Thats what i thought...[14]

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Class had been canceled the next day and I was currently at home sitting across from Nezu whom sipped on tea silently.

Brows knitting together, my teeth grinded together in irritation. "So are we just gonna sit here and ignore the fact that you lot seem to know something about my father that I don't. A man that you let alone any of you hero's should know nothing about."

Silence responded.

Both of my hands gripped the edge of the coffee table in rage as I glared down the creature.

"How the fuck does All Might know about our stupid little hero's deal Spec's?! And how come he says there's apparently more to it? Last time I checked the harmless deal was between you and me, what aren't you telling me!"

He sighs, setting down his cup on the table with stern yet guilty eyes. "This wasn't how I intended for you to find out, Izanami..."

"Find out wha-"



I click my teeth in annoyance getting up an opening the door with a glare. There stood Aizawa-sensei with a tall dog man behind him.
"Shi, I'm sorry to ask this but I'm a need you to come with us for a second." His unblinking eyes stared into mine sternly and I narrowed my eyes on alert. However, before I could do anything rash, I felt a small grip on my calf.
Glancing down at Nezu, he gave me a reassuring look. "It's alright Izanami, they just wanna ask you some questions."

A frown graced my face as I slipped on my slides and followed them out to a black car, Nezu at my side. "Are they going around and asking the others questions?" I ask as we all pile in the car.

"No, just you for now." The dog man answered curtly making my eyes narrow as I glanced at Nezu whom gave me a closed eye smile that didn't match his eyes. His usual kind orbs were laced with unease and guilt. An emotion that I was beginning to get cautious of. It meant that I had been wronged and I had no clue as to what I was wronged for.

After a few minutes, we arrived in front of a...police station. "What the hell is going on Nezu?" I demand as he shakes his head giving me a reassuring look ushering me out the car.

Soon we were all in an interrogation room, me sitting at a small metal table whilst the intimidating dog man sat across.
"Greetings miss Sh-"

"Am I a suspect."

The dog man sighs, clasping his hands on the table.
"Due to your... family relations...specifically your father, we have reason to believe you were involved with the recent villain attack on U.A high yesterday afternoon."

My heart stopped at the words as I felt anger brew.


"What does my Father have to do with me having motive to target All Might." I state with a hostile tone not keen on having to talk about a man I had tried my hardest to bury away in the darkest pits of my mind.

"How do you even know about my father in the first place?" I demand.

The dog man stares for a second before glancing at Nezu whom nodded in return.
"Some time ago, a super-villain dubbed All for Ones rose in the ranks of criminal society. Along side that villain was another called the reaper, believed to be the one whom was All for Ones accomplice, his strongest accomplice actually. The Reaper was actually said to be the one whom also helped All for One slip through our fingers after his battle with All Might years ago. The two villains are still in hiding till this day and we believe the the league of villains that attacked you all is tied to All for One and possibly the Reaper." He paused for a second giving me enough time to take in the strange information.

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