Smooth hetero [6]

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The day ended and everyone had left to go home. I didn't feel like waiting up for Nezu to drive us home so I settled for the train. Yes, I know it's a shocker. They actually gave a talking rat with the intellectual IQ of Stephen hawking a drivers license. Till this day, It never ceases to crack me up as he uses those wooden crutch pads to press the break.

The train itself was quite crowded and I had to stop myself from snapping at each human being that came in contact with me. I didn't do to well in crowded spaces and I was beginning to regret not waiting up for Nezu. When the train abruptly stopped out of no where, I slammed face first into a firm chest.

Grumbling more profanities, I back up, trying to maintain my balance as I couldn't reach the train handles above me. "My bad." I apologize curtly meeting heterochromatic orbs of one gray and blue eye. To say this was the most unique looking guy I had ever seen in my life was an understatement. His hair was white on the right side and red in his left. The cool looking scar on his left eye made me automatically think of prince Zuko from the avatar.

"It's fine." He stated as we basked in an awkward silence. Once again, the train stopped abruptly and my eyes glinted murderously as I felt someone touch my ass. Looking over my shoulder, my eyes make contact with a pervy looking businessman, he tried to avoid eye contact displaying his shame. Like a rocket, my fist shoots out colliding with his nose. A satisfying crack greets my ears and I smirk as the male cries out in pain stumbling off the train.

Once the train starts up again to the next stop, I grumble more profanities as the boy in front of me blinks at me in shock.

I return his look with an indifferent stare and he looked away silently.


My eye twitches as someone bumps into me again and I nearly lose balance, almost falling into the lap of some random old lady. I growl out about the spin around and just snap at everyone but a hand suddenly grabs mine and sets it on an arm.

 I growl out about the spin around and just snap at everyone but a hand suddenly grabs mine and sets it on an arm

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My crimson eyes dart up in confusion and anger at being touched as my hand rested on his bicep. "Is this some lame trick you do to pick up girls that get on this train because if so call me impressed." I state bluntly, dropping my hand to grip the hem of his shirt sleeve.

Shoto's eyes widened a fraction meeting the scrutinizing crimson ones of the strange girl that hung onto his arm. He analyzed the female for a moment before looking away a little flustered at her misinterpretation.

"No. I noticed you struggling so I helped. It was the only thing I could think of." He murmured causing me to quirk a brow but nod my head at his explanation. "Heh my hero. " I mumbled sarcastically, mentally snickering at the inside joke with myself.

The train finally came to my stop and I hopped out of the hot transportation, glancing over my shoulder. Me and the boys eyes connect one last time and I found myself tilting my head in slight interest. Ya know that moment when you see a random cute stranger and you realize you'll probably never see them again. I was having that moment. "Such a shame." I muttered, sauntering home.

|1 week later|

"Izanami-Chan!~" Nezu hummed singsongely from my doorway.

I groaned tiredly swatting at the prying paws and I snuggled further under my pillow and blanket. "Leave me alone Specs."

"But your letter from U.A came in the mail."

"Im failing to realize where in that sentence I'm supposed to give 2 shits about?" I grumble turning my back to the animal.

"Aren't you wondering if you passed or not?" Nezu sighed as the girl gave him no answer and trotted toward her bed. Pressing the button on the device quickly, he chucked it over her shoulder. The rodent scurried hastily out the room, shutting the door behind him.


"Greetings Young lady! I am here!"




Nezu cackled evilly as profanities rung from behind the door, taking a sip of his tea as he walked away.

I yawn tiredly with bug eyes as I set all mights paused projection a distance away from my face. Waking up to that was definitely not on my agenda.

"The truth is I didn't come to this town just to fight villains. You are looking at U.As newest instructor. You have passed the written exam and practical exam!"

"Great." I mutter in disinterest about to get back into bed.

"In this exam, you see...we weren't only watching for villain points."

I flip over to face the projection in boredom, scratching my right butt cheek with a yawn. I guess I'm already up now.

"Rescue points were also a factor here! You achieved 60 villain points and 17 rescue points leaving you tied in first place with another student!"

Rescue points?
My mouth parts in confusion.

"I don't remember intentionally saving anyone..." I mumble in thought but shrug after a few seconds.

He suddenly reached his hand out, " Congratulations! You have been accepted into U.A Academy!"

"Come now, Young Shi. This will be your hero academia."

The projection then cut off leaving a small silence. After a moment Nezu pokes his head in with that annoying smile of his. I plop my head into the pillow with groan.

"Did you get in?"

Lifting my hand, I give him the grandest of birds as he closed the door with a knowing smile.

To say Nezu was proud of the young girl was an understatement. Although, she didn't know it yet, he knew that U. A would rub off on her eventually. It was what he was counting on after all. He had no other choice.
She finally met the princess Elsa 😭❤️

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