Class rep[11]

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"How is All Might as a teacher?" A reporter asked holding a microphone up to my face.

"Fuck off."

"H-how rude..." the reporter stutters as the sea of  flies split a path for me in fear as a gloomy aura surrounded me.

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning."

"Not in the mood Todoroki." I grumble feeling his bored eyes on the side of my head as we walk to class.

"When are you ever." Shoto muttered blandly causing me to send him a quick look of disdain.

"Good work on yesterday's combat training. I saw the video and results." Aizawa said with a bored tone.

"Bakugou, you're skilled, I'd hate to see that skill go to waste because of a petty personal grudge." Aizawa scolded the ash blonde teen then turned his attention to Midoriya.
"And Midoriya. You did good but you still managed to break a limb once again. Learn to control your quirk, I don't like saying the same thing over and over."

"Yes, sir!"

"Shi." I felt Aizawa's stern stare on me but I kept my gaze remained on the window. I already knew what he was gonna say. It was the only thing anyone in this hellhole of a place anyone ever said when it came to my quirk and my tendency to act selfless. Me getting injured just makes it more difficult to stabilize Susanoo from taking over.

"Despite the potential consequences...You did good in protecting your squad members, and saved Midorya from further injury."

My eyes widen snapping to the adults lazed ones as he nodded slightly. That wasn't what I expected...

"Get control over it. You have potential."

"H-hai..." I mumbled, puffing my cheeks slightly in embarrassment and resting my chin on my palm.

"Now lets get down to homeroom business. Sorry about the late notice, but today I'll have you..."

Another test? I thought in annoyance.

"Decide on a class representative." Aizawa finishes.

As if on cue almost everyone started protesting to be the class rep.

"I want to be class rep!" Pick me!" Yelled Kirishima, arms in the air.

"Me too!" Kaminari says, raising his hand.

"It's a job for m-" Aoyama started.

"I'll be the leader!"Mina yelled happily, waving her arms successfully blocking and interrupting Aoyama.

"My manifesto is for all girls skirts to be 30 cm above the knee!" Yells Mineta, waving his arms. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at the tiny male and the hype for class rep at all. Class rep meant more responsibility and majority of the people raising their hands couldn't manage a goldfish.

"Let me do it!" Shouted Bakugou, hand held high and face raged as usual. Perfect example.

"Silence, please!" Shouts Iida, grabbing everyone's attention, silencing the room. For all that Aizawa might as well make him class rep, certainty fits the annoying qualities of one.

"Leading many is a serious responsibility and Ambition does not equate that ability. It is a calling that requires the trust of those around you. If we want to use democracy to decide on a true leader, then we should hold an election to choose one."

"Your hand is raised the highest." I stated bluntly causing the boy to sulk.

"Why do you think that's a good idea anyway?" Asked Kaminari.

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