Protect and be Abandoned [34]

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"Kaachan, I'm telling you there's no way you can beat him upfront!? Haven't you been listening to me? Look what happened to Shi-chan?!" Midoriya screamed at Bakugou. "Shut up scum! That just gives me all the more to win this!" A replay of the silver haired teen getting thrown into the building came to mind, fueling the ash blondes rage even more. "I will win...because that's what a hero does, Deku." Bakugou told Izuku in an angered yet firm tone.

Midoriya's eyes widened, memories of their childhood. He shook his head and reached for his arm. "At the very least, we should still try to avoid him and go get Shi-chan!"

"Don't touch me!"

"I'm coming heroes! I have a specialty gift for those who want to run!" A shadow loomed over them, making the two boys look to the sky. All Might held a guardrail over them as he landed down, trapping Izuku against the ground harshly with it. Bakugou turned around immediately to be met with All Mights fist causing the boy to throw up mid-air from the powerful force. "Kaachan are you ok!" Izuku shouted in worry from being stuck under the rails. Bakugou coughed out struggling to push himself up. "Huh, I know why you're so angry Bakugou. It's because of Midoriya's sudden improvement, right? But you have to remember each of your rankings in the beginning of the year. It's much easier to level up when you're a novice. You're wasting your full potential and you're to blinded to see that. As for your issue with the young lady, could it be the same thing considering she was alleged quirkless too? Or maybe..." All Might bent down so his voice can only be heard by Bakugou whilst Izuku struggled to get up, "because she prefers Midoriya?"

"Shut up, All Might!" Bakugou pushed himself up, wiping his face with his gauntlet. All Might analyzed the boy's reaction remembering their hero/villain course.

"The reason me and Bakugou fought was because of you, Midoriya. That standing for you was the reason why he would harass you more then usual."

Whether she knows it or not...she's somewhere at the root of all of this.

"If I'm so bad that I have to get help from a weakling like him then I'd rather lose this, do you hear me?!" Bakugou said shakily secretly confirming All Mights thoughts.
" I see." All Might raised his fist, "then don't regret this, hero." A fist slammed into Bakugou's face wasn't All Mights.

"Don't you dare say that you'd rather lose this! Let's find Shi-chan and win this!"

"Drop me you bastard!" Bakugou said punching Izuku's back causing them both to fall to the ground away from each other. Pushing himself up whilst panting heavily, "kaachan I really can't think of a way to beat All Might and I can't think of a way to escape either, not without Shi-Chan." Izuku said slowly, getting up. "But before you think about giving up, you should at least think about using our power. You can't say you're okay with losing! You're the one that always wins, you've been saying it since we were kids-"

A small explosion rung through the alley way as Izuku stared at the hot tempered male with wide eyes. "I won't say this again so listen you useless nerd. All Mights speed is insane. Run and hide all you want but we're gonna end up fighting him."

Recovery girl watched in slight disappointment but approval as she watched the silver haired teen through the screen knowing the mental battle she was having. Abandon and protect them or protect them and be abandoned... "either will change the tides of this battle."

I leaned against the side of the building, gripping the side of my stomach as I looked at the silhouette of the escape gate with lidded eyes. "Gomen..."

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