Enough [2]

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6 years later

"As third year students, it's time for you guys to start thinking seriously about your futures and- blah blah blah"  I tuned out the annoying teacher as he swiped the lone sheets of paper from our desk. Resting my chin on the palm of my hand I stare out the window in boredom.
It had been 6 years since I moved to Tokyo Japan and I was now 15. In that 6 years I hadn't heard a word from my father nor did he come searching for me. If he did, then he was doing a terrible job at it. It was a little hard at first adjusting to the city life but I learned to adapt quickly.

For starters, almost every kid here with a quirk wanted to be a hero. Me however, I wasn't interested in the slightest bit and had no plans to become one. Quite frankly, I had no idea what I wanted to do but I wasn't that eager to find out as I would save that thinking for high school. Unfortunately, since I have no clue what I want to do; I made a deal with my guardian of sorts to try out this oh so righteous path of justice for the time being.

"I would hand out these future career forms, but... I assume you all want to go on the hero track!" The teachers voice brought me out of thought as I sigh in irritation. As if on cue, the class erupted into loud cheers, quirks activating around me from my classmates. I thought it was ignorant how adults assumed just because you had a quirk that you wanted to automatically become a hero. It was the sole reason as to why I rarely used my quirk in school. Because of that everyone in my class believes I am quirkless like another boy in our class which I had no problem with.

Unfortunately though, some people thought just because I was apparently deemed quirkless that they could mess with me. Oh how wrong they were. I thought sadistically remembering the many brawls I came out victorious in without using my quirk. To my classmates I was a force to be reckoned with, even the male whom was currently boasting as he usually did.

"Hey teach don't lump me in with these bunch of losers. I'm the real deal but these losers will end up as sidekicks to some busted D-lister."

I glance at the ash blonde whom had his feet up beside me in slight disapproval as protests rung from the others.

Katsuki Bakagou, I mean Bakugou.
He had the ego the size of Pangea and it was not appealing in the least. Sure, I could get pretty arrogant at times but this guy was on a whole other level. Me and Katsuki had a mutual respect of sorts which made me free of his harassment. Now don't get me wrong I do not in any way condone his shitty excuse of an attitude but I had to admit the guy could throw down, especially with his quirk. He was probably the only guy in class I couldn't defeat without the usage of my powers.

"Ah bakugou you got impressive test results, maybe you will get into U.A High." The teacher commends causing chatter to erupt throughout the class. Once again I sigh in disinterest at the mention of the school. "That national school!?"

"This year the cutoff score is 79 right?!"

"Yeah, it's impossible to get into!"

I wouldn't doubt them on that one, I sweat-drop at the rigorous forced cramming I had to do for that test. The image of the big fat red 79 I had received in the mail nearly made me faint in relief. Yes, I know it's hard to believe but I absolutely suck donkey balls at written tests, it was truly pitiful how everyone thought I was some super genius but in reality that "the lowest score was a 59" was me. I think the fact that I give off an intimidating aura is the reason why my teacher never calls me out on it.

Jumping, Bakugou stood on top of his desk, a loud clatter  echoing as the students became startled around him, except me. I sat next to the guy for three years, you honestly get used to it.

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