

"A-ah what is this for all of a sudden?" The animal chirped softly in confusion. The silver haired teens bangs overshadowed the emotions in her eyes.


Nezu's breath hitched at the odd apology as out of all things he expected her to say; apologizing out of the blue was not one of them.

'"Everything that I did was, to protect you."

'It took for my real dad to die to realize who my true father was.' I thought

"Everything he has done has been in your best interest! To protect you!"

If my dads demise was able to get me in such a state, I couldn't even imagine how I'd cope with losing Nezu. Despite putting me on a leash and being such a worry wort...I now knew and realized just how much Nezu has done for me. Returning home made me realize how easily things changed and how easily those things can be taken from you...

"By the time you read this, I am already dead"

My jaw tightened as my lips pursed at the inner turmoil that fought to be let out again. But I took it and shoved it to the darkest corners of my mind. The game had changed once again, my mission had now changed. And If there was one thing I knew it was that, the last thing I wanted Nezu to hear was that he was nothing but a lab rat to me.

"For Everything..." Nezu stared taken aback at the girl as she bent down even more pressing her head to the ground. "Gomen for causing you so much trouble. Gomen for how I've been acting. Gomen for making you worry. Gomen for Ginzu..."  A memory of the injured animal in a hospital bed, his right eye bloodied and scratched up made her eyes shut tight in self anger. "Gomen for calling you a lab right because you've been even more of a father to me then..."

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