Im not sorry [50]

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^her rooms

"Are your rooms all set up boys?" Mina marched in sing songily with a grin while the other girls followed.

"Yep, we're just relaxing." Kirishima replied.
"That's good because we were all talking about a suggestion. Let's have a room show competition! It will be fun!"

Terrified expression replaced some of their lazed faces making Mina snicker evilly.
"Y-you don't have to if you don't want to..." Ochaco assured but a couple seconds later, they were all on the second floor. Mina and Ochaco barged into Midoriyas room.

"Ah wait stop!" The broccoli haired boy tried to insist not wanting everyone to see his room but sulked as it was to late.

"It's All Might from top to bottom. You really are an Otaku, Deku!" Ochaco commented taking in all the All Might figurines,posters, and bed spread.

Izuku covered his face In embarrassing keeping his body turned. "I just really idolize him." He muttered with a small voice. "So adorable!" Mina and Ochaco gushed making the boy heat up.

After Izuku, the girls went from Tokoyami, Aoyama, Ojiro, Iida, Kaminari, Kouji, moving through the rooms in each floor.

"Don't you think that it's strange that only the boys have to endure the critics of their rooms!" Mineta spoke out pointing to the girls. "This is supposed to be a tournament is it not? So it goes without saying...that we can't decide who wins without seeing the girls rooms?"

"Fine, why not?" Mina cheesed, clasping her hands together in excitement.

"It's only fair." Momo agreed.

After that they all decided to go to the fourth floor. "This floor is Bakugou, Kirishima, and Shouji wasn't it, Izanami too?" Hagakure pointed out in question.

"If so where's Shi-san and Bakugou?" Iida pointed out.

"Sounds fucking stupid, I'm going to bed." Kirishima repeated the blondes words.
"I'm honestly getting tired to." Kirishima said, scratching his neck and looking in the direction of his room longingly. Next was Kirishimas room and they continued to leave the girls hall. Izuku at the back of the group halted after catching a glimpse of silver. Shi-chan?, I wonder where she's been all day?  The boy thought as he caught a glimpse of her walking into her room. With furrowed brows he hung back and walked back into the girls hall leaving the others. Remembering the door she had walked through, his mind had been set on one thing since the camp.

Raising his knuckles, he knocked lightly on the wood. He waited a few seconds to receive no reply. Thinking she didn't wanna be bothered, he was about to turn away but froze as the door opened.

Glistening hair stuck to her stuck, droplets of water fell from her form as she wore nothing but a towel. Like a stoplight, the broccoli haired boy's face turned bright red as he staggered back shielding his eyes with his hands. "Y-you're naked?!" The boy cried out causing me to raise a brow as I rubbed my hair with another towel.

"No shit." I grumble rolling my eyes. "What do you want Deku, I'm busy at the moment." A small scowl was on my my face as I had to sneak around and avoid the others like some damn secret agent so I wouldn't be bothered and no one would spot me. "I-i can come back." He said hurriedly making me roll my eyes.
The boy yelped as the girls hand shot out taking his wrist and he was pulled into the females room.

"W-wait a sec?!" He thought with a red panicked expression as she kicked the door close behind him. The broccoli haired boy was quivering in his shoes as he practically smushed himself against the closed door, keeping his eyes averted. "Would you drop your balls already, I just pulled you in here because I don't want anyone else seeing me to talking to you while I'm like this." I stated turning away with an exasperated sigh.
Snatching up a large black shirt from my bed, I pulled it over my head over the top of the towel. "Look Is this better now." I state as he peeks at my form. The blush was still evident on his face but he relaxed slightly as my chest was more covered.

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