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For the next few days, I spent my time helping cementos on finishing the dorms. That included installing AC, placing carpets, furniture, etc. After two days we were finally done. The buildings were separated by wing, one for girls and one for boys. Thankfully class A had our own set of buildings from B, otherwise I don't think I would've been able to handle the 'extras' as Bakugou calls them.

After most of the inspections were made and deemed safe, Me, Nezu, and Cementos stood side by side looking over the dorms.

"It seems everything is in order, thank you Cementos-San!"  The tiny creature bids the hero off with a smile making me puff my cheeks in annoyance. "I don't get a thank you?"

He shakes his head with a sigh. "No, this is punishment for leaving the hospital unaccounted for and breaking the rules once again."

My jaw drops in disbelief, giving the rodent a glare, "Oh come on Specs?! Weren't you the one, that said giving help that's not asked for is the essence of what makes a true hero."

My eyes widen as he actually returns my glare, the unnatural stern coldness of his features making me tense. "Using that as an excuse for disobeying the rules when you were not even fully healed yet is still unacceptable Izanami."

"If it weren't for us Bakugou wouldn't be here right now."

"And if it weren't for you, Hin-..."
My blood runs cold as he stops himself, sighing deeply. "Go on, fucking say it." I hiss, daring him to finish what he was going to say. It had been years since that incident and not once had Nezu brought it up. At first I had thought it was out of pity; to not remind me on how much of a fuck up I really was but now that little slip of was all I needed to know that he blamed me for that day. Just like everyone else. Even if I had confronted Hinates mother, there was still one other person I had yet to face the matter with on.

"That's not what I meant." He exclaimed, his beady eyes still gazing at the dorms in front of us.

"Enlighten me." I hiss, facing the rodent with a hostile expression. It had been weeks since I had shared an actual conversation, and the first time we speak in decades is about the one situation I had no control of.

"It's not only about what would've happened if you had lost control in your rescuing of Bakugou. Yes, the Essence of hero is stepping in when not needed but it's also about your life too." My brows knit together. "You don't understand just how badly injured you were Izanami. Recovery girl told me that if continued overworking and putting yourself at risk, you won't just lose your sight'll lose it permanently."

I inhale sharply as he finally turns his head, "Sometimes you need to think about the repercussions of your actions and it's effect on not only others but yourself. What if you had lost your vision and ended up having to fight? What if you had lost control? What would've happened if you had not came back?" He says the last sentence with a sharp edge in his tone.

"Why the hell does it even matter anyway?" I snap. "You're a fucking lab rat, not my father so I don't need you to tell me what to do as if you are."

"Enough, since you refuse to listen to reason you will be accompanied from here on out whenever you decide to leave the dorms. Until I feel I can trust your judgement. There are security cameras everywhere so I'll know if you leave without them."

"Principal Nezu??"

My shocked angered orbs snap to the new voice, my jaw dropping as the stoic boy approaches us. "Todoroki-San here will be your traveling-"

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