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  A few minutes later, in another room,
Marcel chuckled as he joined Ophelia and Klaus at a small private table with a bottle of bourbon in his hand, though they are accompanied by a few of Ophelia and Marcel's companions.

After taking a seat, Ophelia grabbed the bottle of liquor from Marcel's hand poured a drinks for herself and both men.

"It is good to see you, Klaus." Ophelia smiled brightly, treating as if Klaus were just an old friend as he was to Marcel rather treating him as a former love that had unresolved feelings for him.

"It's good to be home," Klaus agreed with a smile, " Although, please tell me the current state of Bourbon Street is not you and Marcel's doing."

Marcel chuckled while Ophelia's face became serious, "Something's gotta draw in the out-of-towners, otherwise we'd all go hungry."

Klaus turned his head and peered at one of the guys flanking the doorway of the room. He immediately noticed that he wore a daylight ring and turned to face the two once more, "I see your friends are daywalkers." He stared and both Marcel and Ophelia nodded their heads in agreement.

"Yeah, yeah, Lia and I shared the secret of your daylight ring with a few buddies," Marcel informed him and Klaus slightly frowned at what Marcel called Ophelia, "Just the inner circle, though. The family."

"Tell me: how did you find a witch willing to make daylight rings?" Klaus asked curiously, "Last time I checked, Ophelia had sworn off magic for good."

"Haven't you heard yet?" Ophelia spoke up suddenly as she lifted up Her little finger, "We got the witches around this city wrapped around our little finger."

Klaus chuckled at the female's comment as he leaned back in his chair, "Is that so?" He asked and Ophelia nodded, "I'm looking for a witch by the name of Jane-Anne Deveraux. Has some business with me."

Both Ophelia and Marcel froze in their spots as Marcel made eye contact with one of his cohorts, "You're looking for Jane-Anne?" He questioned, "You probably oughta come with us." Marcel stood up from his chair along with Ophelia and laughed, "Ha-ha, showtime!"


That night, out on the street at night, a crowd of people began to form; vampires walked along rooftops and jumped on cars, setting off alarms. A large group follows Ophelia, Marcel and Klaus to their destination.

As they continued to walk, Marcel turned to Klaus, pointing a finger at him, "Oh, how's your family?" He asked, clearly forgetting to ask the question earlier on.

"Those who live hate me more than ever." Klaus replied and Ophelia gave him a concerned look.

"Kol?" She asked him quietly and Klaus shook his head, indicating that he was dead. She let out a large sigh as she looked down at the ground, sad that the male was now dead.

"Ah, forget 'em," Marcel spoke up brightly, not even noticing how Ophelia had become a bit sad at Klaus' statement, "If your blood relations let you down, you make your own, eh? You taught me that. And what's ours is yours, as always. Even my nightwalkers, the riff-raff." Marcel gestured to the vampires walking along and jumping from the rooftops. He then grabbed a branch off a tree as they passed it.

"They're hardly subtle, are they?" Klaus commented and Ophelia couldn't help but laugh out.

"It's the Quarter, Klaus. There ain't no such thing as subtle here, handsome." Ophelia smirked as Marcel whistled with his fingers, causing the crowd to erupt into cheers.

  Soon enough, One of their vampires  brought forward Jane-Anne, whose wrists were bound with rope in front of her, "Jane-Anne Deveraux! Give it up for Jane-Anne! Come on, let's hear it!"Jane-Anne Deveraux, you have been accused of the practice of witchcraft beyond the bounds of the rules set forth, and enforced, by me. How do you plead?" As he continued to talk, Marcel turned abruptly and walked over to Klaus, "Was that convincing? I studied law back in the '50s. Hold that thought." Marcel returned to Jane-Anne, "Seriously Jane, tick-tock. You know the drill. How do you plead?"

  "I didn't do anything." Jane-Anne replied coldly

   The crowd began to laugh quietly, causing Ophelia to sigh, "Mm, that's a lie. You know it, I know it, and you hate that I know it. It drives you witches crazy that Ophelia and I are aware of your every move. That you can't do magic in this town without getting caught. So, why don't we just cut to the chase, huh? You tell us what magic you're brewing. I mean, tell me. I'll grant you leniency. Hey, I am, after all, a merciful man."

   Klaus, Ophelia, and the crowd observed in uttered silence as Jane-Anne scoffed, a disgusted look on her face, "Rot in hell, monster." She growled at him.

  Shocked murmuring rumbled through the crowd as Marcel smiled, looking over at Ophelia. He held out the large branch, which caused Ophelia to smirk as she walked over to him.

Ophelia grabbed the branch from his hand as she walked over to Jane-Anne, "I'll tell you what, Jane. We'll give you one more chance..." Ophelia grinned as she started to walk away from the witch.

  Suddenly, she turned around and swung the branch she was holding in her hand so fast, it slice: open Jane-Anne neck.

  Jane-Anne immediately began to gag, "Or not." Marcel muttered as Jane-Anne fell to the ground and the crowd cheered.  As Ophelia began to walk, numerous vampires patted her on the the back.

  Klaus stared down at her body, looking a bit displeased. He approached Marcel and Ophelia and grabbed their shoulders to turn them round, "What was that?" Klaus asked angrily.

  "Hey. Come walk with us," Marcel told him as he began to pull Klaus with him and Ophelia, "The witches aren't allowed to do magic here--she broke the rules."

  "I told you I wanted to talk to her." Klaus scowled.

  "Hey, I'm sorry. We got caught up in the show. Those witches, they think that they still have power in this town. We have to show them that they don't. I never waste an opportunity for a show of force, another lesson that I learned from you. And besides, anything that you could've gotten outta her, Ophelia and I can find out for you, and we will. I promise." Marcel explained to him.

Ophelia let out a sigh before she began to speak, "We promise." She corrected him.

  Klaus considered the two for a few moments before he spoke up, "Well, whatever it was, doesn't matter anymore, does it?" Klaus smiled, and soon enough, Marcel and Ophelia smiled back.

  "Good, good. Then let's eat, 'cause all that spilled blood makes me hungry, ha-ha!" Marcel shouted, causing Ophelia to smile.

He laughed, grabbing Ophelia by the waist and pulling her closer. Ophelia glanced at Klaus, who was staring at
them. She looked back over at Marcel and leaned forward, kissing the vampire passionately. Klaus scowled at the two as they both began to walk away, hand in hand.

AN: Klaus is clearly jelly that Marcel stole both his girl and his city after he thought both of them were dead.

I'm still debating the love interest but it's clearly caught between two: Klaus and Marcel. I'm thinking Klaus but idk for sure. What do you guys think?

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