[the end]

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Cue song , honestly I kind of teared up cause I started thinking about all the chapters and Izanami's struggle and growth with everyone
Before I knew it, I was back at the dorms taking a shower.

The Water cascades down my spine causing me to close my eyes lightly. I couldn't help but think back to what Mirio had said.

"Turn experience into power!"

'I knew, that you would be able to bypass All for Ones hold on Susanoo. Something I could never do.'

No matter what, I was gonna get stronger.

Things changed. People changed. Feelings changed.

Cutting the shower drain off, the silver haired teen stepped out of the shower, and dried off changing into sleep wear. Embarking back to her room, she stepped inside closing the door behind her. Plopping on her bed, she stares at the ceiling lazily.

'...instead of grooming you to serve and protect Shigaraki; I taught you to protect yourself. To fight. To keep fighting as if today was your last.'

My bangs shadowed my eyes as an image of my pregnant mother and father came to mind.

Even if it means sacrificing my friends.

Even if it means sacrificing family.

Even if it means sacrificing love.

"Oi Bimbo!"
"Does it still hurt?"

I will avenge my father and I will protect them...my head turns to the side to see a lone photo pinned to my wall. (Pic uptop)

even if it means...sacrificing my life.

Because I wasn't a hero.

You wanna know why?...

A small fierce grin slowly graced the girls face.

"Heroes dont fucking exist."


"It's time you make your move, are you sure you're alright with this."

"I'm more than alright. I've been pestering that damned sensei of yours to let me handle the girl for years. Now that Kaiza is out of the way, nothings stopping us."


Book II
SAMURAI |BNHA|-2 trailer chapters already out.

Welp that's the end of heroes don't exist. There will be a sequel but there's no grand time skip or anything like that, it just starts from where heroes don't exist left off. Reason why I'm ending the story is because the big three is legit practically the last episode of season 3 if i remember correctly and the rest after that is just the manga till September comes. I know I have a lot of anime watchers so I don't wanna spoil anything. Instead of leaving the book on hiatus, I'm just completing it. Where it has seasons 1-3 and the sequel will have 4 and up once season four drops in September. Sorry to have to end it but honestly the book size is beginning to get quite intimidating and crowded no less, I have to do a lot of swiping just to navigate chapters so I don't think I'd wanna squeeze in season 4 into this book when I can just create another and then you'd be able to see if you want more. Till then check out Hiraeth as that ones no where close to being done. I'll probably be holding back the update size a bit with hiraeth so by time that's done, it should be like a month or two left for bnha to drop season 4 in September. If you enjoyed the book please navigate to the bnha awards chapter and vote for it on their account. The instructions are simple and are in that chapter. Kind of makes me all nostalgic to see the little completed label on the bio of the story.

Q: what will Izanami do?

Q:who do you want her to end up with now and why?

Team Bakushi
Team Shonami

Q: any theories as to what you think will happen next?

Q: if you could give Shoto advice what would it be?

Q: do heroes exist? Is Izanami a hero?

Q: how do you think she feels about the class?


Thanks for reading my story, it's been one hell of a ride hasn't it? Now this isn't a goodbye, my stories far from over.

Thanks for reading my story, it's been one hell of a ride hasn't it? Now this isn't a goodbye, my stories far from over

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So for now...

Catch ya later, idiots

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Catch ya later, idiots.

Heroes Don't Exist.| BNHA|Where stories live. Discover now