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Later on that night, Klaus arrived at Ophelia and Marcel's place. He entered a room where Thierry laid dying in the couple's bed, surrounded by others, including Marcel and Ophelia.

As Klaus entered, Ophelia Marcel and Diego rose defensively, "I had time to sleep on it." Klaus informed them as Marcel quickly motioned for Diego to stand down so he could listen to what Klaus has to say, "I am not your enemy. Where my family and I failed this town...Marcel succeeded with Ophelia by his side."

Klaus stoped talking for a short while as he reached over to a drink tray and picked up a glass. He bit into his hand with his hybrid fangs and held it, bleeding, over the glass, before holding it out for them to take, "My blood will heal him, as though it never happened."

Ophelia and Marcel glanced down at his before Ophelia turned her head and nodded at Diego, who quickly took the glass and gave it to Thierry, "The Quarter is your home, but I would like to stay a while, if I'm still welcome."

A wide grin spreads across Marcel's face as his placed his hands on Klaus' neck, chuckling.


The following day,  Marcel and Ophelia entered St. Anne's Church and made their way up to the attic, also making sure no one saw them. They found Davina in her room, using magic lit a candle, then blow it out, repeatedly.

   "That helps you concentrate, Davina. It's honestly a great thing to learn as a young witch." Ophelia spoke up, causing Davina quickly turn to face her.

She seemed a bit relieved to see that it was only Marcel and Ophelia, the people who took her in after saving her life.

   "I assume it's all quiet out there?" Marcel asked curiously, causing Ophelia to sigh. She always felt that Marcel only used the girl as a weapon and somedays, he did just that.

     Davina sighed as she turned to face the candle once more, "The witches know better than to use magic. They know I can sense it when they do." She explained to them, "What about the old ones? They're dangerous, and I don't want them to hurt the two of you."

"The Originals?" Marcel questioned, "Davina, as powerful as you are, they don't stand a chance."

  Ophelia sighed, rolling her eyes, "What's he's trying to say is that we can deal with them just fine." She answered for herself as she walked over to Davina with a few books in her hand.

"Got you some books I thought you'd like." Ophelia told the younger witch with a smile on her.

Davina smiled back, examining all the books she was handed, "Thank you.
Those books Marcel gave me were horrible. The Hunger Games And The Outsiders don't seem half as bad."

The three of them began to laugh at Davina's comment about Marcel's poor taste in books.


Out in the streets of the French Quarter that night, Klaus navigated through crowds of people. He stopped walking to see a band of musicians, then noticed a man painting a large canvas.

  He let out a small sigh when he noticed Ophelia standing a few feet away from the canvas, watching the man paint. He was hesitant to do so at first, but finally, he approached her.

  Ophelia immediately noticed the male's presence and slightly turned to face him, "Klaus." She greeted him without emotion before turning back to watch the man paint.

"Ophelia," He greeted her calmly, "What are you doing here?"

  Ophelia sighed deeply, keeping her eyes locked on the painter, "I take walks through the quarter frequently. You know, to keep sane in this dreadful world," Ophelia explained to him in a more of a joking way rather than a serious way, "Amazing, isn't he?"

  The two hybrid observed the painter once more together, both of them silent, "Do you still paint like you did before?" He asked the girl curiously.

Ophelia couldn't help but smile at Klaus' story, "Not as much as I used to, but I still do admire though."

"Maybe it's because you don't have a great model for your magnificent portraits any longer," Klaus smirked, causing Ophelia to laugh.

  As they calmed down a bit, Klaus couldn't help but ask the question he was dying to know, "Why didn't you ever try to look for me when my family and I was gone? It seemed like that's what you would have done."
Klaus asked her, a concerned look on his face.

Ophelia stayed quiet for a long moment before she finally spoke up, "I was going to. I thought about it all the time, but then I heard of all the stories about you in the past one hundred years. You and Rebekah befriending that awful ripper boy, how you helped him kills dozens in Chicago. You daggering Rebekah for ninety years because she wanted to be with the person she loved. What you did in Germany, France, Belgium. How about last year in Mystic Falls? When you sacrificed the doppelgänger, her aunt, killed numerous people for your selfish gain. What about Kol? You let those people kill him and you didn't even bother to get vengeance because of the cure. Now, you're only here because you heard about Marcel and I ruling over New Orleans and you have the need to take it from us because you got bored of terrorizing people in Mystic Falls. First, you come in here acting like you own the place, then you when you were proven wrong, you go and bite one of my most trusted men with your venomous fangs."

  Klaus seemed to be shocked my her sudden change in mood. His eyes glistened from the tears that were threatening to spill from her venomous words. She had snapped within seconds, which shocked him more than anything, I'm not here because I want to take the city—" Klaus began to argue, only to be cut off by an angry Ophelia.

"Then why are you here, Niklaus?" She asked, venom in her tone, "What? You heard about Marcel being with me now and decided to take me from from him? You and I's relationship is long over, okay? I'm with Marcel, have been since nineteen twenty three, almost exactly ninety years. And unlike you—"

  As Ophelia began her angered rant about her and Marcel, Klaus lightly grabbed her by the arms, which quickly shut her up, "I got a girl pregnant." He informed her and Ophelia's eyes widened in shock.

  He used his hand to slide down the cloth covering her shoulder to reveal where her crescent shaped birthmark used to be, but at that moment, it was covered with make up, "I was intrigued by her, she reminded me a bit of you. Turns out, she comes from the same bloodline as you. We slept together once and I got her pregnant. She now resides here and is stuck being prisoner to the witches. I'm here because Jane-Anne Deveraux, the witch you killed, is of the people responsible." He explained to Ophelia, who stood there shocked, "You happy now that I told you?"

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