A vow[40]

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"Morning class." Aizawa greets us lazily with lidded eyes. Man I'm tired.

"Today we begin a training camp that will increase your strength. Our goal is to increase your skills drastically allowing everyone to achieve their temporary heroes license. " Aizawa explained. "Heads up Bakugou, Izanami." Aizawa called tossing a ball at the both of us. Catching the ball grimly, I quirk a brow at the teacher. "Try throwing that."

"Like in the fitness test." I commented lightly stretching my arms.

"Precisely. When you first started school your record was 800 meters and Bakugou's was 705.2. Let's see how much the both of you have improved, go plus ultra." With a small smirk I stepped up, my crimson hues glittering at the challenge. However, an irk mark protrudes from my temple as Bakugou steps in front of me stretching his muscles with an intense aura. "Step back bimbo, because there's no way I'm letting you beat me a second time!"

With saucers for eyes. a competitive aura enveloped the both of us as I silently accepted the challenge. Everyone backed up slightly from the scary duo sweat dropping.

Geez they're like the genderbender versions of each others... The class thought.

"You got this Bakugou!" Sero cheered as Bakugou walked forward with a cocky expression.

"I got this! None of you losers dare to blink."
Bringing his arm back, the ball blasted threw the sky causing a small shockwave. "GO TO HELL!" He shouted as the ball continued flying. A beeping sound marked the distance.

"709.6 meters."

"WHAT?!" I muffled my snicker shoving past the boy.

Smirking I inhale deeply shutting and opening my eyes. Susanoo's third stage advancing till it was at its third. Unlike the first time I did it, I had a limit to my abilities. He did say go plus ultra.

Shifting the ball to the Susanoo's hand I get in a pitchers pose, the avatar copying my movements. A small grin overtook my features as I pitched the ball causing a large shockwave to slam right into those whom stood behind me. And that those was Bakugou himself as he propelled back comically smashing headfirst into the ground.

"899.6" meters. As expected you'd have a drastic increase considering you only used your first stage back then."

"EHHH?!?!" The class never ceased to be amazed by the girls strong quirk. Izuku scribbled notes in his heroes manual swiftly taking in observations. The higher the stage, the higher the power. Izuku froze mid-write with a terror filled expression...if she's able to get nearly 1000 with her third stage...imagine her fifth stage...?! He thought incredulously. Sure izuku knew the girl was strong but he never took into account just how strong her quirk actually was...Could she be able to go head to head with All Mi-

"Of course not you idiot."


Crossing my arms I give the boy a bland expression. "The day we went against All Might, I had used my max limit. Infernal arrow is currently my strongest move in my arsenal and he met it head on as if it were a nerf gun bullet." I explained.

"Starting today we will focus on upgrading your quirks. You will be pushed beyond your limits from here on out." Giving us the same creepy grin."

|else where|

"The time is coming, sir. Are you sure you do not want me to advise him to have his pawns capture the girl too. Better yet, why not send me in?"

The man stayed silent not answering the calm woman whom stood at his bedside.

"Be patient, it wouldn't be wise to interfere now. In order for him to grow we have to let him make his own decisions. Besides, it is pointless to bring her here when soon she will come to us." The upturn of his nonexistent lips twitched on his face as he visualized the woman at his side. His most loyal follower. "You'll be the one to make sure of that after all in the near future in my absence ."

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