Shit [53]

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"Whatever." I straighten up and walking out of the room leaving the elder woman to glare into my back.

Walking out of the facility, I march toward the dorms, nostrils flaring, cheeks puffed In annoyance. Not able to contain my anger, I walk towards a lone tree and like a rocket my fist smashes into the bark. I bite my lip, as I let my fist stay in wood for a few seconds before comically bringing it back and cradling my bruised hand to see minor abrasions in my knuckles. "Great, of course I'd go on and fuck my other hand up." I scowl, at the stinging pain in my hand.

"The hell did the tree do to you."

"Eh" my head robotically turns to the ash blonde whom was walking by, his hands shoved in his uniforms pocket as he just came from the Gamma gym. "Thought it was you." I replied back causing his lip to jut out.
"Why that when you got the real deal right here." He countered bringing his hands from his pockets sparking small explosions. His eyes then shifted to her bruised hands making him automatically straighten up, his hands going back in his pockets. "You know if you needed to blow off some steam you could've found me Bimbo." He stated in boredom as the girl turned her head. "I'm not in the mood for a fight."

Bakugou masked his surprise at the girl for once not taking his offer to fight. He had noticed there was something going on with the other girls earlier but didn't care enough to look into it.

My breath hitches as the male suddenly grabbed my hand tugged me off somewhere. "W-what are you doing? If I don't get back, half ass is gonna come hunting me down. " I hiss.
"Let him." Bakugou replied bluntly but being the stubborn person I was, my feet dug into the ground and I tugged back. The last thing I wanted was to receive another earful from Nezu or Aizawa on my attempting to go somewhere without my guard dog.

I try to snatch my hand back but he tightens his grip to the point it almost hurts. "Let go you asshole." I complain but yelp as he suddenly let's go causing me to stumble back on my ass.

"Would you stop being a bitch and just come on." Bakugou growls holding out his hand for the girl to take on the ground but she simply crossed her arms with puffed cheeks glaring at the ash blonde.

"I'm not going anywhere with you."

Once again the ash blonde juts his lip out in annoyance at the girls attitude. "Suit your self."

"Eh-" I gasp as he lowers himself in front of me. Next thing I know, I'm hanging over his shoulder.

"Put me down!" I bark hitting his back in Chibi form causing irk marks to appear on Bakugous temple. "No you need to cool off." He retorts causing irk marks to appear on my temple. "That's rich coming from you!?"

"I don't know why you're so concerned with getting back to half ass." The male growled. "You hate following rules and now you're suddenly on board with having a guard dog. The hell is wrong with you." Bakugou inquires, as the girl froze in her protests. "First Nezu, then the girls, now you. Man I can't catch a fucking break." He heard her hiss. At this rate I won't be able to get anything done. You'd think distancing yourself from people would be easier said than done.

Bakugou stayed silent, keeping a firm grip on the silver haired teen,  their designated destination case to view. We suddenly pass some gates and my eyes snap to a sign, all color draining from my face. "You wouldn't dare!" I hiss, now struggling in his grip as Bakugou now sported a devious expression.

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