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Ophelia woke up the next morning lying beside Klaus in his bed. She turned around to see Klaus lying fast asleep next to her. Ophelia wrapped the sheet around her naked body before sitting up from lying on the bed.

"Going so soon?" Klaus spoke up suddenly, causing Ophelia to turn and look at him shocked.

"I have to find Marcel. He's probably pissed at me after I didn't show up to talk yesterday," Ophelia rambled before her eyes widened in shock, "Oh, my God. How do I tell him that I'm a Hybrid now?"

"Tribrid," Klaus corrected her, causing Ophelia to frown, "Part Vampire, Part Witch, Part Werewolf." He explained, "I'd advise that you don't tell Marcel just yet."

"Why? So I can become your secret weapon since Marcel has Davina?" Ophelia asked with an attitude, "If you think that you can force me to become that, you're in for a rude awakening."

Klaus couldn't help but laugh at this, "I have a feeling you won't need to be forced. I wouldn't even consider that. Soon enough, you'll find yourself on my side. Just like you always do."


   Later on that morning, a breakfast had been set up in the dining room of the plantation house.

  Rebekah sat at the table with Ophelia and Klaus sitting across from her. The table was filled with fruit and pastries. One of the servers, a young woman, stood between Opehlia and Klaus' chairs as they bit into her wrists and fed from her.

  "Have you spoken to our good friend Marcel today?" Klaus asked his younger sister curiously as he pulled away from the girl's wrist.

  "No, should I have?" Rebekah replied, clearly playing dumbass.

"Liar." Ophelia spoke up, rolling her eyes and Rebekah gave Ophelia an annoyed look.

  "He's been mysteriously silent," Klaus if formed, "Avoiding me, some might say. Ophelia had me thinking, perhaps he may have whispered reasons into your ear."

Ophelia smirked as she turned to glance at Klaus, "Along with all of those sweet nothings, of course." She added in and Klaus sent her a grin.

   "If I see him, I'll be sure to ask if he's still sore at you. Both of you." Rebekah assured them.

  "Let me give a voice to that look in your eyes." Klaus stated as he began to mock her, "My saintly noble brother lies writhing in agony in the Bayou, victim of my bastard brother's bite, when just one or two drops of his blood would ease his pain."

   "On the contrary, Nik, I am simply enjoying my brekkie, waiting for Elijah's healthy return." Rebekah argued as she took a sip of her coffee.

   "Oh, come on Rebekah, you've been giving Ophelia and I the devil's eye all morning. Out with it!" Klaus complained to her.

  "Perhaps I'm concerned that if I voice my opinion about what you did to Elijah and how you stole Ophelia from Marcel, I will end up on the wrong side of your toxic hybrid teeth." Rebekah retorted with an angry attitude.

  "Poppycock!" Klaus argued as her pointed at her, "I would never bite you. Elijah made some very offensive accusations about my intentions towards my child. He deserves a day or two of discomfort. Besides, you know my preferred method of punishment for your indiscretions is the dagger." A smirk formed on Klaus' lips, causing Ophelia to roll her eyes as she sipped
on her coffee.

Rebekah smiled as she stood up from her seat, "There is something fundamentally wrong with you." She told Klaus before turning to Ophelia, "And to think I was actually starting to like you again."

  She walked out of the room, leaving Klaus alone at the table with Ophelia by his side.


   That afternoon, Klaus looked out his window with a bourbon in his hand as he ranted to Ophelia, "They have all forsaken me, you see that, right? My siblings are as deceitful in disease just as my parents ever were. Accusing me of using my baby for my own gain. And trusting others before their own blood? You've got to be kidding me," Klaus ranted to the female tribrid, only to turn his body to see Ophelia was to busy on her phone to listen, "Are you even listening?" He asked her, annoyance laced in tone.

Ophelia immediately looked up at Klaus and nodded her head, "Yeah, of course," she answered as she glanced at  her phone once more to see a text from one of her spies inside Marcel's inner circle.

  "Elijah and Rebekah have cut to the quick with their vicious lies about me. And all I've done is tried to win this battle of wills over Marcel's control of the Quarter in order to reclaim our home.  Where you and I can be King and Queen once more." Klaus began to explain, only to hear the clicking of a keyboard of a phone. He turned to Ophelia once more to see she wasn't not listening, "See! You're not listening." He complained, pointing a finger at her.

  Angered, Ophelia abruptly got up from the chair and glared at Klaus, "What's the point, Klaus? You just repeat the same thing over and over again." Ophelia paused for a moment as she started to imitate Klaus in a perfect British accent, "Rebekah's out to get me. Elijah's out to get me. Everyone is out to get me. They're just like our parents." She ranted before going back to her normal faint French accent, "Is there anyone who isn't plotting your downfall? Nowadays, I doubt you trust your own reflection, Klaus. Why the hell are you so paranoid lately?"

Klaus ignored Ophelia's comment and concerned look, "You know, if the daggers weren't missing, I would put one in each of their hearts. Rid myself of the burden of my siblings for a couple of centuries." Klaus explained to her, venom in his tone.

"Look at you, Klaus!" Ophelia shouted at him, growing annoyed, "Repeating the same destructive cycles over and over again. Haven't you learned by now? Sticking in their dagger in their hearts does nothing but make them want to plot against you more."

Klaus glared at her, knowing she was right but decided to not tell her that, "I don't remember asking for your advice." He replied coldly.

  "Oh, really?" Ophelia scoffed, "You're the one who asked me to talk. These were your words," she began to imitate Klaus once more, "'You're the only one I can actually trust, Ophelia. The only one who truly understands. Hear me out, I need you to help me figure this out. Well, here's is my advice, Klaus: Stop being so scared that your siblings are going to leave you and fix your relationships with them."

  "I'm scared of nothing." Klaus told her and Ophelia stared at him in disbelief.

She scoffed as she picked up her bag and walked toward the door, "I think I'm going to go. I'm already sick of hearing you and I've only been here twelve hours." Ophelia stated.

  Klaus vamp sped over to the doorway and blocked the door, "Don't go. You're right. I asked you to stay for your advice. Now please stay." He pleaded and Ophelia looked at him shocked, knowing that Klaus rarely begged.

Ophelia stared at him for a moment, sighing as she dropped her bag on the ground, "Fine, I'll stay."

AN: Sorry for the long wait for a chapter.

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