Slowly changing[28]

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^her and Bakugou when butting heads


"Are you sure you want to try this again? Today's your last day don't you want to prepare to leave?" Ryuko asked hesitantly. I shook my head with a firm expression, looking down into the Pitt.

"I've figured out what I needed to do but you have to trust me on this."

Ryuko blinked quizzically before sighing softly. She had noticed a change in Izanami ever since she came back from Hosu city. She just couldn't tell if it was good or bad. "And what's that?"

The silver haired teen turned around taking a step back. "Don't save me."

"E-Izanami!" Ryuko cried out as the girl stepped off the cliff on her accord. Transforming into her dragon form she went to leap off but froze remembering the girls last words.

"Don't save me."

Confused on what to do, she sighed transforming back into her human form, an image of the girls eyes flashing to mind. Her eyes aren't lifeless anymore. On one hand, Ryuko wanted to save the girl in fear of letting her student plummet to her death but on the other she had complete faith in the teen. She had a gut feeling that Izanami would pull through. In the span of few days that she had spent with the indifferent girl she noticed that she was stubborn when her mind was set on it.
"I trust you..."

As the wind whipped my face, I spread my limbs out relaxing as I fell deeper and deeper.
The familiar rush of fear had coated my heart for a moment before be overcame by content, closing my eyes softly.


"I don't expect you to forgive me but I'm so sorry...I'm sorry for taking your daughter away from you!"

The pained woman looks down at me stunned, as she clenches her jaw marching down the doorsteps her hand raised.  I shut my lids awaiting for her to strike me but gasp as arms wrap around me. Shaky crimson orbs stare forward as the woman hugged me, nose rammed gently into her shoulder. 'Why?' I thought in disbelief. How could she hug her child's murderer. "As much suffering as you've put me through, I want so badly to hate you...but, I can't...I don't hate you."

"B-but I..."

"I know...but you're here now. Holding on to my hatred wont bring my daughter back. Your apologies can not bring my daughter back. But there is one thing you can do......" She leaned back keeping me at arms length with faltered soft eyes. "Please, live on my daughters dream. It's the least you can do, right?"  I couldn't stop my eyes from crinkling with more tears at her obvious forced closed eye smile making me nod.



Tenacity sparked in my core as I opened my eyes staring at the struggling mother.

"My bab-"

"Cut the shit." I barked causing the illusion to still, her body turning rigid as she stared eerily.
I blinked stoically, the woman being replaced with the glowing eyes of Susanoo, hidden by the darkness of the void.

"I'm not afraid anymore."

Ryuko cocked her head in wonder as  a purplish flare could be seen from the darkness of the canyon. Taking a step back, she marveled in awe as a large figure shot out from the pit flying over her head and crashing into the ground a few ways behind her. A proud smile slowly grew on her face as the dust settled revealing the large armored half form of her quirk. Deactivating her quirk she sauntered up the the impressed dragon woman with a nonchalant expression.

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