Pussycats [38]

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"Rest stop!"

My eyes snapped open and I jolted up. Swiftly I sped down the narrow spaces aisle and got off the bus. The bus ride had been an awkward hell and I was happy to finally be off the damn thing. With Shotos strange attitude, Mina's failed attempts at getting my attention which was her throwing balled up napkins at me, and feeling lightsabers being glared at me from a certain hedge hog.

As everyone gets off the bus, my attention is directed to the scenery. A beautiful forest like valley that seemed to spread for miles. This was far different from the two small gas stations we had stopped at along the way.

"This isn't a rest stop." I merely spare a glance to the dual haired boys statement as the others comment on our unexpected pit stop.

"Finally!! I needed that break." Kaminari groans stretching his limbs as Mineta busts threw the bunch squeezing his legs together. "Let me through I gotta pee!" He shouts hysterically as I roll my eyes jutting my head to our setting. "Do you see any port-a-potty's let alone trees up here. "

"Heya Eraser!" A new voice catches our attention .

"Long time no see." Aizawa responds as I blinked blankly at the two...colorful woman.

"Your feline fantasizes are here! Say meow~!"
A woman wearing orange in a ridiculous cat like outfit started.

"Perfectly cute and catlike girls!"

I squinted my eyes at the background shine and overly cutenesses, shying away like a vampire from light with a small grimace.

"You can call us, the Wild Wild pussy cats!" The two of them both said simultaneously striking a pose.

My eyes caught sight of a young boy with them and let me just say he looks like the reincarnation of katsuki.

Whilst the boys gawked and fangirled over the two females, I took in their features. One was a short haired brunette with two orange arrow like stripes under her brown eyes in an orange dominated outfit. The other was blonde in an blue dominated outfit with blue eyes.

"This entire area belongs to us." The brunette said with a grin pointing out toward the forestry. "The summer camp is over there at the base of the mountain." She added pointing to a spot in the greenery.

"That's far!" Majority if the class outburst and I too couldn't help but blanch. Thank goodness we have the bus. I sighed.

"Uh then why did we stop all the way up here instead?" Ochaco questioned.

"I'm afraid we both know the answer to that." Tsuyu answered and my lazed eyes widened rigidly.

"Save yourselves!!" Kaminari shouted as he along with Mina and Sero tried to make a break for the bus but it was to late. The blue cat lady had appeared in front of the bus slamming her cat gloves to the ground producing a blue glow.

Aizawa gave us that creepy grin he usually gave when he was about to screw with us.

"Ah fu-"

"Training camp has officially begun."

Before I knew it we were all swept away by dust and earth off the cliff. I let out a curse as my body collided with the branches of a tree. Hissing in pain, I could feel the bark of a branch scrape harshly against the side of my still healing neck before I crashed down to the ground. However, there was one small problem.

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